New regulations governing record filing requirements and procedures have been issued by MOFTEC. This law aims to clarify record filing procedures and streamlines the record filing process
Issued: April 17 2001Main contents: In response to the Shanghai Municipality, Questions Relevant to Re-Investment by Sino-foreign Equity Joint Ventures…
Issued: April 24 2001Effective: July 1 2001Main contents: The Circular states that public hearings of labour dispute cases are an effective way to strengthen…
Issued: March 27 2001Effective: as of date of receiptMain contents: According to the Circular, settlement and transfer of goods for further processing…
Promulgated: April 26 2001Effective: as of date of promulgationMain contents: The Procedures cover the conditions of issue, the submission, examination…
Promulgated: April 28 2001Effective: May 1 2001Main contents: New provisions have been added in the revised Law. For instance, Articles 6-8 are new provisions…
Promulgated: May 16 2001Effective: January 1 2002Applicability: The Procedures apply to the deposit and custody of clients' transaction settlement funds…
Promulgated: April 28 2001Effective: as of date of promulgationMain contents: First promulgated in 1950 and amended for the second time last April, the…
Published: May 17 2001Main contents: According to the Opinion, new shares may, at the option of the issuer and the lead distributor and subject to verification…