China Law News

Hamburg Summit Closes in on Belt and Road Initiative

November 29, 2018

Legislation roundup: Financial institutions, bond investment and debt-for-equity swaps

November 28, 2018

In the News: Hamburg Summit; Shanghai FTZ Growth; and AI Regulation

November 27, 2018

Legislation roundup: Local government bonds, asset restructurings and social insurance

November 21, 2018

In the News: New Patent Regulations, New Futures Product, and Improved Judicial Transparency

November 19, 2018

Legislation roundup: Blockchain, share buybacks and insurance asset management

November 14, 2018

In the News: Shanghai-London Stock Connect; China-Singapore FTA; and Protection for Entrepreneurs

November 13, 2018

HKIAC Introduces New Rules

November 08, 2018

Legislation roundup: Stamp Tax, Shanghai FTZ and pharma

November 07, 2018

In the News: Import Expo; Hangzhou Internet Court; and Fair Competition

November 06, 2018