March 12, 2020
China has been issuing legislation to help companies cope with the coronavirus impact in the areas of FDI, dispute resolution, IP, social insurance and tax
Banks and insurance companies are allowed to engage in sovereign bond futures trading
Employers are given relief from social insurance during the coronavirus period
March 08, 2020
Tax reliefs are offered to cope with the coronavirus
Employers' portion of medical insurance contributions is reduced during the coronavirus period
March 06, 2020
Extensions may be granted to IP applications due to coronavirus obstruction
Leakage of user information as a result of failure in cybersecurity management obligations may be criminal
February 28, 2020
Courts are given guidance to conduct online trials during the epidemic period
February 27, 2020
Foreign parties may hold a controlling interest in wealth management companies
February 21, 2020
Assistance is offered to foreign investors during the epidemic period