Corporate Governance

China Securities Regulatory Commission, Guiding Opinions on the Administration of Investment Management Personnel of Fund Management Companies

November 30, 2006

Ministry of Commerce, Supplementary Provisions for the Measures for the Administration of Foreign Investment in the Commercial Sector (2)

November 30, 2006

China Insurance Regulatory Commission, Circular on the Investment in the Equity Interests of Commercial Banks by Insurance Institutions

November 30, 2006

High productivity in technology industry a threat to multinationals

November 30, 2006

State Council, PRC Regulations for the Administration of Foreign-invested Banks

November 30, 2006

China Banking Regulatory Commission, Guidelines on Financial Innovation of Commercial Banks

November 30, 2006

Sellers' Remedies and Strategies when Dealing with Financially-Distressed Buyers in the United States and Taiwan

November 30, 2006