China Lays a Solid Foundation for Antitrust: Major Developments in 2021

January 14, 2022 | BY

Susan Mok

Fay Zhou and Arthur Peng of Linklaters review major developments in China's anti-trust regulations that aim to offer clearer guidance and more efficient enforcement actions that can impact on this area of law for the next decade. These developments include stronger deterrence, expanded substantive prohibitions, public interest litigation and a firmer stance against consolidation.


  • Proposed amendments to the Anti-Monopoly Law include the expansion of substantive prohibitions and the enhancement of penalties.
  • Persons-in-charge or directly responsible persons within a company may be held personally liable if the company concludes a monopoly agreement, and are subject to a fine of up to RMB 1 million.
  • China is trying to seek more fundamental solutions to market structure issues and provide more guidance on potential forms of infringements to avoid their occurrences.



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