January 18, 2019
Financial information providers are placed under cybersecurity scrutiny
January 16, 2019
An IP tribunal is set up to hear complex IP cases
Patent infringement penalties will be increased
January 09, 2019
Issued: September 5, 2018 Main contents: Where the purpose of a co-owned part is to be changed or such a part is to be used to engage in business…
Issued: December 26, 2018 Applicability: This Law shall govern foreign investment in China. For the purposes of this…
January 02, 2019
Private kindergartens are not allowed to be listed
Five arbitration institutions are included in the “one-stop” resolution mechanism for Belt and Road disputes
New tax deferral policy clarified
December 19, 2018
Limits on maximum amounts of e-commerce retail import purchases are raised
December 12, 2018
Listed companies are encouraged to buy back their shares