Features & Analyses

Genetic Modification in Agriculture: The Impact of China's Regulations on Foreign Trade and Investment

October 31, 2001

Opportunities in M&A Transactions in China's Emerging Private Sector

October 02, 2001

Expansion of Trading Rights for FIEs: Further Steps in China's WTO Accession

October 02, 2001

Foreign-Invested Leasing Companies: A New Lease on Life?

October 02, 2001

China's Foreign Venture Capital Law: How Far From Customary International Fund Practice?

October 02, 2001

Slow Train Coming: New Draft Regulations on Franchising

October 02, 2001

Belated PRC Online Banking Regulations Welcomed By Financial Services Sector

September 02, 2001

China's Bank Asset Management Companies: Gold in Them Thar Hills?

September 02, 2001

RMB Borrowing - A Market with Unrealized Potential

September 02, 2001

China's WTO Accession: A New Opportunity for Competition Law Reform

September 02, 2001