Banks and insurance companies to boost green finance development; PRC courts to develop standard uses of blockchain technology by 2025; strengthened internal management requirements ensures probity of intermediaries
Danlei Wu of Fangda Partners shines a light on the Supreme People's Court's latest IP annual report, and shows how the SPC is leading the way in developing China's litigation landscape
Chinese court imposes stringent requirements on NFT marketplaces to monitor copyright compliance; New rules on dissemination of false and price-sensitive information and pricing; Heightened burden on live-streaming platforms to protect minors
Draft law to boost protection against systemic risks; SPC amends rules on summary procedures, service of litigation documents, small claims, and judicial confirmation; Policymakers aim to knock down localism and unify market standards
2021 regulatory trends in China, including antitrust, data privacy, sanctions, healthcare, PE/VC, capital markets, IP, banking & finance, TMT and arbitration.
Regulation of platform economy to focus on anti-trust, data security, and personal information protection; U.S. might ban import of rare earth metals from China for military use; new process to expedite application of certain trademarks
Fay Zhou and Arthur Peng of Linklaters review major developments in China's anti-trust regulations that aim to offer clearer guidance and more efficient enforcement actions that can impact on this area of law for the next decade. These developments include stronger deterrence, expanded substantive prohibitions, public interest litigation and a firmer stance against consolidation.
Hong Kong finalizes secondary listing reforms to attract more Greater China Issuers; SAMR fines tech giants for failing to declare transactions; and German insurer Allianz approved to take full control of life insurance business