Hainan Province, Regulations for the Development of International Data Centers in Hainan Free Trade Port (Draft for Public Comments)

海南省海南自由贸易港国际数据中心发展条例 (公开征求意见稿)

July 12, 2024 | BY

Susan Mok

Foreign-invested enterprises may engage in international data center business in Hainan Free Trade Port

Issued: June 26, 2024

Main contents:  Enterprises (including foreign-invested enterprises) whose place of registration or service facilities (including leased or purchased facilities) are in Hainan Free Trade Port may apply to a provincial-level basic telecommunications operator in Hainan Province and, after approval by the procedure, may utilize dedicated high-speed, convenient cross-border data channels to engage in international data center business (Article 4).

An international data center business operator may provide to parties overseas such international data services as game services, film and television processing, commercial spaceflight, Beidou applications, cross-border e-commerce, cross-border streaming, cross-border tourism, telemedicine, distance education, international academic exchange and cooperation and cross-border production and manufacturing, etc. (Article 5).

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