Issued: February 21 2002Main contents: The Reply clarifies that the transfer of enterprise property rights is different from the sale of immovable property…
Issued: March 11 2002Main contents: The Circular changes Item Five of Article 6 from "a photocopy of the project approval from the Ministry of Foreign…
Issued: February 25 2002Effective: as of date of issueMain contents: The revisions aim to achieve consistency with the provisions of the Suspension and…
Issued: November 29 2001Effective: 2001Main contents: The Circular stipulates that where there is a difference between the income tax rate applicable to…
Promulgated: February 8 2002Effective: as of date of promulgationInterpreting authority: Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC) and…
Issued: February 9 2002Main contents: The Official Reply lists the order of deduction of property leasing related taxes and fees before paying of individual…