When an IPO issuer restructures identical, similar or related businesses under the same corporate controller during the reporting period, it shall pay close attention to the effect of the reorganization on its total assets, or its operating revenue or gross profit.
How do the Leading Lawyer nominations reflect the evolution of the legal system in China? China Law & Practice takes a closer look at the results, and speaks to the nominees about their areas of expertise. Hear from the experts what the future holds for China law.
The Provisions detail the approval procedure of the board of directors of a listed company on material asset reorganization and related information disclosure obligations.
Zhang Zhong Dong and Chen Zheng JunKhattarWongPursuant to the Provisions for the Acquisition of Domestic Enterprises by Foreign Investors of the People's…
A material asset reorganization shall be constituted when the purchase or sale of assets by a listed company and by the companies in which it has a controlling interest or that it controls reaches any of the specified benchmarks