Foreign Direct Investment

Administration of Foreign-invested Venture Capital Investment Enterprises Provisions

February 28, 2003

Restructuring China's Power Sector

February 28, 2003

Ministry of Communications, Further Widening the Scope of Foreign Investment in the Road Transportation Sector Circular

January 31, 2003

FIEs, 25% or Less!

January 31, 2003

Administration of Foreign-invested Construction Enterprises Provisions

November 30, 2002

Ministry of Construction and Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, Administration of Foreign-invested Construction Design Enterprises Provisions

November 30, 2002

State Council General Office, Issues Relevant to the Proper Handling of Current Projects with Guaranteed Fixed Returns for Foreign Investors Circular

November 30, 2002

The Missing Piece of the Puzzle: New QFII Rules Open A Share Market

November 30, 2002

Amending the Insurance Law: Long-Term Policy or Expedient Measures?

November 30, 2002