Promulgated: December 1 2001Effective: January 1 2002Main contents: The Provisions generally mirror those set out in the State Development and Planning…
(2000) Gao Zhi Zhong Zi No. 76CIVIL JUDGMENTBeing dissatisfied with civil judgment (1999) Er Zhong Zhi Chu Zi No. 86 rendered by the Second Intermediate…
(Promulgated by the State Council on December 22 2001 and effective as of January 1 2002.)PART ONE: GENERAL PROVISIONSArticle 1: These Regulations are…
Promulgated: December 30 2001Effective: January 1 2002Applicability: Technology import contracts entered into as capital contribution to, and acting as…
(Promulgated by the Shenzhen City People's Government on December 18 2001 and effective as of January 1 2002.)Article 1: These Measures are formulated…
Issued: February 4 2002Effective: as of date of issueInterpreting authority: China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)Main contents: The Guidelines…