National LegislationBankingQuestions and Answers on the Standards for Information Disclosures by Companies That Offer Securities to the Public No.2 - Allocations…
Issued: April 9 2001Effective: April 10 2001Main contents: The Interpretation concerns Articles 140 to 148 of the PRC, Criminal Law, which are found under…
National LegislationAdvertising and MarketingThe Question of How to Define Serious Cases of Direct Marketing and Disguised Direct Marketing Offical Reply关于情节严重的传销或者变相传销行为如何定性问题的批复5500/2001.04.10Economic…
Issued: November 20 2000Main contents: The Circular states that catering service prices should be regulated by the market (Item One). Such measures that…
Promulgated: March 14 2000Effective: as of date of promulgationInterpreting Authority: State Bureau of Quality and Technical SupervisionMain Contents:…