Ministry of Education and Five Other Departments, Implementing Opinions on Regulating Off-campus Online Training


July 25, 2019 | BY

Susan Mok

Off-campus online education is subject to record filing

Clp Reference: 1720/19.07.12 Promulgated: 2019-07-12


Issued: July 12, 2019


Main contents: The focus is on the carrying out of record filing reviews of training institutions, training content and training personnel (Article 4).


Once an off-campus online training institution has secured proof of ICP record filing (where engagement in the provision of telecommunications services is involved, a telecommunications service operating permit shall additionally be applied for) and of cybersecurity grade protection determination record filing and a grade testing and evaluation report, it shall submit the relevant materials and apply for record filing to the provincial-level education administrative department of the place where it is domiciled (Article 5).

clp reference: 1720/19.07.12
issued: 2019-07-12

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