Shanghai Municipality, Guidelines for the Establishment of Chief Data Officer Systems in the Telecommunications and Internet Industries (Trial Implementation)
上海市电信和互联网行业首席数据官制度建设指南 (试行)
July 04, 2023 | BY
Susan MokShanghai requires the establishment of a chief data officer system
Issued: June 13, 2023
Main contents: The Guidelines apply to telecommunications and internet enterprises that have secured telecommunications service permits in Shanghai, including basic telecommunications service operators and such value-added telecommunications service operators as internet data centers, Internet access services, online data processing and transaction processing, internet information services, etc. as well as domain name registration management and service institutions. The Guidelines expressly specify that the CDO is to be part of the top management of an enterprise, is required to be the manager in the senior management team charged with data governance, is responsible for and implements the enterprise's data-related strategic work, etc. The enterprise is required to report CDO candidates to the communications authority for the record.
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