New Rules on democratic management are part of the government's labour initiative. They build on economic policy, local regulations and unionisation plans, but without a relevant body to enforce against foreign invested enterprises, their impact is uncertain
New Rules on democratic management are part of the government's labour initiative. They build on economic policy, local regulations and unionisation plans, but without a relevant body to enforce against foreign invested enterprises, their impact is uncertain
Internet investment scams are on the rise in China. Protecting your business's reputation is of paramount importance, as the scams work quickly and seek to gain as much money as possible, before the fraudsters can be traced
New regulatory opinions address common issues faced by Chinese companies when restructuring. They may also make things easier for foreign-invested companies
The Catalogue has been revised since the 2007 revision. Venture investment enterprises and intellectual property services are added to the encouraged category while the manufacture of assembled automobiles is removed from the category.