Issued: April 23 2002Main contents: The Opinion sets forth conditions in addition to the conditions specified in the Shanghai Municipality, Brokers Regulations…
Issued: March 12 2002Main contents: The Circular stipulates that an individual investment fund cannot hold shares issued by the same company for more than…
Promulgated: May 28 2002Effective: as of date of promulgationInterpreting authority: Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Finance, State Development…
Issued: April 4 2002Applicability: The Thorough Implementation of the «State Council, The Adjustment of Tax Policies on Imported Equipment Circular»Urgent…
Promulgated: June 29 2002Effective: January 1 2003Main contents: The Law contains seven parts dealing with funding assistance, business establishment support,…
Promulgated: June 4 2002Effective: as of date of promulgationInterpreting authority: People's Bank of ChinaApplicability: The Guidelines apply to share…
Issued: June 25 2002Effective: July 1 2002Main contents: The main parts of the Opinion include requirements concerning independence, professional competence,…
Issued: June 20 2002Effective: as of date of issue for Articles 1 to 3 and six months as of date of issue for Article 4Main contents: The Reply states…
Issued: June 17 2002Effective: July 1 2002Applicability: For the purposes of the Circular, "capital funds of foreign investment" refers to the foreign…
Issued: April 17 2002Applicability: The rights and obligations of foreigners, and people from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, approved to be employed within…