Ministry of Justice, Circular on the Establishment of a System for the Record Filing of the Establishment of Branches Abroad by Law Firms (Draft for Comments)
司法部关于建立律师事务所在境外设立分支机构备案制度的通知 (征求意见稿)
May 16, 2019 | BY
Susan MokChinese law firms are required to carry out record filing for overseas expansion
Clp Reference: 1440/19.04.22 Promulgated: 2019-04-22
Issued: April 22, 2019
Main contents: A law firm wishing to establish a branch abroad shall carry out record filing with the justice department (bureau) of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government (Article 2).
A law firm shall, by December 31 of each year, submit to the judicial department (bureau) of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government where it is located information on the work carried out by its foreign branch during the fiscal year in question (Article 9).
clp reference:1440/19.04.22
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