Multinationals must comply with new Chinese labeling requirements while the U.S. and EU have other specifications; A second Chinese court ruling affirms AI-generated images have copyright protection; and Supreme People’s Court cracks down on fraudulent behavior of prepayment service providers
Hong Kong stock market rebounds when Chinese government halts Swiss listings; China backs AI with government investment fund; and China’s Supreme People’s Court further protects intellectual property rights in apple plant varieties.
China clamps down on small-cap U.S. listings by Chinese issuers; China mandates personal information protection compliance audits for companies; and AI company loses against Reuters in U.S. summary judgment with key implication
Philip Qu of TransAsia Lawyers analyze regulatory and statutory progress in China’s ever flourishing TMT sector in 2024, and look at the outlook for 2025
Trump signs memorandum to restrict investments that do not serve American interests; A Jiangsu court ruled that investments in overseas crypto projects are not protected under Chinese law; and Chinese companies raise funds in hope of easing of regulations against private enterprises
Chinese regulatory support to China originated-biopharma companies is going global. Wu Ting, partner of the Life Sciences and Healthcare Practice at Haiwen & Partners examines the implications
Chinese EV maker Geely expands into Brazil through a partnership with France’s Renault; The parent company of Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger is blacklisted by China; and Canadian Solar is sued by China’s Trina Solar over patent infringement.
China increases regulatory framework for the pharma and life sciences sectors; Chinese authorities intervene to regulate VC funds management; and internet content providers could face stricter scrutiny on military-related content.