Issued: July 31 2002Applicability: The Reminder is not part of the practice guidelines or practice rules and is only for reference.Main contents: The Reminder…
Promulgated: August 1 2002Effective: September 30 2002Applicability: The Measures apply to those engaged in domain name registration services and other…
Promulgated: August 3 2002Effective: September 15 2002Main contents: Implementing Regulations cover the following topics: application for trademark registration;…
Issued: July 11 2002Effective: August 1 2002Interpreting authority: State Administration of Foreign ExchangeMain contents: The Rules state that designated…
Issued: July 1 2002Effective: as of date of issueMain contents: The Circular supplements the Pilot Projects for Open-ended Securities Investment Funds…
Issued: July 20 2002Effective: as of date of issueMain contents: The Provisions set forth the conditions, procedures and preferential policies for foreign…
Issued: July 23 2002Effective: as of date of issueMain contents: The Provisions aim to relax registration policies, streamline registration procedures…
Issued: July 17 2002Main contents: The Circular clarifies that where a foreign-invested enterprise, in accordance with a resolution of its board of directors,…
Issued: July 24 2002Effective: as of date of issueInterpreting authority: The Shanghai Stock ExchangeMain contents: The Provisions state that PRC resident…