China will promulgate an amended insurance law as part of a broad-ranging programme of post-WTO accession legislative renovation. An in-depth analysis of the pros and cons, and the implications for the China insurance market.
This piece of legislation marks a significant development of China's securities markets as it opens up the A share and domestic bond markets to foreign investment for the first time. It lays down the application and qualification standards of QFII.
A circular on the principles, procedures and rules regarding the transfer of state-owned shares and legal person shares in Listed companies to foreign investors issued by the CSRC, MOF and SETC.
National LegislationConstitution and Legal SystemMinistry of Justice Announcement (2002 Order No.11): 96 China Representative Offices of Foreign Law Firms…
Issued: July 3 2002Effective: as of date of issue.Interpreting authority: People's Bank of ChinaApplicability: Inter-bank bond market issue centre activities…
Promulgated: September 28 2002Effective: December 1 2002Applicability: Acquisition of a listed company refers to obtaining effective control over a listed…