Technology Media and Telecom

Data Protection in 2023: Towards a More Pragmatic Regulatory Framework and Establishment of a Data Element Market

February 08, 2024

Regulatory Developments in the Chinese Healthcare Industry in 2023

February 02, 2024

In the News: Shanghai Data Transfer; US AI Regulations; and US Sanctions Chinese BioTech

January 31, 2024

Jiangsu Province, Guidelines for the Handling of Criminal Cases Involving the Infringement of Trade Secrets

January 25, 2024

In the News: Higher Penalties for US Export Violations; Shein IPO Dilemma; and Further US Restrictions on China Investments

January 25, 2024

Square Pegs in Round Holes: U.S. Investment and Technology Restrictions on Chinese Interests

January 24, 2024

China's IP Developments in 2023 and Beyond

January 22, 2024

In the News: US Corporate Transparency Act; China AI Regulations; and Generali Group Buys Generali China Insurance

January 18, 2024

The Foreign Controls Challenges Facing China M&A

January 14, 2024