COVID-19 Legal Series (1): How to Manage Contractual Performance Amid Coronavirus Outbreak?

February 21, 2020 | BY

Susan Mok

Fang Qi of Fangda Partners examines how companies can deal with their contractual obligations during the coronavirus outbreak that has undoubtedly wreaked havoc on business operations and affected contractual relationships for many entities.

The epidemic caused by the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has posed unprecedented challenges to many companies in China, as well as in many parts of the world.  China has ordered various levels of lockdown on several dozen cities, with measures ranging from complete closure of public transportation to registration requirement for residents to travel in and out of their communities.  For individuals, many have been holed up in their homes for weeks during this traditionally busy time of the year.  Internationally, over 60 countries have imposed travel restrictions on Chinese citizens or anyone traveling from or through China.  For example, both Australian and the United States governments have placed temporary bans on anyone who visited mainland China in the 14 days prior to their arrival.


I .   Relief From Liabilities Under Force Majeure

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