Several Provisions on Evidence in Civil Procedures
Supreme People's Court specifies the presentation of electronic evidence.
(Promulgated by the Supreme People's Court on December 25, 2019 and effective as of May 1, 2020.)
SPC Interpretation [2019] No.19
These Provisions have been formulated pursuant to relevant laws such as the PRC Civil Procedure Law (the CPL) and in light of civil adjudication experience and actual circumstances in order to ensure that people's courts render correct findings on case facts, impartially try civil cases in a timely manner, and ensure and facilitate the lawful exercise by parties of their litigation rights.
I. Adducement of Evidence by Parties
Article 1: A plaintiff that institutes a legal action or a defendant that institutes a countersuit in a people's court shall provide appropriate evidence that satisfies the conditions for instituting a legal action.
第一条 原告向人民法院起诉或者被告提出反诉,应当提供符合起诉条件的相应的证据。
Article 2: A people's court shall explain to the parties the requirements in respect of and the legal consequences of the adducement of evidence and procure the active, comprehensive, correct and good faith completion of the adducement of evidence by the parties within a reasonable period of time.
第二条 人民法院应当向当事人说明举证的要求及法律后果,促使当事人在合理期限内积极、全面、正确、诚实地完成举证。
Where a party is unable to gather evidence himself/herself for objective reasons, he/she may apply to the people's court for investigation and collection thereof.
Article 3: If, in the course of a legal action, a party states a fact that is disadvantageous to him/her or expressly admits a fact that is disadvantageous to him/her, the other party shall not be required to adduce evidence in support thereof.
第三条 在诉讼过程中,一方当事人陈述的于己不利的事实,或者对于己不利的事实明确表示承认的,另一方当事人无需举证证明。
If a party expressly admits a fact disadvantageous to him/her in the course of evidence exchange, questioning or investigation, or in written materials such as the complaint, response or statement of attorney, the preceding paragraph shall apply.
Article 4: If a party neither admits nor denies a fact disadvantageous to him/her asserted by the other party and after explanation and questioning by the judges still does not expressly express admission or denial thereof, he/she shall be deemed to have admitted such fact.
第四条 一方当事人对于另一方当事人主张的于己不利的事实既不承认也不否认,经审判人员说明并询问后,其仍然不明确表示肯定或者否定的,视为对该事实的承认。
Article 5: If a party engages an agent ad litem to participate in a legal action, any admission by such agent shall be deemed an admission by the party, except for matters expressly excluded by the power of attorney.
第五条 当事人委托诉讼代理人参加诉讼的,除授权委托书明确排除的事项外,诉讼代理人的自认视为当事人的自认。
If a party expressly denies on the spot something admitted by his/her agent ad litem, he/she shall not be deemed as having admitted the same.
Article 6: An admission made by one or more of the co-parties in an ordinary joint action shall be effective as for the party that admitted the same.
第六条 普通共同诉讼中,共同诉讼人中一人或者数人作出的自认,对作出自认的当事人发生效力。
If, in a necessary joint action, one or more of the co-parties make an admission and the other co-parties deny the same, such admission shall have no effect. If the other co-parties neither admit nor deny and still do not expressly express an opinion after explanation and questioning by the judges, all of the co-parties shall be deemed to have made the admission.
Article 7: If a party admits, in a restricted or conditional manner, a fact disadvantageous to him/her asserted by the other party, the people's court shall decide whether the same constitutes an admission after comprehensive consideration of the circumstances of case.
第七条 一方当事人对于另一方当事人主张的于己不利的事实有所限制或者附加条件予以承认的,由人民法院综合案件情况决定是否构成自认。
Article 8: The provisions on admission shall not apply to the facts specified in the first paragraph of Article 96 of the Supreme People's Court, Interpretation on the Application of the <PRC Civil Procedure Law>.
第八条 《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国民事诉讼法〉的解释》第九十六条第一款规定的事实,不适用有关自认的规定。
If an admitted fact is inconsistent with the fact as ascertained, the people's court shall not confirm the same.
Article 9: If a party withdraws an admission before the conclusion of arguments in court, the people's court shall permit the same if:
第九条 有下列情形之一,当事人在法庭辩论终结前撤销自认的,人民法院应当准许:
(1) the other party consents thereto; or
(2) the admission was made under duress or a major misunderstanding.
Where the people's court permits the withdrawal of an admission by a party, it shall render an oral or written ruling thereon.
Article 10: A party shall not be required to adduce evidence in support of the following facts:
第十条 下列事实,当事人无须举证证明:
(1) a law of nature, established theory or scientific law;
(2) a fact known to all;
(3) a fact inferred pursuant to a law;
(4) another fact inferred from an already known fact and the rule of daily life experience;
(5) a fact confirmed by an arbitration institution in an effective award;
(6) a basic fact confirmed by a people's court in a legally effective judgment or ruling; or
(7) a fact established in a valid notarial deed.
A party shall not be required to adduce evidence in support of the facts set forth in Items (2) to (5) above, unless the other party has counter evidence to rebut the same; or the facts set forth in Items (6) and (7), unless the other party has counter evidence to overturn the same.
Article 11: When a party submits evidence to a people's court, it shall provide the original thereof. If the party needs to retain the original himself/herself or provision of the original would genuinely be difficult, a photocopy or reproduction thereof verified by the people's court as being consistent may be provided.
第十一条 当事人向人民法院提供证据,应当提供原件或者原物。如需自己保存证据原件、原物或者提供原件、原物确有困难的,可以提供经人民法院核对无异的复制件或者复制品。
Article 12: Where a movable asset is presented as evidence, the original thereof shall be submitted to the people's court. If the original item is not readily movable or easily stored, the party may provide a reproduction, video documentation or other substitute.
第十二条 以动产作为证据的,应当将原物提交人民法院。原物不宜搬移或者不宜保存的,当事人可以提供复制品、影像资料或者其他替代品。
Once the people's court has received the movable asset or substitute submitted by the party, it shall notify the parties in a timely manner to present themselves at the people's court or the place it is stored to examine the same.
Article 13: Where a party presents immovable property as evidence, he/she shall provide video documentation of such immovable property to the people's court.
第十三条 当事人以不动产作为证据的,应当向人民法院提供该不动产的影像资料。
If the people's court deems it necessary, it shall notify the parties to present themselves onsite to examine the same.
Article 14: Electronic data includes the following information and electronic documents:
第十四条 电子数据包括下列信息、电子文件:
(1) information posted on online platforms such as web pages, blogs and microblogs;
(2) communication information from online application services such as mobile short messages, e-mails, instant messages and distribution groups;
(3) information such as user registration information, identity authentication information, electronic transaction records, communication records and log files;
(4) text files, images, audio recordings, videos, electronic certificates, computer programs and other such electronic documents; and
(5) other information that is stored, processed and transmitted digitally and that can substantiate case facts.
Article 15: Where a party presents audio-visual materials as evidence, such party shall provide the original medium on which such materials are stored.
第十五条 当事人以视听资料作为证据的,应当提供存储该视听资料的原始载体。
Where a party presents electronic data as evidence, the original thereof shall be provided. The duplicate consistent with the original produced by the producer of the electronic data, or a printout or other displayable and identifiable output medium directly sourced from the electronic data shall be deemed an original of the electronic data.
Article 16: When a party provides official documentary evidence generated outside the territory of the People's Republic of China, such evidence shall be authenticated by a notary office of the country in question or such party shall carry out the authentication procedure specified in the relevant treaty entered into by the People's Republic of China and the country in question.
第十六条 当事人提供的公文书证系在中华人民共和国领域外形成的,该证据应当经所在国公证机关证明,或者履行中华人民共和国与该所在国订立的有关条约中规定的证明手续。
Evidence relating to a personal relationship generated outside the territory of the people's Republic of China shall be authenticated by a notary office of the country in question and certified by the embassy or consulate of the People's Republic of China in such country or require the carrying out of the authentication procedure specified in the relevant treaty entered into by the People's Republic of China and the country in question.
If evidence provided by a party to the people's court was generated in Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan, such party shall carry out the relevant authentication procedure.
Article 17: A party that provides documentary evidence in a foreign language or explicatory documentation in a foreign language to a people's court shall include a Chinese translation thereof.
第十七条 当事人向人民法院提供外文书证或者外文说明资料,应当附有中文译本。
Article 18: If a fact undisputed by the parties is consistent with the circumstances set forth in the first paragraph of Article 96 of the Supreme People's Court, Interpretation on the Application of the <PRC Civil Procedure Law>, the people's court may order the parties to provide relevant evidence.
第十八条 双方当事人无争议的事实符合《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国民事诉讼法〉的解释》第九十六条第一款规定情形的,人民法院可以责令当事人提供有关证据。
Article 19: A party shall classify and number the exhibits he/she submits, provide a brief statement of the provenance of the exhibits, what they are meant to substantiate and their content, sign and stamp the same, indicate the date of submission and provide copies in a number equivalent to the number of persons of the other parties.
第十九条 当事人应当对其提交的证据材料逐一分类编号,对证据材料的来源、证明对象和内容作简要说明,签名盖章,注明提交日期,并依照对方当事人人数提出副本。
Upon receipt of the exhibits submitted by a party, the people's court shall issue a receipt, note the title, number of copies and number of pages of each of the exhibits, as well as the date of receipt thereof, and the handling officer shall sign or stamp the same.
II. Investigation, Collection and Preservation of Evidence
Article 20: A party and his/her agent ad litem applying to a people's court for the investigation and collection of evidence shall submit a written application before the expiration of the period for the adducement of evidence.
第二十条 当事人及其诉讼代理人申请人民法院调查收集证据,应当在举证期限届满前提交书面申请。
The application shall provide basic particulars such as the name, domicile, etc. of the person/entity to be investigated, the title or content of the evidence to be investigated and collected, the reason the investigation and collection of evidence by the people's court is required, as well as the facts that the same are to substantiate and the clues that are to be clarified.
Article 21: The documentary evidence investigated and collected by the people's court may be the originals or, alternatively, duplicates or photocopies that have been verified to be in good order. If documentary evidence is a duplicate or photocopy, the provenance and the details of the collection thereof shall be noted in the investigation record.
第二十一条 人民法院调查收集的书证,可以是原件,也可以是经核对无误的副本或者复制件。是副本或者复制件的,应当在调查笔录中说明来源和取证情况。
Article 22: Physical evidence investigated and collected by a people's court shall be the original item. If provision of the original item by the person being investigated would genuinely be difficult, a reproduction or video documentation thereof may be provided. If a reproduction or video documentation is provided, details of the collection thereof shall be noted in the investigation record.
第二十二条 人民法院调查收集的物证应当是原物。被调查人提供原物确有困难的,可以提供复制品或者影像资料。提供复制品或者影像资料的,应当在调查笔录中说明取证情况。
Article 23: When investigating and collecting audio-visual materials or electronic data, the people's court shall require the person being investigated to provide the original medium.
第二十三条 人民法院调查收集视听资料、电子数据,应当要求被调查人提供原始载体。
If provision of the original medium would genuinely be difficult, a reproduction may be provided. Where a reproduction is provided, the people's court shall note the provenance and the manner of production thereof in the investigation record.
Where the people's court takes measures for the preservation of audio-visual materials or electronic data, the preceding paragraph shall apply.
Article 24: When a people's court is investigating and collecting evidence that might require forensic analysis, it shall comply with relevant technical specifications and ensure that the evidence is not contaminated.
第二十四条 人民法院调查收集可能需要鉴定的证据,应当遵守相关技术规范,确保证据不被污染。
Article 25: Where a party or a materially interested person applies for evidence preservation in accordance with Article 81 of the CPL, the application shall provide the basic particulars of the evidence requiring preservation, the grounds for applying for preservation, the type of preservation measure to be taken, etc.
第二十五条 当事人或者利害关系人根据民事诉讼法第八十一条的规定申请证据保全的,申请书应当载明需要保全的证据的基本情况、申请保全的理由以及采取何种保全措施等内容。
Where a party applies for evidence preservation in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 81 of the CPL, he/she shall submit such application to the people's court before the expiration of the period for the adducement of evidence.
Where a law or judicial interpretation provides for the pre-trial preservation of evidence, matters shall be handled in accordance with such provisions.
Article 26: Where a party or a materially interested person applies for an evidence preservation measure that limits the use, circulation, etc. of the subject matter of preservation, such as placement under seal or seizure, or if the preservation could cause the holder of the evidence to incur a loss, the people's court shall order the applicant to provide the corresponding security.
第二十六条 当事人或者利害关系人申请采取查封、扣押等限制保全标的物使用、流通等保全措施,或者保全可能对证据持有人造成损失的,人民法院应当责令申请人提供相应的担保。
The method of providing the security or the amount thereof shall be determined by the people's court by comprehensively considering factors such as the impact of the preservation measure on the holder of the evidence, the value of the subject matter of preservation, the amount of the subject matter of the action disputed by the party in question or materially interested person, etc.
Article 27: When the people's court carries out evidence preservation, it may require the parties or their agents ad litem to be present onsite.
第二十七条 人民法院进行证据保全,可以要求当事人或者诉讼代理人到场。
Based on the party's application and the specific circumstances, the people's court may carry out evidence preservation by means such as placement under seal, seizure, sound recording, video recording, reproduction, forensic analysis and onsite examination, and make a written record thereof.
Provided that the objective of the evidence preservation is achieved, the people's court shall opt for the preservation measure that has the least effect on the interests of the holder of the evidence.
Article 28: Where an error in an application for evidence preservation causes a property loss and the party in question requests that the applicant bear liability for compensation, the people's court shall uphold such request.
第二十八条 申请证据保全错误造成财产损失,当事人请求申请人承担赔偿责任的,人民法院应予支持。
Article 29: If, after a people's court has taken pre-trial evidence preservation measures, a party institutes a legal action in another people's court that has jurisdiction, the people's court that took the evidence preservation measures shall, pursuant to the application of the party, transfer the preserved evidence in a timely manner to the people's court that accepted the case.
第二十九条 人民法院采取诉前证据保全措施后,当事人向其他有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼的,采取保全措施的人民法院应当根据当事人的申请,将保全的证据及时移交受理案件的人民法院。
Article 30: If, in the course of trying a case, a people's court is of the opinion that a factum probandum requires the substantiation of a forensic opinion, it shall explain the same to the party in question and specify the time limit for applying for a forensic analysis.
第三十条 人民法院在审理案件过程中认为待证事实需要通过鉴定意见证明的,应当向当事人释明,并指定提出鉴定申请的期间。
Where any of the circumstances set forth in the first paragraph of Article 96 of the Supreme People's Court, Interpretation on the Application of the <PRC Civil Procedure Law> is satisfied, the people's court shall appoint a forensic analysis ex officio.
Article 31: A party wishing to apply for a forensic analysis shall submit such application within the time limit designated by the people's court and pay the forensic analysis fee in advance. If the party fails to submit the application within the time limit or fails to pay the forensic analysis fee in advance, he/she shall be deemed to have abandoned his/her application.
第三十一条 当事人申请鉴定,应当在人民法院指定期间内提出,并预交鉴定费用。逾期不提出申请或者不预交鉴定费用的,视为放弃申请。
If a party bearing the burden of proving a factum probandum that requires a forensic analysis fails, without a legitimate reason, to submit the application for forensic analysis or make advance payment of the forensic analysis fee during the time limit designated by the people's court, or refuses to provide relevant materials, making it impossible to ascertain the factum probandum, he/she shall bear the legal consequences of failing to adduce evidence.
Article 32: If a people's court approves an application for forensic analysis, it shall arrange for the parties to hold consultations to determine a forensic analyst with the appropriate qualifications. If the consultations between the parties prove unsuccessful, the people's court shall make the designation.
第三十二条 人民法院准许鉴定申请的,应当组织双方当事人协商确定具备相应资格的鉴定人。当事人协商不成的,由人民法院指定。
Where a people's court appoints a forensic analysis ex officio, it may designate the forensic analyst with the appropriate qualifications after seeking the opinions of the parties.
The people's court shall issue a letter of appointment after the determination of the forensic analyst. The letter of appointment shall state the matter to be assessed, the scope of the forensic analysis, the objective of the forensic analysis and the deadline therefor.
Article 33: The people's court shall require the forensic analyst to sign an undertaking before commencing the forensic analysis. The undertaking shall state that the forensic analyst warrants that he/she shall conduct the forensic analysis in an objective, impartial and honest manner, that he/she shall appear in court to testify, that if he/she renders a false forensic analysis, he/she shall bear legal liability, etc.
第三十三条 鉴定开始之前,人民法院应当要求鉴定人签署承诺书。承诺书中应当载明鉴定人保证客观、公正、诚实地进行鉴定,保证出庭作证,如作虚假鉴定应当承担法律责任等内容。
If a forensic analyst willfully renders a false forensic analysis, the people's court shall order him/her to return the forensic analysis fee and, depending on the circumstances, assess penalties in accordance with Article 111 of the CPL.
Article 34: The people's court shall arrange for cross-examination of the forensic analysis materials by the parties. Materials that have not undergone cross-examination may not serve as the basis for the forensic analysis.
第三十四条 人民法院应当组织当事人对鉴定材料进行质证。未经质证的材料,不得作为鉴定的根据。
Subject to permission from the people's court, the forensic analyst may obtain evidence, examine physical evidence and the site in question, and question the parties or witnesses.
Article 35: A forensic analyst shall complete his/her forensic analysis and submit his/her written forensic analysis by the deadline specified by the people's court.
第三十五条 鉴定人应当在人民法院确定的期限内完成鉴定,并提交鉴定书。
If the forensic analyst fails to punctually submit his/her written forensic analysis without a legitimate reason, the party in question may apply to the people's court to appoint another forensic analyst to conduct the forensic analysis. If the people's court gives its permission, the original forensic analyst shall return the forensic analysis fee that he/she received; if he/she refuses to return the same, the matter shall be handled in accordance with the second paragraph of Article 81 hereof.
Article 36: The people's court shall check to see whether the written forensic analysis issued by the forensic analyst contains the following information:
第三十六条 人民法院对鉴定人出具的鉴定书,应当审查是否具有下列内容:
(1) the name of the court that appointed him/her;
(2) the details and requirements of the appointment;
(3) the forensic analysis materials;
(4) the principles and method on which the forensic analysis is based;
(5) a description of the forensic analysis process;
(6) the forensic opinion; and
(7) an undertaking.
The written forensic analysis shall be signed or stamped by the forensic analyst, and be accompanied by proof of the forensic analyst's relevant qualifications. If an institution is appointed to conduct the forensic analysis, the written forensic analysis shall be stamped by the forensic analysis institution and signed by the personnel that conducted the forensic analysis.
Article 37: Once the people's court receives the written forensic analysis, it shall send duplicates to the parties in a timely manner.
第三十七条 人民法院收到鉴定书后,应当及时将副本送交当事人。
If a party objects to the content of the written forensic analysis, he/she shall raise the same in writing by the deadline designated by the people's court.
The people's court shall require the forensic analyst to provide an explanation or supplementation in respect of the party's objection. If the people's court deems it necessary, it may require the forensic analyst to provide an explanation or supplementation in respect of content not objected to by the parties.
Article 38: If, after receipt of the written response of the forensic analyst, a party still has an objection, the people's court shall, in accordance with Article 11 of the Measures for the Payment of Court Expenses, notify the party with the objection to pay the forensic analyst's court appearance fee in advance and notify the forensic analyst to appear in court. If the party with the objection fails to pay the forensic analyst's court appearance fee in advance, he/she shall be deemed to have abandoned his/her objection.
第三十八条 当事人在收到鉴定人的书面答复后仍有异议的,人民法院应当根据《诉讼费用交纳办法》第十一条的规定,通知有异议的当事人预交鉴定人出庭费用,并通知鉴定人出庭。有异议的当事人不预交鉴定人出庭费用的,视为放弃异议。
If both parties have an objection to the forensic opinion, they shall share equally the forensic analyst's court appearance fee payable in advance.
Article 39: The forensic analyst's court appearance fee shall be calculated at the rate for the court appearance and testifying fee paid to witnesses, and paid by the losing party. If a forensic analyst is required to appear in court due to a lack of clarity or a flaw in his/her forensic opinion, the court appearance fee shall be borne by himself/herself.
第三十九条 鉴定人出庭费用按照证人出庭作证费用的标准计算,由败诉的当事人负担。因鉴定意见不明确或者有瑕疵需要鉴定人出庭的,出庭费用由其自行负担。
Where the people's court appoints a forensic analyst itself and it has been determined that the forensic analyst's court appearance fee is included in the forensic analysis fee, the party or parties shall not be notified to pay the same in advance.
Article 40: If a party applies for a new forensic analysis, the people's court shall approve the same if:
第四十条 当事人申请重新鉴定,存在下列情形之一的,人民法院应当准许:
(1) the forensic analyst lacked the appropriate qualifications;
(2) the forensic analysis procedure was in serious violation of the law;
(3) the basis for the forensic opinion is clearly insufficient; or
(4) another circumstance that makes use of the forensic opinion as evidence impossible applies.
Where a circumstance as specified in Items (1) to (3) of the preceding paragraph exists, the forensic analyst shall return the forensic analysis fee that he/she has received. If he/she refuses to return the same, the matter shall be handled in accordance with the second paragraph of Article 81 hereof.
Where a flaw in a forensic opinion can be solved by means such as a correction, a supplementary forensic analysis or supplementary cross-examination, or a new cross-examination, the people's court shall not approve an application for a new forensic analysis.
Where a new forensic analysis is conducted, the original forensic opinion may not serve as a basis for a finding on the facts of the case.
Article 41: Where a party has evidence or grounds sufficient to rebut an opinion on a technical issue in respect of which a relevant institution or person engaged by the other party himself/herself has issued an opinion and applies for a new forensic analysis, the people's court shall approve the same.
第四十一条 对于一方当事人就专门性问题自行委托有关机构或者人员出具的意见,另一方当事人有证据或者理由足以反驳并申请鉴定的,人民法院应予准许。
Article 42: If a forensic analyst withdraws his/her forensic opinion without a legitimate reason after such opinion has been admitted, the people's court shall order him/her to return the forensic analysis fee and, depending on the circumstances, assess penalties against him/her in accordance with Article 111 of the CPL. If a party requests that the forensic analyst bear the increased reasonable expenses arising therefrom, the people's court shall uphold such request.
第四十二条 鉴定意见被采信后,鉴定人无正当理由撤销鉴定意见的,人民法院应当责令其退还鉴定费用,并可以根据情节,依照民事诉讼法第一百一十一条的规定对鉴定人进行处罚。当事人主张鉴定人负担由此增加的合理费用的,人民法院应予支持。
If a people's court permits the forensic analyst to withdraw his/her forensic opinion after the admission thereof, it shall order him/her to return the forensic analysis fee.
Article 43: The people's court shall notify the parties of the time and place of an onsite examination before such examination. The failure by a party to participate therein shall not affect the conduct thereof.
第四十三条 人民法院应当在勘验前将勘验的时间和地点通知当事人。当事人不参加的,不影响勘验进行。
A party may give the people's court an explanation of the matter to be examined and may request that the people's court pay particular attention to key matters in the onsite examination.
When a people's court examines physical evidence onsite or the site in question, it shall make a written record thereof, recording the time and place of the onsite inspection, the onsite examiner, the persons present, and the examination process and result, and the same shall be signed or stamped by the onsite examiner and the persons present. A map drawn of the site shall indicate the time it was drawn, the bearings, the name and identity of the map maker, etc.
Article 44: Excerpts taken from documents or materials relating to case facts prepared by a relevant entity shall indicate the provenance thereof, bear the stamp of the entity that produced the same or was keeping the same, and the person who took the excerpts and the other investigators shall sign or stamp the excerpt version.
第四十四条 摘录有关单位制作的与案件事实相关的文件、材料,应当注明出处,并加盖制作单位或者保管单位的印章,摘录人和其他调查人员应当在摘录件上签名或者盖章。
The excerpts of a document or materials shall correspondingly maintain the integrity of the content.
Article 45: Where a party applies to a people's court for an order ordering the other party to produce documentary evidence in accordance with Article 112 of the Supreme People's Court, Interpretation on the Application of the <PRC Civil Procedure Law>, the application shall state the title or content of the documentary evidence to be produced, the fact to be substantiated by the documentary evidence in question and the importance of such fact, the basis showing that the other party has the documentary evidence in question in his/her control and the reason why such documentary evidence needs to be produced.
第四十五条 当事人根据《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国民事诉讼法〉的解释》第一百一十二条的规定申请人民法院责令对方当事人提交书证的,申请书应当载明所申请提交的书证名称或者内容、需要以该书证证明的事实及事实的重要性、对方当事人控制该书证的根据以及应当提交该书证的理由。
If the other party denies that the documentary evidence is in his/her control, the people's court shall render a comprehensive determination as to the fact of whether the documentary evidence is in the control of the other party on the basis of factors such as law provisions and custom, and in light of the facts of, and the evidence in, the case.
Article 46: When a people's court examines an application by a party for the production of documentary evidence, it shall listen to the opinions of the other party and, if necessary, it may require the parties to provide evidence and give arguments.
第四十六条 人民法院对当事人提交书证的申请进行审查时,应当听取对方当事人的意见,必要时可以要求双方当事人提供证据、进行辩论。
Where the documentary evidence the production of which a party has applied for is unclear, the documentary evidence is not necessary for substantiation of the factum probandum, the factum probandum has no substantive impact on the judgment or ruling, or the documentary evidence is not in the control of the other party or does not satisfy the circumstances set forth in Article 47 hereof, the people's court shall not approve the same.
If the party's grounds for his/her application are tenable, the people's court shall render a ruling ordering the other party to produce the documentary evidence. If the grounds are not tenable, it shall notify the applicant to that effect.
Article 47: The party in control of the documentary evidence shall produce the same if:
第四十七条 下列情形,控制书证的当事人应当提交书证:
(1) it is documentary evidence that was previously cited during the legal action by the party in control of it;
(2) it is documentary evidence that was prepared in the interests of the other party;
(3) it is documentary evidence that the other party has the right to review or access in accordance with the law;
(4) it is account books or original bookkeeping vouchers; or
(5) another circumstance under which the people's court deems production of documentary evidence necessary applies.
If the documentary evidence set forth in the preceding paragraph involves state secrets, trade secrets, the privacy of a party or third party or is characterized by another circumstance under which the law requires confidentiality, the same may not be publicly cross-examined after it is produced.
Article 48: If the party in control of the documentary evidence refuses to produce the same without a legitimate reason, the people's court may find that the content of the documentary evidence as claimed by the other party is true.
第四十八条 控制书证的当事人无正当理由拒不提交书证的,人民法院可以认定对方当事人所主张的书证内容为真实。
If any circumstance set forth in Article 113 of the Supreme People's Court, Interpretation on the Application of the <PRC Civil Procedure Law> applies to the party in control of the documentary evidence, the people's court may find that the fact to be substantiated by the documentary evidence in question as claimed by the other party is true.
III. Time Limit for the Adducement of Evidence and Evidence Exchange
Article 49: The defendant shall submit his/her written response before the expiration of the period for submission of the same, setting forth his/her opinions on the plaintiff's claims and the facts and grounds that serve as the basis for such claims.
第四十九条 被告应当在答辩期届满前提出书面答辩,阐明其对原告诉讼请求及所依据的事实和理由的意见。
Article 50: The people's court shall serve an evidence adducement notice on the parties during the pre-trial preparation stage.
第五十条 人民法院应当在审理前的准备阶段向当事人送达举证通知书。
The evidence adducement notice shall state the principles and the requirements in respect of the allocation of the burden of proof, the circumstances under which an application may be made to the people's court for the investigation and collection of evidence, the period for the adducement of evidence designated by the people's court in light of the circumstances of the case, the legal consequences for failing to provide evidence on time, etc.
Article 51: The parties may hold consultations to determine the period for the adducement of evidence, which shall be subject to the approval of the people's court.
第五十一条 举证期限可以由当事人协商,并经人民法院准许。
Where the people's court designates the period for the adducement of evidence, it may not be less than 15 days in a first instance case tried with the regular procedure, and not less than 10 days for the provision of new evidence by the parties in an appellate case. It may not exceed 15 days in a case tried with summary procedure. In a small claims case, the period for the adducement of evidence may not, in general, exceed seven days.
If, after the expiration of the period for the adducement of evidence, a party wishes to provide rebuttal evidence or supplement/correct flaws in terms of the source, form, etc. of the evidence already provided by him/her, the people's court may, in view of the circumstances, set a period for the adducement of evidence again, which period shall not be subject to the period specified in the preceding paragraph.
Article 52: If there exists an objective impediment to the provision of evidence by a party during the period for the adducement of evidence, the same shall constitute "it is genuinely difficult for the party to provide the evidence by the deadline" as specified in the second paragraph of Article 65 of the CPL.
第五十二条 当事人在举证期限内提供证据存在客观障碍,属于民事诉讼法第六十五条第二款规定的"当事人在该期限内提供证据确有困难"的情形。
In the circumstance set forth in the preceding paragraph, the people's court shall render a comprehensive determination on the basis of factors such as the party's capacity to adduce the evidence and the reason the party was unable to provide the evidence during the period for the adducement of evidence. If necessary, it may listen to the opinions of the other party.
Article 53: If, in the course of a legal action, the nature of the legal relationship or the effect of the civil act claimed by a party is inconsistent with the finding derived by the people's court based on the facts of the case, the people's court shall treat the nature of the legal relationship or the effect of the civil act as the focal issue in conducting the trial, unless the nature of the legal relationship has no impact on the grounds and outcome of the judgment or ruling or the issue has been fully argued by the parties.
第五十三条 诉讼过程中,当事人主张的法律关系性质或者民事行为效力与人民法院根据案件事实作出的认定不一致的,人民法院应当将法律关系性质或者民事行为效力作为焦点问题进行审理。但法律关系性质对裁判理由及结果没有影响,或者有关问题已经当事人充分辩论的除外。
If the circumstance described in the previous paragraph exists and a party wishes to change his/her claims on the basis of the trial circumstances, the people's court shall permit the same and may designate a new period for the adducement of evidence based on the actual circumstances of the case.
Article 54: If a party wishes to apply to extend the period for the adducement of evidence, he/she shall submit a written application to the people's court before the expiration of such period.
第五十四条 当事人申请延长举证期限的,应当在举证期限届满前向人民法院提出书面申请。
If the grounds for the application are tenable, the people's court shall permit the same, suitably extend the period for the adducement of evidence and notify the other party. The extended period for the adducement of evidence shall apply to the other party.
If the grounds for the application are untenable, the people's court shall not permit the same and notify the applicant.
Article 55: If any of the following circumstances applies, the period for the adducement of evidence shall be determined by the following means:
第五十五条 存在下列情形的,举证期限按照如下方式确定:
(1) if a party raises an objection to jurisdiction in accordance with Article 127 of the CPL, the period for the adducement of evidence shall be tolled and resume from the date on which the ruling dismissing the objection to jurisdiction enters into effect;
(2) if a party is added, a third party with an independent right of claim joins the legal action or a third party without an independent right of claim joins the legal action after notification by the people's court, the people's court shall set the period for the adducement of evidence by the new party to the legal action in accordance with Article 51 hereof, and such period shall apply to the other parties;
(3) in a remanded case, the people's court at first instance may set the period for the adducement of evidence in light of the specific circumstances of the case and the reason for remandment;
(4) if a party adds or modifies his/her claims or institutes a countersuit, the people's court shall set the period for the adducement of evidence anew based on the specific circumstances of the case; or
(5) if service is effected by way of an announcement, the period for the adducement of evidence shall commence to count from the date immediately following the expiration of the announcement period.
Article 56: Where a people's court carries out pre-trial preparation by arranging for the exchange of evidence in accordance with the fourth paragraph of Article 133 of the CPL, the period for the adducement of evidence shall expire on the date of the evidence exchange.
第五十六条 人民法院依照民事诉讼法第一百三十三条第四项的规定,通过组织证据交换进行审理前准备的,证据交换之日举证期限届满。
The date for the exchange of evidence may be determined by the parties reaching a consensus thereon through consultations and having the same approved by the people's court or, alternatively, may be designated by the people's court. Where a party applies for an extension of the period for the adducement of evidence and the same is approved by the people's court, the date of the evidence exchange shall be postponed accordingly.
Article 57: Evidence exchange shall be carried out under the auspices of the judges.
第五十七条 证据交换应当在审判人员的主持下进行。
During the evidence exchange, the judges shall make a record of the facts and evidence that are not disputed by the parties. With respect to evidence that is disputed, the same shall be classified and recorded based on the facts that it is meant to substantiate, and the reason why it is disputed shall additionally be recorded. The principal issues disputed by the parties shall be determined by virtue of such evidence exchange.
Article 58: If a party wishes to submit rebuttal evidence after receipt of the evidence from the other party, the people's court shall arrange for a further exchange of evidence.
第五十八条 当事人收到对方的证据后有反驳证据需要提交的,人民法院应当再次组织证据交换。
Article 59: Where a people's court assesses a fine against a party that provided evidence late, it may determine the amount of the fine by taking into account factors such as the extent of the party's subjective fault in providing the evidence late, the extent to which the legal action is delayed and the subject amount in the legal action.
第五十九条 人民法院对逾期提供证据的当事人处以罚款的,可以结合当事人逾期提供证据的主观过错程度、导致诉讼迟延的情况、诉讼标的金额等因素,确定罚款数额。
IV. Cross-Examination
Article 60: Evidence on which the parties have expressed a cross-examination opinion in the pre-trial preparation stage or in the course of investigation or questioning by the people's court shall be deemed evidence that has been cross-examined.
第六十条 当事人在审理前的准备阶段或者人民法院调查、询问过程中发表过质证意见的证据,视为质证过的证据。
If a party requests that cross-examination opinions be expressed in writing, the people's court may permit the same if it deems the same necessary after listening to the opinions of the other party. The people's court shall send the written cross-examination opinions to the other party in a timely manner.
Article 61: When cross-examining documentary evidence, physical evidence or audio-visual materials, the party in question shall produce the original of the evidence, unless:
第六十一条 对书证、物证、视听资料进行质证时,当事人应当出示证据的原件或者原物。但有下列情形之一的除外:
(1) it would be genuinely difficult to produce the original and the people's court permits production of a photocopy or reproduction thereof; or
(2) the original no longer exists, but there is evidence showing that the photocopy or reproduction is consistent with the original.
Article 62: In general, cross-examination shall be conducted in the following sequence:
第六十二条 质证一般按下列顺序进行:
(1) the plaintiff produces evidence, and the defendant and third parties proceed to cross-examine the same with the plaintiff;
(2) the defendant produces evidence, and the plaintiff and third parties proceed to cross-examine the same with the defendant; and
(3) a third party produces evidence, and the plaintiff and defendant proceed to cross-examine the same with the third party.
With respect to evidence investigated and collected by a people's court pursuant to an application by a party, after the judges give an account of the investigation and collection of such evidence, the party that submitted the application shall proceed to cross-examine the same with the other party and the third parties.
With respect to evidence investigated and gathered by the people's court ex officio, after the judges give an account of the investigation and collection of such evidence, they shall listen to the opinions of the parties.
Article 63: A party shall give a true and complete statement of the facts of the case.
第六十三条 当事人应当就案件事实作真实、完整的陈述。
In the event of a discrepancy between the statement of a party and a previous statement, the people's court shall order him/her to explain the reason therefor and conduct an examination thereof and render its finding by taking into account the party's litigation capabilities, evidence and the specific circumstances of the case.
If a party willfully gives a false statement, hindering the trial by the people's court, the people's court shall, depending on the circumstances, assess penalties in accordance with Article 111 of the CPL.
Article 64: If the people's court deems it necessary, it may require a party to present in person to be questioned about relevant facts of the case.
第六十四条 人民法院认为有必要的,可以要求当事人本人到场,就案件的有关事实接受询问。
Where the people's court requires a party to present in person for questioning, it shall notify the party of the time and place of the questioning, the consequences for refusing to present in person, etc.
Article 65: Before the questioning, the people's court shall order the party to sign a covenant and read the contents of the same aloud.
第六十五条 人民法院应当在询问前责令当事人签署保证书并宣读保证书的内容。
The covenant shall state that the party pledges to truthfully make his/her statement, without concealment, misrepresentations, additions or subtractions, and if he/she makes false statements he/she shall be subject to penalties. The party shall sign or affix his/her thumbprint to the covenant.
If a party has a legitimate reason for not being able to read the covenant aloud, the clerk shall do so and provide an explanation.
Article 66: If a party fails to present in person without a legitimate reason, refuses to sign or read the covenant aloud or refuses to be questioned, the people's court shall determine the veracity of the factum probandum by comprehensively considering the circumstances of the case. If there is no other evidence substantiating the factum probandum, the people's court shall render a finding unfavorable to the party in question.
第六十六条 当事人无正当理由拒不到场、拒不签署或宣读保证书或者拒不接受询问的,人民法院应当综合案件情况,判断待证事实的真伪。待证事实无其他证据证明的,人民法院应当作出不利于该当事人的认定。
Article 67: A person who cannot correctly express his/her meaning may not serve as a witness.
第六十七条 不能正确表达意思的人,不能作为证人。
Where a factum probandum is appropriate to the age, mental state or mental health situation of a person with no or limited civil capacity, he/she may serve as a witness.
Article 68: A people's court shall require a witness to appear in court to testify and subject himself/herself to questioning by the judges and parties. Where a witness provides testimony in the presence of the parties either at the pre-trial preparation stage or when the people's court is investigating, questioning, etc., he/she shall be deemed to have appeared in court and testified.
第六十八条 人民法院应当要求证人出庭作证,接受审判人员和当事人的询问。证人在审理前的准备阶段或者人民法院调查、询问等双方当事人在场时陈述证言的,视为出庭作证。
If the parties agree that a witness can testify by other means and the people's court permits the same, the witness need not appear in court to testify.
Testimony provided in writing or otherwise by a witness who failed to appear in court without a legitimate reason may not serve as the basis for a finding of the facts in the case.
Article 69: Where a party wishes to apply for a witness to appear in court to testify, he/she shall submit such application to the people's court before the expiration of the period for the adducement of evidence.
第六十九条 当事人申请证人出庭作证的,应当在举证期限届满前向人民法院提交申请书。
The application shall state the name, profession, home address and contact information of the witness, the principal content of his/her testimony, the link between his/her testimony and the factum probandum and the necessity of the witness appearing in court to testify.
Where any of the circumstances set forth in the first paragraph of Article 96 of the Supreme People's Court, Interpretation on the Application of the <PRC Civil Procedure Law> is satisfied, the people's court shall, ex officio, notify a witness to appear in court to testify.
Article 70: Where a people's court approves an application for a witness to appear in court to testify, it shall serve notice thereof on the witness and inform the parties. The notice shall state the time and place for the witness to testify, the matter upon which he/she is to give testimony and the requirements thereof as well as the consequences of giving false testimony.
第七十条 人民法院准许证人出庭作证申请的,应当向证人送达通知书并告知双方当事人。通知书中应当载明证人作证的时间、地点,作证的事项、要求以及作伪证的法律后果等内容。
Where the matter in respect of which a party applies for a witness to appear in court to testify is unrelated to the factum probandum or it is unnecessary to notify the witness to appear in court to testify, the people's court shall not approve the party's application.
Article 71: Before giving testimony, the people's court shall require a witness to sign a covenant and read the contents of the same aloud in court, unless the witness is a person with no or limited civil capacity.
第七十一条 人民法院应当要求证人在作证之前签署保证书,并在法庭上宣读保证书的内容。但无民事行为能力人和限制民事行为能力人作为证人的除外。
If a witness has a legitimate reason for not being able to read the covenant aloud, the clerk shall do so on his/her behalf and provide an explanation.
If a witness refuses to sign or read the covenant aloud, he/she may not testify and shall bear the relevant expenses himself/herself.
The provisions on the covenants of parties shall apply to covenants of witnesses.
Article 72: A witness shall objectively relate the facts that he/she personally perceived, and, when giving testimony, may not use language of a conjectural, inferential or commentary nature.
第七十二条 证人应当客观陈述其亲身感知的事实,作证时不得使用猜测、推断或者评论性语言。
Before giving testimony, a witness may not sit in on the court trial and, when testifying, may not give testimony by reading aloud written materials prepared in advance.
If a witness has an impediment to expressing himself/herself in words, he/she may give testimony by other means.
Article 73: A witness shall relate the matters on which he/she is testifying in a continuous manner.
第七十三条 证人应当就其作证的事项进行连续陈述。
If a party, or his/her statutory agent or agent ad litem, or a member of the gallery interrupts a witness's testimony, the people's court shall put a stop to the same in a timely manner and, if necessary, may assess penalties in accordance with Article 110 of the CPL.
Article 74: A judge may question a witness. After receiving permission from the judges, a party and his/her agent ad litem may question a witness.
第七十四条 审判人员可以对证人进行询问。当事人及其诉讼代理人经审判人员许可后可以询问证人。
When a witness is being questioned, no other witnesses may be present.
If the people's court deems it necessary, it may require witnesses to confront one another.
Article 75: Once a witness has appeared in court and testified, he/she may apply to the people's court for payment of the witness appearance and testifying fee. If a witness is in difficult straits and requires advance payment of the witness appearance and testifying fee, the people's court may, pursuant to the witness's application, pay such fee before he/she appears in court to testify.
第七十五条 证人出庭作证后,可以向人民法院申请支付证人出庭作证费用。证人有困难需要预先支取出庭作证费用的,人民法院可以根据证人的申请在出庭作证前支付。
Article 76: If appearing in court to testify would genuinely be difficult for a witness and he/she wishes to apply to provide testimony in writing, by audio-visual communication technology or audio-visual materials, etc., he/she shall submit an application to that effect to the people's court. The application shall state the specific reason he/she is unable to appear in court.
第七十六条 证人确有困难不能出庭作证,申请以书面证言、视听传输技术或者视听资料等方式作证的,应当向人民法院提交申请书。申请书中应当载明不能出庭的具体原因。
If any of the circumstances set forth in Article 73 of the CPL applies to a witness, the people's court shall approve such application.
Article 77: If, with the permission of the people's court, a witness testifies by providing written testimony, he/she shall sign a covenant; if he/she testifies by audio-visual communication technology or audio-visual materials, he/she shall sign a covenant and read the contents of the same aloud.
第七十七条 证人经人民法院准许,以书面证言方式作证的,应当签署保证书;以视听传输技术或者视听资料方式作证的,应当签署保证书并宣读保证书的内容。
Article 78: If the questioning of a witness by a party and his/her agent ad litem has no relation to the factum probandum, or there is intimidation or insulting of the witness or improper leading of the witness, the judges shall put a stop thereto in a timely manner. If necessary, penalties may be assessed in accordance with Articles 110 and 111 of the CPL.
第七十八条 当事人及其诉讼代理人对证人的询问与待证事实无关,或者存在威胁、侮辱证人或不适当引导等情形的,审判人员应当及时制止。必要时可以依照民事诉讼法第一百一十条、第一百一十一条的规定进行处罚。
If a witness willfully gives a false statement, a participant in the legal action or other person interferes with the giving of testimony by a witness by means such as violence, intimidation or bribery, or, after testifying, a witness is retaliated against by means such as insults, slander, frame up, threats or beating, the people's court shall, depending on the circumstances, assess penalties against the author of the act in accordance with Article 111 of the CPL
Article 79: Where a forensic analyst is to appear in court to testify in accordance with Article 78 of the CPL, the people's court shall notify him/her of the time and place of his/her appearance and the requirements in respect thereof three days before the start of the trial.
第七十九条 鉴定人依照民事诉讼法第七十八条的规定出庭作证的,人民法院应当在开庭审理三日前将出庭的时间、地点及要求通知鉴定人。
Where an institution has been appointed to conduct a forensic analysis, a person who conducted the forensic analysis shall appear in court on behalf of the institution.
Article 80: A forensic analyst shall respond truthfully to the objections of the parties and the questions of the judges on the matters in respect of which he/she conducted the forensic analysis. Where it would genuinely be difficult for him/her to respond in court, he/she may, with the permission of the people's court, respond in writing after the conclusion of the hearings.
第八十条 鉴定人应当就鉴定事项如实答复当事人的异议和审判人员的询问。当庭答复确有困难的,经人民法院准许,可以在庭审结束后书面答复。
The people's court shall send the written response to the parties in a timely manner and listen to their opinions. If necessary, it may arrange for a cross-examination again.
Article 81: If a forensic analyst refuses to appear in court to testify, his/her forensic opinion may not serve as a basis for a finding of the facts in the case. The people's court shall recommend that the relevant competent authority or organization penalize the forensic analyst who refused to appear in court to testify.
第八十一条 鉴定人拒不出庭作证的,鉴定意见不得作为认定案件事实的根据。人民法院应当建议有关主管部门或者组织对拒不出庭作证的鉴定人予以处罚。
If a party requests the return of the forensic analysis fee, the people's court shall render a ruling within three days ordering the forensic analyst to return the same. If he/she refuses to do so, the people's court shall handle the matter in accordance with the law.
If a party applies anew for a forensic analysis due to the forensic analyst having refused to appear in court to testify, the people's court shall approve the same.
Article 82: With the permission of the court, a party may question forensic analysts and onsite examiners.
第八十二条 经法庭许可,当事人可以询问鉴定人、勘验人。
When questioning a forensic analyst or onsite examiner, inappropriate language or means, such as intimidation or insults may not be used.
Article 83: Where a party applies for the appearance in court of a person with specialized knowledge pursuant to Article 79 of the CPL and Article 122 of the Supreme People's Court, Interpretation on the Application of the <PRC Civil Procedure Law>, the application shall state the basic particulars of the person with the specialized knowledge and the purpose of the application.
第八十三条 当事人依照民事诉讼法第七十九条和《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国民事诉讼法〉的解释》第一百二十二条的规定,申请有专门知识的人出庭的,申请书中应当载明有专门知识的人的基本情况和申请的目的。
If the people's court approves the party's application, it shall notify both parties thereof.
Article 84: The judges may question the person with the specialized knowledge. With the permission of the court, the parties may question the person with the specialized knowledge, and the respective party's persons with specialized knowledge applied for may confront each other on the relevant issues in the case.
第八十四条 审判人员可以对有专门知识的人进行询问。经法庭准许,当事人可以对有专门知识的人进行询问,当事人各自申请的有专门知识的人可以就案件中的有关问题进行对质。
A person with specialized knowledge may not participate in court trial activities, other than cross-examining a forensic opinion or expressing his/her opinion on specialized issues.
V. Examination and Determination of Evidence
Article 85: A people's court shall lawfully render its judgment or ruling on the basis of case facts substantiated by the evidence.
第八十五条 人民法院应当以证据能够证明的案件事实为根据依法作出裁判。
The judges shall comprehensively and objectively examine the evidence by the statutory procedure, base themselves on the provisions of laws, abide by the professional ethics of judges, apply logical reasoning and daily life experience, independently determine whether evidence has probative force and the extent of such probative force and disclose the grounds and result of their determination.
Article 86: With respect to the substantiation of the fact of fraud, intimidation or malicious collusion or the substantiation of the fact of an oral will or gift, if the people's court is convinced that the probability of the existence of the factum probandum can exclude reasonable doubt, it shall find that such fact exists.
第八十六条 当事人对于欺诈、胁迫、恶意串通事实的证明,以及对于口头遗嘱或赠与事实的证明,人民法院确信该待证事实存在的可能性能够排除合理怀疑的,应当认定该事实存在。
With respect to a fact relating to procedural matters such as procedural preservation, recusal, etc., if the people's court, taking into account the explanation and related evidence of the party in question, deems the probability of the existence of the relevant fact to be relatively high, it may find that such fact exists.
Article 87: The judges may examine and render a finding on any single exhibit from the following aspects:
第八十七条 审判人员对单一证据可以从下列方面进行审核认定:
(1) whether the exhibit is the original, or whether a photocopy or reproduction thereof is consistent with the original;
(2) whether the exhibit is related to the facts of the case;
(3) whether the format or provenance of the exhibit complies with the provisions of laws;
(4) whether the content of the exhibit is authentic; and
(5) whether a witness or the person providing the exhibit has a material connection with the party in question.
Article 88: With respect to all of the evidence in a case, the judges shall carry out a comprehensive examination and render their determination from aspects such as the extent to which each exhibit is connected to the case facts and the interrelationship of the exhibits.
第八十八条 审判人员对案件的全部证据,应当从各证据与案件事实的关联程度、各证据之间的联系等方面进行综合审查判断。
Article 89: With respect to evidence recognized by the parties in the course of the legal action, the people's court shall confirm the same, unless otherwise provided in laws or judicial interpretations.
第八十九条 当事人在诉讼过程中认可的证据,人民法院应当予以确认。但法律、司法解释另有规定的除外。
If a party withdraws his/her recognition of a fact that he/she recognized, the matter shall be handled with reference to Article 229 of the Supreme People's Court, Interpretation on the Application of the <PRC Civil Procedure Law>.
Article 90: The following evidence may not alone serve as a basis for a finding of the facts in a case:
第九十条 下列证据不能单独作为认定案件事实的根据:
(1) the parties' statements;
(2) testimony given by a person with no or limited civil capacity that is inconsistent with his/her age, mental state or mental health situation;
(3) the testimony given by a witness who has a material connection with a party or his/her agent;
(4) audio-visual materials or electronic data over which hang certain suspicions; or
(5) a photocopy or reproduction that cannot be checked against the original.
Article 91: The duplicate produced by the producer of official documentary evidence based on the original thereof and containing part or all of the content thereof shall have the same probative force as the original.
第九十一条 公文书证的制作者根据文书原件制作的载有部分或者全部内容的副本,与正本具有相同的证明力。
A photocopy or duplicate of, or an extract from, a document on file with a state authority shall have the same probative force as the original if its content is corroborated as consistent with the original by the archival department or the authority that produced the original.
Article 92: With respect to the authenticity of private documentary evidence, the burden of proof in respect thereof shall be borne by the party requesting the use thereof to substantiate case facts.
第九十二条 私文书证的真实性,由主张以私文书证证明案件事实的当事人承担举证责任。
If private documentary evidence is signed, stamped or bears the thumbprint of the producer thereof or his/her agent, it shall be presumed to be authentic.
If private documentary evidence contains deletions, alterations, additions or other manner of flaw, the people's court shall judge its probative force by comprehensively considering the specific circumstances of the case.
Article 93: A people's court shall comprehensively determine the authenticity of electronic data by taking into account the following factors:
第九十三条 人民法院对于电子数据的真实性,应当结合下列因素综合判断:
(1) whether the integrity of the hardware and software environment of the computer system relied on to generate, store and transmit the electronic data is kept and whether such environment is reliable;
(2) whether the hardware and software environment of the computer system relied on to generate, store and transmit the electronic data is in a normal state of operation, or, when it is not in normal state of operation, whether the generation, storage or transmission of the electronic data is affected;
(3) whether the hardware and software environment of the computer system relied on to generate, store and transmit the electronic data has monitoring and checking means to effectively prevent the occurrence of errors;
(4 whether the electronic data has been stored, transmitted and retrieved in a manner that preserves its integrity, and whether the manner of storage, transmission and retrieval is reliable;
(5) whether the electronic data was generated and stored in the course of normal dealings;
(6) whether the subject storing, transmitting and retrieving the electronic data is appropriate; and
(7) other factors that would affect the integrity and reliability of the electronic data.
If it deems it necessary, the people's court may resort to means such as forensic analysis or onsite examination to examine and determine the authenticity of electronic data.
Article 94: Unless there is counter evidence to rebut the same, a people's court shall confirm the authenticity of electronic data if:
第九十四条 电子数据存在下列情形的,人民法院可以确认其真实性,但有足以反驳的相反证据的除外:
(1) it is electronic data that is produced or was held by a party and is disadvantageous to such party;
(2) it is provided or confirmed by the neutral third party platform that recorded and stored the same;
(3) it was generated in the course of normal business activities;
(4) it was kept using an archival management method; or
(5) it was stored, transmitted and retrieved by the method specified by the parties.
Where the content of electronic data is notarized by a notary office, the people's court shall confirm its authenticity, unless there is counter evidence sufficient to overturn the same.
Article 95: If a party has evidence in his/her control and refuses to produce the same without a legitimate reason and the party with the burden of proof in respect of a factum probandum claims that the content of such evidence is disadvantageous to the person in whose control it is, the people's court may find that such claim is tenable.
第九十五条 一方当事人控制证据无正当理由拒不提交,对待证事实负有举证责任的当事人主张该证据的内容不利于控制人的,人民法院可以认定该主张成立。
Article 96: When a people's court is rendering a finding on the testimony of a witness, it may render its judgment by doing a comprehensive analysis of the mental state, moral character, knowledge, experience, legal awareness, technical skills of the witness, etc.
第九十六条 人民法院认定证人证言,可以通过对证人的智力状况、品德、知识、经验、法律意识和专业技能等的综合分析作出判断。
Article 97: A people's court shall set forth the grounds in its judgment or ruling document for admitting or dismissing evidence.
第九十七条 人民法院应当在裁判文书中阐明证据是否采纳的理由。
With respect to evidence not disputed by the parties, the grounds for the admission or dismissal thereof need not be stated in the judgment or ruling document.
VI. Miscellaneous
Article 98: The lawful rights and interests of witnesses, forensic analysts and onsite examiners shall be protected in accordance with the law.
第九十八条 对证人、鉴定人、勘验人的合法权益依法予以保护。
If a party or another participant in a legal action fabricates or destroys evidence, provides false evidence, prevents a witness from testifying, instructs, bribes or intimidates a third party to provide false evidence or retaliates against a witness, forensic analyst or onsite examiner, he/she shall be penalized in accordance with Articles 110 and 111 of the CPL.
Article 99: Where these Regulations are silent on evidence preservation, the provisions on property preservation of laws and judicial interpretations shall apply mutatis mutandis.
第九十九条 本规定对证据保全没有规定的,参照适用法律、司法解释关于财产保全的规定。
Unless otherwise provided in laws and judicial interpretations, the provisions hereof on the questioning of witnesses shall apply mutatis mutandis to the questioning of the parties, forensic analysts and persons with specialized knowledge. The provisions hereof on documentary evidence shall apply to audio-visual materials and electronic data. The provisions on electronic data hereof shall apply to audio-visual materials stored on electronic computers and other electronic media.
Article 100: These Provisions shall be effective as of May 1, 2020.
第一百条 本规定自2020年5月1日起施行。
Once these Provisions are promulgated and implemented, any judicial interpretations previously issued by the Supreme People's Court that are inconsistent herewith shall cease to apply.
clp reference: 1420/19.12.25 promulgated:2019-12-25 effective:2020-05-01本规定公布施行后,最高人民法院以前发布的司法解释与本规定不一致的,不再适用。
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