Cyberspace Administration of China, Measures for the Administration of the Publication of Cybersecurity Threat Information (Draft for Comments)

国家互联网信息办公室网络安全威胁信息发布管理办法 (征求意见稿)

December 13, 2019 | BY

Susan Mok

CAC specifies procedures for reporting of cybersecurity threats

Promulgated: 2019-11-20


Issued: November 20, 2019


Main contents: Before publishing information on a cybersecurity incident, such as an attack on and disruption of, or illegal accessing of, a network or information system, the same shall be reported to the public security authority at the prefectural city level or above of the place where the incident occurred. The public security authority at the level in question shall report the relevant details to the cyberspace administration at the same level and the public security authority at the next higher level (Article 5).


Before any enterprise, association or individual publishes a regional comprehensive analysis report on cybersecurity attacks, incidents, risks and vulnerabilities, it/he/she shall report the same in advance to the cyberspace administration and public security authority at the prefectural city level or above of the region in question;


Before a comprehensive analysis report on cybersecurity attacks, incidents, risks and vulnerabilities involving  key industries or sectors such as public communications and information services, energy, transportation, water resources, finance, public services, e-government and national defense technology industry, the same shall be submitted in advance to the competent industry department (Article 6).


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