Legislation roundup: Anti-Unfair Competition Law Revision, VAT Law, and Company Law

Business operators are prohibited from misusing their data and technology to impede the normal operation of the network product or service offered by another business operator. New VAT Law solves the issue of a transaction with two tax rates. Supreme People’s Court clarifies the non-retroactive application of the revised Company Law.


PRC Anti-Unfair Competition Law (Bill of Amendment)
中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法 (修订草案)

A business operator that utilizes a network to engage in production and operating activities shall comply with the provisions hereof. A business operator may not, by means such as influencing user choice or otherwise, use data and algorithms, technology or platform rules to commit the acts set forth below that impede or undermine the normal operation of the network product or service legally offered by another business operator:

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