Issued: March 6 2001Effective: as of date of issueInterpreting authority: China Securities Regulatory CommissionApplicability: These Guidelines apply to…
Issued: November 20 2000Effective: as of date of issueInterpreting authority: People's Bank of ChinaApplicability: For the purposes of the Guidelines,…
Promulgated: December 26 2000Effective: as of date of promulgationInterpreting authority: State Economic and Trade CommissionApplicability: County or higher…
Issued: January 20 2001Effective: as of date of issueInterpreting authority: Ministry of ConstructionApplicability: The scope of project survey qualifications…
Promulgated: October 1 2000Effective: as of date of promulgationInterpreting authority: Ministry of RailwaysApplicability: The Measures apply to joint…
Promulgated: January 11 2001Effective: as of date of promulgationApplicability: The Measures apply to all licensed telecommunications business operators…
Promulgated: January 4 2001Effective: October 1 2001Applicability: These Measures apply to registration of all motor vehicles in the PRC other than those…
Promulgated: February 20 2001Effective: April 1 2001Applicability: The Provisions apply to all employers in the urban area of Beijing Municipality, including…
Promulgated: December 28 2000Effective: as of date of promulgationApplicability: These Measures apply to the invitation and submission of bids for government-financed…