Tentative Provisions for the Administration of the Designation of a Domestic Responsible Person by Foreign Marketing Authorization Holders


Foreign marketing authorization holders are required to designate a domestic responsible person in China ; Clp Reference: 2600/24.11.13 ; Issued: 2024-11-13 ; Effective: 2025-07-01

(Issued by the National Medical Products Administration on November 13, 2024 and effective as of July 1, 2025.)

NMPA Announcement No.137

Article 1:                These Provisions have been formulated pursuant to the PRC Law for the Administration of Pharmaceuticals, the PRC Law for the Administration of Vaccines and relevant laws and regulations in order to strengthen the oversight of foreign marketing authorization holders, implement entity liability for post-marketing quality management and regulate the activity of foreign1 marketing authorization holders designating Domestic2 Responsible Persons.

Article 2:                For the purposes of these Provisions, the term “Foreign Holder” means a foreign marketing authorization holder that has secured a pharmaceutical registration certificate issued by the National Medical Products Administration. A Foreign Holder shall be liable in accordance with the law for the safety, efficacy and quality control throughout the production of, dealing in and use of a pharmaceutical for which it holds a pharmaceutical registration certificate once the same is on the market.

For the purposes of these Provisions, the term “Domestic Responsible Person” means a domestic enterprise with legal personality designated by a Foreign Holder to perform the obligations of a marketing authorization holder in mainland China and bear joint and several liability with the marketing authorization holder.

Article 3:                These Provisions shall govern the designation of Domestic Responsible Persons by Foreign Holders in accordance with the law, the performance of the relevant obligations of a marketing authorization holder by Domestic Responsible Persons in mainland China as well as the activity of medical products administration overseeing Domestic Responsible Persons.

The National Medical Products Administration is charged with guiding the medical products administration of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government in overseeing Domestic Responsible Persons. The medical products administration of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government are responsible for the oversight of the Domestic Responsible Persons in their administrative regions.

Article 4:                A Domestic Responsible Person shall simultaneously satisfy the following conditions:

(1)               being an enterprise with legal personality established in mainland China;

(2)               having a quality management system commensurate with the task of performing the obligations of a marketing authorization holder;

(3)               having the appropriate personnel for performing the obligations of a marketing authorization holder and having dedicated personnel independently responsible for pharmaceutical quality management activities; and

(4)               having the appropriate office premises.

Article 5:                Before its pharmaceutical is first imported and sold, a Foreign Holder shall report its designated Domestic Responsible Person to the medical products administration of the province, autonomous regions or municipality directly under the central government where it is located via the National Pharmaceutical Business Application System and upload the materials authorizing its designated Domestic Responsible Person.

Article 6:                The authorization materials of a Domestic Responsible Person designated by a Foreign Holder shall include the following:

(1)               the name, contact telephone number and email address of the legal representative or authorized representative of the Foreign Holder and the name, contact telephone number and email address of its contact person;

(2)               the name and identity document information of the legal representative, enterprise person in charge and contact person of the Domestic Responsible Person, the enterprise’s correspondence address and its contact information, organizational chart, etc.;

(3)               the original of the obligation co-signing undertaking signed by the Foreign Holder or its authorized representative and the legal representative of the Domestic Responsible Person; and

(4)               a notarized list of the authorized responsibilities.

Materials bearing a reliable electronic signature or electronic seal that conforms with the provisions of laws shall have the same legal effect as those bearing a handwritten signature or seal.

Article 7:                With respect to any one pharmaceutical product marketed in mainland China, the Foreign Holder shall designate a sole Domestic Responsible Person therefor to perform the obligations of the marketing authorization holder. One Domestic Responsible Person may accept designations by different Foreign Holders and for different imported pharmaceutical products.

The name, address and contact information of the Domestic Responsible Person shall be provided in the directions for use of the pharmaceutical.

Article 8:                Where a Foreign Holder replaces its Domestic Responsible Person, the same shall be reported to the medical products administration of the post-change province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government where it is located via the National Pharmaceutical Business Application System within 15 working days after the entry into effect of the letter of authorization.

Where the particulars of a Domestic Responsible Person such as its corporate address or contact information changes, it shall report the same to the medical products administration of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government where it is located via the National Drug Business Application System in a timely manner.

A Foreign Holder shall report in its annual report changes in its Domestic Responsible Person during the previous year.

Article 9:                The National Medical Products Administration and the medical products administration of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government shall achieve the sharing of relevant information on the Domestic Responsible Persons in the administrative regions of the provinces via the National Regulatory Data Sharing Platform for Medical Products. The National Medical Products Administration shall file relevant information on Domestic Responsible Persons in pharmaceutical product files in a timely manner.

Article 10:            The National Medical Products Administration shall be responsible for disclosing relevant information on Domestic Responsible Persons, and the public shall have the right to review the same.

Article 11:            A Domestic Responsible Person and the Foreign Holder shall jointly perform the following obligations:

(1)               being responsible for the quality and safety of the pharmaceutical and establishing a post-marketing quality assurance system to ensure a continuing capacity to ensure quality and control risks;

(2)               being responsible for establishing and implementing a pharmaceutical traceability system to ensure that the relevant marketed pharmaceutical is traceable and providing traceability information in accordance with provisions;

(3)               being responsible for establishing and implementing a pharmaceutical annual report system and reporting information on the production and sale of the relevant pharmaceutical in mainland China, post-marketing research, risk management, etc. in accordance with provisions;

(4)               being responsible for establishing and implementing a system for managing post-marketing changes and re-registration of the pharmaceutical and carrying out the matters relating to changes in accordance with provisions;

(5)               being responsible for establishing a pharmacovigilance system and conducting monitoring, identification, assessment and control of adverse reactions to the marketed pharmaceutical and other harmful reactions relating to the use of the pharmaceutical;

(6)               being responsible for matters such as post-marketing recall of the pharmaceutical and handling of quality complaints, and reporting the same to the medical products administration of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government of the place where it is located in accordance with provisions;

(7)               submitting standard substances to the National Institutes for Food and Drug Control in accordance with provisions and actively cooperating in relevant work such as random inspections and releases arranged and carried out by the medical products administration;

(8)               being responsible for liaison with the Foreign Holder and cooperating with the medical products administration in its conduct of inspections and investigations of production premises relating to the Foreign Holder and investigation and handling of violations of laws and regulations thereby; and

(9)               other obligations as specified in laws and regulations.

Article 12:            A Foreign Holder shall be responsible for management of the authorization and replacement of its Domestic Responsible Person and ensure that its Domestic Responsible Person performs its obligations on an ongoing basis while the pharmaceutical is on the market.

Article 13:            When import record filing is carried out for the first time for an imported pharmaceutical, the port medical products administration shall verify whether the directions for use of the imported pharmaceutical provide the particulars of the Domestic Responsible Person.

Article 14:            The medical products administration of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government shall, in accordance with laws and regulations, conduct monitoring inspections of the pharmaceutical related activities engaged in by Domestic Responsible Persons performing the obligations of Foreign Holders in its administrative region. Relevant entities and individuals shall offer their cooperation, and may not refuse or dissemble.

The medical products administration of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government shall open regulatory files of Domestic Responsible Persons, the information therein to include information on monitoring inspections, investigations and the handling of violations of laws and regulations, handling of complaints and reports, etc.

Where the pharmaceutical registration certificate held by a Foreign Holder is canceled or revoked, the medical products administration of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government of the place where the Domestic Responsible Person for the pharmaceutical product is located shall be responsible for placing the relevant notation in the National Pharmaceutical Business Application System.

Article 15:            Where a Domestic Responsible Person fails to satisfy the conditions set forth in Article 4 hereof, the medical products administration of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government shall procure rectification thereof within the specified period of time. If the Domestic Responsible Person still fails to satisfy the relevant conditions after rectification, the medical products administration shall take measures such as suspension of sales or import.

Article 16:            Where a Domestic Responsible Person fails to perform an obligation set forth in Article 11 hereof, resulting in an imported pharmaceutical potentially posing a latent safety risk, the medical products administration of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government shall, in light of the outcome of a monitoring inspection, take measures such as giving a warning, calling in for a talk, ordering rectification within a specified period of time, or suspending sale, use or import, and announce the results of the inspection and handling in a timely manner.

Where a Domestic Responsible Person fails to perform a relevant obligation in accordance with the PRC Law on the Administration of Pharmaceuticals or the PRC Law on the Administration of Vaccines, it shall be penalized in accordance with relevant provisions of the PRC Law on the Administration of Pharmaceuticals or the PRC Law on the Administration of Vaccines.

Article 17:            The medical products administration of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government may formulate detailed implementing rules pursuant hereto.

Article 18:            These Provisions shall be effective as of July 1, 2025.

Translator’s notes:


国家药监局公告 第137号

第一条 为加强境外药品上市许可持有人的监督管理,落实药品上市后质量管理主体责任,规范境外药品上市许可持有人指定境内责任人活动,根据《中华人民共和国药品管理法》《中华人民共和国疫苗管理法》及相关法律法规,制定本规定。

第二条 本规定所称境外持有人,是指取得国家药品监督管理局颁发的药品注册证书的境外药品上市许可持有人。境外持有人应当依法对其持有药品注册证书的药品上市后生产、经营、使用全过程的安全性、有效性和质量可控性负责。


第三条 境外持有人依法指定境内责任人,境内责任人在中国境内履行药品上市许可持有人相关义务,以及药品监督管理部门对境内责任人监督管理活动,适用本规定。


第四条 境内责任人应当同时具备下列条件:





第五条 境外持有人应当在药品首次进口销售前,通过国家药品业务应用系统向所在地省、自治区、直辖市药品监督管理部门报告其指定的境内责任人,并上传指定境内责任人的授权材料。

第六条 境外持有人指定境内责任人的授权材料应当包括以下内容:






第七条 对于在中国境内上市的单一药品品种,境外持有人应当为其指定唯一的中国境内责任人,履行药品上市许可持有人义务,同一中国境内责任人可以接受不同境外持有人、不同进口药品品种的指定。


第八条 境外持有人变更境内责任人的,自授权书生效后15个工作日内通过国家药品业务应用系统向变更后所在地省、自治区、直辖市药品监督管理部门报告。



第九条 国家药品监督管理局和省、自治区、直辖市药品监督管理部门通过国家药品监管数据共享平台,实现各省行政区域内境内责任人相关信息共享。国家药品监督管理局及时将境内责任人相关信息归集到药品品种档案。

第十条 国家药品监督管理局负责对境内责任人的有关信息予以公开,公众有权查阅。

第十一条 境内责任人与境外持有人共同履行以下义务:










第十二条 境外持有人应当对其境内责任人的授权和变更管理负责,确保药品上市期间境内责任人持续履行义务。

第十三条 进口药品首次办理进口备案时,口岸药品监督管理局应当查验进口药品说明书是否载明境内责任人信息。

第十四条 省、自治区、直辖市药品监督管理部门应当依照法律、法规对本行政区域内境内责任人履行境外持有人义务从事药品相关的活动开展监督检查。有关单位和个人应当予以配合,不得拒绝或者隐瞒。



第十五条 境内责任人不具备本规定第四条条件的,省、自治区、直辖市药品监督管理部门应当督促限期整改;整改后仍不具备相应条件的,采取暂停销售、进口等措施。

第十六条 境内责任人未履行本规定第十一条的义务,导致进口药品可能存在安全隐患的,省、自治区、直辖市药品监督管理部门根据监督检查情况,应当采取告诫、约谈、限期整改以及暂停销售、使用、进口等措施,并及时公布检查处理结果。


第十七条 省、自治区、直辖市药品监督管理部门可以根据本规定制定实施细则。

第十八条 本规定自2025年7月1日起施行。

1. Meaning outside of mainland China

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