Issued: April 26 2001Effective: as of date of issueApplicability: All listed companies that apply to issue convertible bonds are required to prepare and…
Issued: April 13 2001Main contents: The Reply states that evidence that a company has published three announcements in newspapers need not be submitted…
Issued: April 26 2001Effective: as of date of issueInterpreting authority: China Securities Regulatory CommissionApplicability: These Guidelines apply…
National LegislationAdvertising and MarketingThe Question of How to Define Serious Cases of Direct Marketing and Disguised Direct Marketing Offical Reply关于情节严重的传销或者变相传销行为如何定性问题的批复5500/2001.04.10Economic…
Issued: October 31 2000Effective: as of date of issueApplicability: Mining industry rights is a collective name for exploration rights, mining rights and…
Promulgated: March 5 2001Effective: April 1 2001Interpreting authority: State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and QuarantineApplicability: The…
Published: April 28 2001Main contents: According to the Circular, online bulletin board services (BBS) in the Beijing area are subject to special examination…
Issued: April 7 2001Effective: as of date of issueMain contents: The Circular states the principles on which the stock exchange determines the issue date…
Published: March 29 2001Effective: July 1 2001Applicability: For the purposes of the Announcement, a "commercial bank"means an enterprise legal person…
Issued: April 5 2001Effective: May 1 2001Applicability: For the purposes of the Regulations, the High and New Technology Industrial Park of Shenzhen Special…