Navigating Uncharted Waters: Essential Insights for Chinese Companies and Executives in US Criminal Trade Secrets Cases

As the international picture remains uncertain, Chris Niewoehner, Jessica Rothschild and Lin Yang of Steptoe LLP examine the particular challenges faced by Chinese companies caught up in U.S. criminal cases


  • Although the 'China Initiative' has formally been concluded, the U.S. government's stance towards Chinese corporations remains challenging
  • Chinese companies and their executives can find themselves under investigation or even subject to prosecution for theft of trade secrets, often alongside or following civil cases; competitor companies can be particularly vulnerable
  • Executives and employees of Chinese companies named in trade secrets cases may personally be indicted, sometimes unawares
  • U.S. discovery rules can be complex and access to information can prove difficult
  • Representation by appropriately experienced U.S. counsel is vital


The "China Initiative" launched by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) in November 2018 claimed to prioritize the criminal investigation and prosecution of the theft of trade secrets and economic espionage. The China Initiative served as an umbrella term for cases with any connection to China, no matter how tenuous. Under the initiative, Chinese companies and their executives have been indicted, leading to challenging criminal legal battles.

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