China's latest draft measures should better regulate data protection and cybersecurity, but they could also result in the exclusion of some foreign firms.
China's internet regulator releases a draft of data protection law for public consultation; regulators take over Baoshang Bank due to serious credit risk exposure; and CSRC vice chair Yan Qingmin pushes for tougher penalties.
Casper Sek and Ben Qi of Jin Mao Partners examine the newly introduced provisions on blockchain information services and discuss their regulatory scope and how they will regulate such services.
Jet Deng and Ken Dai of Dentons discuss theregulation of data protection in China, the recentlyintroduced guidelines for protecting personalinformation and how they regulate big data andartificial intelligence, how data protection andcybersecurity laws affect overseas data transfersand e-commerce platforms, and what e-commerceplatforms should do to comply with cybersecurityregulations 大成律师事务所的邓志松律师和戴健民律师探讨了中国的数据保护监管,最近发布的个人信息保护指引及其如何监管大数据和人工智能,数据保护和网络安全法规如何影响数据出境和电商平台,以及电商平台如何遵守网络安全法规
Issued: October 19, 2018Main contents: Within 10 workings days from the date on which it commences providing services, a blockchain information service…