Secretariat of the National Information Security Standardization Technical Committee, Guidelines for Cybersecurity Standards Practices—Guidelines for One-Touch Halting of the Collection of Out-of-Vehicle Data (Draft for Comments)

全国网络安全标准化技术委员会秘书处网络安全标准实践指南— 一键停止收集车外数据指引 (征求意见稿)

July 22, 2024 | BY

Susan Mok

Vehicles should allow one-touch halting of collection of out-of-vehicle data

Issued: June 21, 2024

Main contents: The one-touch halting of collection of out-of-vehicle data function realizes the control over the halting of collection of out-of-vehicle data by turning off various onboard sensors, such as cameras and radar.

The types of data collected by vehicles equipped with cameras and radar include general personal information, sensitive personal information, key data, etc. Out-of-vehicle data subjects are unaware of such data collection acts and uninformed about the subsequent data processing activities. Out-of-vehicle data collected by onboard cameras and radar may constitute data with temporal, spatial and other such geographic feature attributes.

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