National LegislationConstitution and Legal SystemMinistry of Justice Announcement (No.35): 35 Mainland Representative Offices of Hong Kong Law Firms Approved…
Guideline for the issuance, investment ratio, investment term, risk control and compliance procedures in relation to insurance company's subordinated debt investment.
Guidelines for the issuance, investment ratio, investment term, risk control and compliance procedures in relation to insurance company's subordinated debt investment.
Guideline for the issuance, investment ratio, investment term, risk control and compliance procedures in relation to insurance company's subordinated debt investment.
Sets out the temporary framework for insurance asset management companies on establishment, change, termination, business scope, operation rules, and risk control.
Issued: June 25 2004Effective: as of date of issueApplicability: The Circular also applies to investments in subordinated bonds by insurance asset management…