September 20, 2018
Insurance companies are required to include independent directors.
September 10, 2018
The national negative list is relaxed
The 2018 version of the FTZ Negative List greatly relaxes market access
September 09, 2018
Online streaming service providers are required to carry out ICP record filing procedures
Private tutoring companies are facing stricter regulation
Curbs are imposed on large exposures of banks
Major violations of the law are specified in the delisting system
September 08, 2018
National Legislation Banking and FinanceGuidelines on Governance of the Data of Banking Financial Institutions银行业金融机构数据治理指引L3610/18.05.21 Guidelines…
Issued: July 8, 2018 Main contents: The amended Measures broaden the scope of employees with foreign nationality of domestic listed…
Employment permit requirements have been lifted for all Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents