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How a Biden Presidency Might Shake Up US-China Investment
November 20, 2020 | BY
Vincent ChowScrutiny of Chinese investment in the U.S. is unlikely to ease anytime soon, but a Biden administration is expected to adopt a less abrasive approach than that of his predecessor
A new president in the White House is unlikely to lead to a relaxing of regulatory scrutiny of Chinese investment in the U.S. However, a Biden administration is likely to adopt a less confrontational approach towards Chinese investors than its predecessor, potentially boosting the confidence of Chinese investors who have largely steered clear of the U.S. market in recent years, lawyers say.
For several years now, the Trump administration has aggressively blocked Chinese investments over national security concerns. High-profile cases including bans on TikTok and WeChat as well as the blocking of numerous deals involving Chinese acquirers have depressed deal activity to a decade low.
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