In the News: Landmark Oppo v Nokia Patent Case Settled; Gotion Deal Scrutiny; and Apps' Illegal Collection of Personal Data

December 15, 2023 | BY

Krista Lee &Clarence Lee

Chinese court established the FRAND rate for 5G patents in Oppo v Nokia case; Regulator warns Gotion of failing to disclose conditions of its deal with Illinois; and Apps like Alibaba Marketplace and Taobao Alliance are violating data collection laws

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First Global Judgment on 5G Royalty Rates

On December 14th, the Chongqing People's Court published a ruling finding that the electronics company Nokia should lower the royalty rates that Chinese electronics company Oppo should be required to pay. Nokia said it would appeal, saying it believes it "only represents one view" on this case, according to the South China Morning Post. Currently, the ruling by the Chongqing court set the Fair, Reasonable, and Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) licensing rate for 5G patents in China between 4.341% and 5.273%, which is less than the original 6.82% rate Nokia has been charging. According to Yicai Global, the Chinese Chongqing court achieved a global milestone by being the first to establish a FRAND rate on 5G wireless patents.

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