In the News: Microsoft-UAE Deal; Nippon Steel Retreats From Chinese JV; and China Imposes Curbs on Capital Markets

July 25, 2024 | BY

clee &Krista Lee

U.S. lawmakers are worried about Microsoft's deal with a UAE-based AI company that has China ties; Nippon Steel ends joint venture with Baoshan; and China tightens regulation on hedge funds and programmed trading.

Promulgated: 2024-07-13

Microsoft company offices in Munich, Germany. Credit: Dvoevnore/Adobe Stock

Concerns over Microsoft's Investment in UAE AI Company

U.S. lawmakers have asked the Biden Administration to conduct an intelligence assessment of Microsoft's $1.5 billion investment in G42, a UAE-based artificial intelligence (AI) company, expressing concern that the company handles sensitive technology and has ties with China, Caixin reports.

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