Features & Analyses

Progress or Setback? Looking at the New Approval Measures for Foreign Investment Projects

October 31, 2004

Human Asset Management: Employment Issues in M&A Deals

October 31, 2004

China Presses Ahead with Macroeconomic Adjustment Measures

October 31, 2004

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: A Minefield for US Companies in China

October 31, 2004

Land Use in China: The Impact of the Economic Revolution

October 31, 2004

Electric Blues: Reforming China's Electricity Pricing System

October 02, 2004

The Electronic Signatures Law: China's First National E-Commerce Legislation

October 02, 2004

New Automotive Industry Policy Promises Rosy Prospects

October 02, 2004

CEPA II: A Song of Sixpence?

October 02, 2004

China Sets Short Timetable for Bankruptcy Law Reform

October 02, 2004