Implementing Regulations for the PRC Individual Income Tax Law (4th Revision)

中华人民共和国个人所得税法实施条例 (第四次修订)

Residency rules clarified for individuals without a residence in China

Clp Reference: 3230/18.12.18 Promulgated: 2018-12-18 Effective: 2019-01-01

(Promulgated by the State Council on December 18, 2018 and effective as of January 1 2019.)


Order of the State Council No.707


Article 1: These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the PRC Individual Income Tax Law (the Individual Income Tax Law).

第一条 根据《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》(以下简称个人所得税法),制定本条例。

Article 2: For the purposes of the Individual Income Tax Law, the phrase “has a residence in China” means habitually residing in China due to one's household registration, family or economic interest relationship; the phrase “income he/she derives both inside and outside China” means the income sourced in China and the income sourced from outside China respectively.

第二条 个人所得税法所称在中国境内有住所,是指因户籍、家庭、经济利益关系而在中国境内习惯性居住;所称从中国境内和境外取得的所得,分别是指来源于中国境内的所得和来源于中国境外的所得。

Article 3: Unless otherwise specified by the State Council's finance or tax department, the following income, whether the place of payment is in China or not, shall be income sourced in China:

第三条 除国务院财政、税务主管部门另有规定外,下列所得,不论支付地点是否在中国境内,均为来源于中国境内的所得:

(1) income from services provided in China because of the tenure of an office, employment, the performance of a contract, etc.;

(一) 因任职、受雇、履约等在中国境内提供劳务取得的所得;

(2) income from the lease of property to a lessee for use in China;

(二) 将财产出租给承租人在中国境内使用而取得的所得;

(3) income from the licensing for use in China of any kind of licensing rights;

(三) 许可各种特许权在中国境内使用而取得的所得;

(4) income from the assignment of property such as immovable property in China or the assignment in China of any other property; and

(四) 转让中国境内的不动产等财产或者在中国境内转让其他财产取得的所得;

(5) income from interest, dividends and extra dividends derived from enterprises, public institutions, other organizations and tax resident individuals in China.

(五) 从中国境内企业、事业单位、其他组织以及居民个人取得的利息、股息、红利所得。

Article 4: Where the number of tax years an individual without a residence in China resides in China for at least 183 days in the aggregate is less than six in succession, he/she shall, subject to record filing with the competent tax authority, be exempt from paying individual income tax on income sourced from outside China and paid to him/her by a foreign entity or individual; if in any tax year in which he/she is resident in China for at least 183 days in the aggregate he/she is absent from China for more than 30 days on a single occasion, the succession of tax years in which he/she is resident in China for at least 183 days in the aggregate shall commence to count anew.

第四条 在中国境内无住所的个人,在中国境内居住累计满183天的年度连续不满六年的,经向主管税务机关备案,其来源于中国境外且由境外单位或者个人支付的所得,免予缴纳个人所得税; 在中国境内居住累计满183天的任一年度中有一次离境超过30天的,其在中国境内居住累计满183天的年度的连续年限重新起算。

Article 5: For an individual who does not have a residence in China, but who resides in China for not more than 90 days in the aggregate in one tax year, that part of his/her income sourced in China that is paid by an employer outside China, and that is not borne by an establishment of that employer in China, shall be exempt from individual income tax.

第五条 在中国境内无住所的个人,在一个纳税年度内在中国境内居住累计不超过90天的,其来源于中国境内的所得,由境外雇主支付并且不由该雇主在中国境内的机构、场所负担的部分,免予缴纳个人所得税。

Article 6: The scopes of the categories of income specified in the Individual Income Tax Law shall be as set forth below:

第六条 个人所得税法规定的各项个人所得的范围:

(1) The term “income from wages and salaries” means the wage, salary, bonus, year-end extra, profit share, subsidy, allowance and other income related to the tenure of an office or employment that is derived by an individual by virtue of the tenure of an office or employment.

(一) 工资、薪金所得,是指个人因任职或者受雇取得的工资、薪金、奖金、年终加薪、劳动分红、津贴、补贴以及与任职或者受雇有关的其他所得。

(2) The term “income from remuneration for services” means income derived by an individual from engagement in services, including income derived from engaging in design, decoration, installation, drafting, laboratory testing, other testing, medical treatment, legal, accounting, advisory, lecturing, translation, proofreading, painting and calligraphic, carving, moving picture and television, sound recording, video recording, show, performance, advertising, exhibition and technical services, introduction services, brokerage services, agency services and other services.

(二) 劳务报酬所得,是指个人从事劳务取得的所得,包括从事设计、装潢、安装、制图、化验、测试、医疗、法律、会计、咨询、讲学、翻译、审稿、书画、雕刻、影视、录音、录像、演出、表演、广告、展览、技术服务、介绍服务、经纪服务、代办服务以及其他劳务取得的所得。

(3) The term “income from author's remuneration” means income derived by an individual by virtue of the publication of his/her works in books, newspapers, periodicals, etc.

(三) 稿酬所得,是指个人因其作品以图书、报刊等形式出版、发表而取得的所得。

(4) The term “income from royalties” means income derived by an individual from provision of the right to use patent rights, trademark rights, copyrights, non-patented technology and other licensing rights. Income from provision of the right to use copyrights shall not include income from author's remuneration.

(四) 特许权使用费所得,是指个人提供专利权、商标权、著作权、非专利技术以及其他特许权的使用权取得的所得;提供著作权的使用权取得的所得,不包括稿酬所得。

(5) The term “income from business operations” means:

(五) 经营所得,是指:

(a) the income derived by a sole/family proprietor from his/her production and business activities, or the income sourced in China by the investor in a wholly individually-owned enterprise or an individual partner in a partnership from the production and operations of the wholly individually-owned enterprise or partnership registered in China;

1. 个体工商户从事生产、经营活动取得的所得,个人独资企业投资人、合伙企业的个人合伙人来源于境内注册的个人独资企业、合伙企业生产、经营的所得;

(b) income derived by an individual from engagement in the provision of educational, medical, advisory and other service activities for consideration;

2. 个人依法从事办学、医疗、咨询以及其他有偿服务活动取得的所得;

(c) income derived by an individual from contracting for or leasing the operation of an enterprise or public institution, or from assigning such contracts or leases; or

3. 个人对企业、事业单位承包经营、承租经营以及转包、转租取得的所得;

(d) income derived by an individual from engagement in other production and business activities.

4. 个人从事其他生产、经营活动取得的所得。

(6) The term “income from interest, dividends and extra dividends” means income from interest, dividends, extra dividends, etc. that is derived by an individual by virtue of his/her possession of creditor's rights and share rights.

(六) 利息、股息、红利所得,是指个人拥有债权、股权等而取得的利息、股息、红利所得。

(7) The term “income from the lease of property” means income derived by an individual from the lease of immovable property, machinery, equipment, vehicles and vessels, and other property.

(七) 财产租赁所得,是指个人出租不动产、机器设备、车船以及其他财产取得的所得。

(8) The term “income from the assignment of property” means income derived by an individual from the assignment of negotiable securities, equity, property shares in a partnership, immovable property, machinery, equipment, vehicles and vessels, and other property.

(八) 财产转让所得,是指个人转让有价证券、股权、合伙企业中的财产份额、不动产、机器设备、车船以及其他财产取得的所得。

(9) The term “casual income” means income derived by an individual from winning an award, prize and lottery and other income of an occasional nature.

(九) 偶然所得,是指个人得奖、中奖、中彩以及其他偶然性质的所得。

Income derived by an individual for which the taxable category is difficult to determine shall be decided upon by the State Council's tax department.


Article 7: Measures for the levy and collection of individual income tax on income from the transfer of shares shall be separately formulated by the State Council and submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for the record.

第七条 对股票转让所得征收个人所得税的办法,由国务院另行规定,并报全国人民代表大会常务委员会备案。

Article 8: The forms that individual income may take include cash, physical goods, negotiable securities or other manner of economic benefit. Where income takes the form of physical goods, the taxable income shall be calculated based on the price of the physical goods indicated on the voucher obtained therewith, but for physical goods without a voucher or the price indicated on the voucher for which is clearly too low, the taxable income shall be determined with reference to the market price therefor. Where income takes the form of negotiable securities, the taxable income shall be determined on the basis of the face value and market price thereof. Where income takes the form of another manner of economic benefit, the taxable income shall be determined with reference to the market price thereof.

第八条 个人所得的形式,包括现金、实物、有价证券和其他形式的经济利益;所得为实物的,应当按照取得的凭证上所注明的价格计算应纳税所得额,无凭证的实物或者凭证上所注明的价格明显偏低的,参照市场价格核定应纳税所得额;所得为有价证券的,根据票面价格和市场价格核定应纳税所得额;所得为其他形式的经济利益的,参照市场价格核定应纳税所得额。

Article 9: For the purposes of Item (2) of the first paragraph of Article 4 of the Individual Income Tax Law, the term “interest on treasury bonds” means interest derived by an individual by virtue of holding bonds issued by the Ministry of Finance of China, and the term “interest on financial bonds issued by the state” means interest derived by an individual by virtue of holding financial bonds issued with State Council approval.

第九条 个人所得税法第四条第一款第二项所称国债利息,是指个人持有中华人民共和国财政部发行的债券而取得的利息;所称国家发行的金融债券利息,是指个人持有经国务院批准发行的金融债券而取得的利息。

Article 10: For the purposes of Item (3) of the first paragraph of Article 4 of the Individual Income Tax Law, the term “subsidies and allowances paid in accordance with uniform regulations of the state” means special government allowances and allowances for fellows, granted in accordance with State Council provisions, and other subsidies and allowances that are exempted from individual income tax as specified by the State Council.

第十条 个人所得税法第四条第一款第三项所称按照国家统一规定发给的补贴、津贴,是指按照国务院规定发给的政府特殊津贴、院士津贴,以及国务院规定免予缴纳个人所得税的其他补贴、津贴。

Article 11: For the purposes of Item (4) of the first paragraph of Article 4 of the Individual Income Tax Law, the term “welfare benefits” means a cost-of-living subsidy paid to an individual according to relevant state provisions out of the welfare benefits allocated by an enterprise, public institution, state authority or social organization or out of its labor union funds, and the term “relief payments” means a hardship subsidy paid to an individual by the civil affairs department of a people's government at any level.

第十一条 个人所得税法第四条第一款第四项所称福利费,是指根据国家有关规定,从企业、事业单位、国家机关、社会组织提留的福利费或者工会经费中支付给个人的生活补助费;所称救济金,是指各级人民政府民政部门支付给个人的生活困难补助费。

Article 12: For the purposes of Item (8) of the first paragraph of Article 4 of the Individual Income Tax Law, the “income of diplomatic agents, consular officials and other members of the embassies and consulates in China, which should be tax-exempt according to relevant laws” means income that is tax-exempt according to the PRC Regulations on Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities and the PRC Regulations on Consular Privileges and Immunities.

第十二条 个人所得税法第四条第一款第八项所称依照有关法律规定应予免税的各国驻华使馆、领事馆的外交代表、领事官员和其他人员的所得,是指依照《中华人民共和国外交特权与豁免条例》和《中华人民共和国领事特权与豁免条例》规定免税的所得。

Article 13: The “other deductions determined by law” mentioned in Item (1) of the first paragraph of Article 6 of the Individual Income Tax Law include expenditures toward an enterprise annuity or occupational pension that complies with state provisions and paid by an individual, commercial health insurance complying with state provisions purchased by an individual or tax deferred old-age insurance, as well as other items that the State Council specifies as being deductible.

第十三条 个人所得税法第六条第一款第一项所称依法确定的其他扣除,包括个人缴付符合国家规定的企业年金、职业年金,个人购买符合国家规定的商业健康保险、税收递延型商业养老保险的支出,以及国务院规定可以扣除的其他项目。

Special deductions, special expense deductions and other deductions determined by law shall be restricted to the taxable income of a tax-resident individual in one tax year, and if the same cannot be completely deducted in one tax year, they may not be carried forward and deducted in subsequent years.


Article 14: For the purposes of Items (2), (4) and (6) of the first paragraph of Article 6 of the Individual Income Tax Law, the term “each payment” shall respectively be determined by the following methods:

第十四条 个人所得税法第六条第一款第二项、第四项、第六项所称每次,分别按照下列方法确定:

(1) in the case of income from remuneration for services, author's remuneration or royalties, the amount, if the revenue is derived in a lump sum, of that lump sum; and, if the revenue is of a continuing nature and pertains to the same project, the revenue derived in one month;

(一) 劳务报酬所得、稿酬所得、特许权使用费所得,属于一次性收入的,以取得该项收入为一次;属于同一项目连续性收入的,以一个月内取得的收入为一次。

(2) in the case of income from the lease of property, the revenue derived in one month;

(二) 财产租赁所得,以一个月内取得的收入为一次。

(3) in the case of income from interest, dividends and extra dividends, the revenue derived each time interest, dividends or extra dividends are paid; or

(三) 利息、股息、红利所得,以支付利息、股息、红利时取得的收入为一次。

(4) in the case of casual income, each payment of such revenue obtained.

(四) 偶然所得,以每次取得该项收入为一次。

Article 15: For the purposes of Item (3) of the first paragraph of Article 6 of the Individual Income Tax Law, the term “costs and expenses” means the various direct expenditures and indirect expenses allocated and charged as costs incurred in the course of production and operational activities, as well as sales expenses, management expenses and financial expenses; the term “losses” means the fixed asset and inventory losses, damage, losses on property retired, transferred property losses, bad debt losses, losses due to a natural disaster or other such force majeure and other losses incurred in the course of production and operational activities.

第十五条 个人所得税法第六条第一款第三项所称成本、费用,是指生产、经营活动中发生的各项直接支出和分配计入成本的间接费用以及销售费用、管理费用、财务费用;所称损失,是指生产、经营活动中发生的固定资产和存货的盘亏、毁损、报废损失,转让财产损失,坏账损失,自然灾害等不可抗力因素造成的损失以及其他损失。

If an individual who earns business income does not have integrated income, when calculating his/her taxable income each tax year, he/she shall deduct expenses in the amount of Rmb60,000, special deductions, special expense deductions and other deductions determined by law. Special expense deductions shall be deducted when carrying out final settlement.


Where production or operational activities are engaged in, but complete and accurate tax information is not provided, making it impossible to correctly calculate taxable income, the competent tax authority shall determine the taxable income or tax payable.


Article 16: For the purposes of Item (5) of the first paragraph of Article 6 of the Individual Income Tax Law, the term “the original value of the property” shall be determined by the following methods:

第十六条 个人所得税法第六条第一款第五项规定的财产原值,按照下列方法确定:

(1) in the case of negotiable securities, the price for which they were purchased and related expenses paid according to provisions at the time of purchase;

(一) 有价证券,为买入价以及买入时按照规定交纳的有关费用;

(2) in the case of structures, the construction expenses or purchase price, and other related expenses;

(二) 建筑物,为建造费或者购进价格以及其他有关费用;

(3) in the case of land use rights, the amount paid to acquire the land use rights, land development expenses and other related expenses; or

(三) 土地使用权,为取得土地使用权所支付的金额、开发土地的费用以及其他有关费用;

(4) in the case of machinery, equipment, vehicles and vessels, the purchase price, freight, installation expenses and other related expenses.

(四) 机器设备、车船,为购进价格、运输费、安装费以及其他有关费用。

In the case of other property, the original value of the property shall be determined by reference to the methods specified in the preceding paragraph.


If a taxpayer fails to provide complete and accurate vouchers concerning the original value of the property and is unable to determine the original value of the property by the methods specified in the first paragraph hereof, the original value of the property shall be determined by the competent tax authority.


For the purposes of Item (5) of the first paragraph of Article 6 of the Individual Income Tax Law, the term “reasonable expenses” means relevant tax and fees paid in accordance with provisions at the time of sale of the property.


Article 17: Tax on income from the assignment of property shall be calculated and paid based on the balance remaining after subtracting the original value of the property and reasonable expenses from the revenue amount of a single assignment of property.

第十七条 财产转让所得,按照一次转让财产的收入额减除财产原值和合理费用后的余额计算纳税。

Article 18: If the same item of revenue is derived by two or more individuals, tax thereon shall be calculated and paid separately on the revenue derived by each individual in accordance with the Individual Income Tax Law.

第十八条 两个以上的个人共同取得同一项目收入的,应当对每个人取得的收入分别按照个人所得税法的规定计算纳税。

Article 19: For the purposes of the third paragraph of Article 6 of the Individual Income Tax Law, the phrase “an individual donates a part of his/her income to a charitable cause, such as education, support of the poor and aiding those in difficulty” means that the individual donates a part of his/her income to a charitable cause, such as education, support of the poor and aiding those in difficulty through a social organization of a public benefit nature or a state authority in China; the term “taxable income” means the taxable income before calculation of the deductible donation.

第十九条 个人所得税法第六条第三款所称个人将其所得对教育、扶贫、济困等公益慈善事业进行捐赠,是指个人将其所得通过中国境内的公益性社会组织、国家机关向教育、扶贫、济困等公益慈善事业的捐赠;所称应纳税所得额,是指计算扣除捐赠额之前的应纳税所得额。

Article 20: The tax payables on the integrated income and income from business operations derived by a tax-resident individual from inside and outside China shall be calculated together respectively, and the tax payables on other income derived by him/her from inside and outside China shall be calculated separately respectively.

第二十条 居民个人从中国境内和境外取得的综合所得、经营所得,应当分别合并计算应纳税额;从中国境内和境外取得的其他所得,应当分别单独计算应纳税额。

Article 21: For the purposes of Article 7 of the Individual Income Tax Law, the term “the individual income tax amount he/she paid abroad” means the income tax amount payable, and actually paid, on income of a tax-resident individual sourced from outside China, in accordance with the law of the country (region) from which that income was sourced.

第二十一条 个人所得税法第七条所称已在境外缴纳的个人所得税税额,是指居民个人来源于中国境外的所得,依照该所得来源国家(地区)的法律应当缴纳并且实际已经缴纳的所得税税额。

“His/her tax payable on his/her foreign income as calculated in accordance herewith” as mentioned in Article 7 of the Individual Income Tax Law is the limit of the income tax amount on the integrated income, business income and other income paid abroad that may be deducted by a tax-resident individual (the Deduction Limit). Unless otherwise provided by the State Council's finance or tax department, the total of the Deduction Limit for integrated income, the Deduction Limit for business income and the Deduction Limit for other income sourced from one country (region) outside China is the Deduction Limit for the income sourced from that country (region).


If the actual amount of individual income tax paid by a tax-resident individual in a country (region) outside China is less than the Deduction Limit for the income sourced from that country (region) calculated in accordance with the preceding paragraph, tax shall be paid in China on the difference therefrom. If the amount exceeds the Deduction Limit for the income sourced from that country (region), the portion in excess may not be deducted against the amount of tax payable for the tax year in question; however, such excess portion may be deducted retroactively from the balance remaining in the Deduction Limit for the income sourced from that country (region) in subsequent tax years, for a maximum period of five years.


Article 22: Where a tax-resident individual applies to deduct the individual income tax amount paid by him/her abroad, he/she shall provide the relevant tax payment receipt for the tax year in which the tax was paid issued by the foreign tax authority.

第二十二条 居民个人申请抵免已在境外缴纳的个人所得税税额,应当提供境外税务机关出具的税款所属年度的有关纳税凭证。

Article 23: The interest specified in the second paragraph of Article 8 of the Individual Income Tax Law shall be calculated based on the benchmark renminbi loan rate during the back tax period posted by the People's Bank of China on the last day of the tax filing period for the tax amount in question and charged on a daily basis from the day immediately following the date on which the tax filing period expires until the date on which the time limit for paying the back taxes expires. If a taxpayer pays the back taxes before the expiration of the time limit for the payment thereof, interest shall be charged until the date on which the back taxes are paid.

第二十三条 个人所得税法第八条第二款规定的利息,应当按照税款所属纳税申报期最后一日中国人民银行公布的与补税期间同期的人民币贷款基准利率计算,自税款纳税申报期满次日起至补缴税款期限届满之日止按日加收。纳税人在补缴税款期限届满前补缴税款的,利息加收至补缴税款之日。

Article 24: When a withholding agent makes taxable payments to an individual, it shall withhold tax in accordance with the Individual Income Tax Law, pay the tax over to the treasury in a timely manner, and keep special records for future inspection.

第二十四条 扣缴义务人向个人支付应税款项时,应当依照个人所得税法规定预扣或者代扣税款,按时缴库,并专项记载备查。

For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, the term “payments” includes payments in cash, payments by remittance, payments by account transfer, and payments in the form of negotiable securities, physical goods and other forms.


Article 25: Circumstances where integrated income is earned and the carrying out of final settlement is required include:

第二十五条 取得综合所得需要办理汇算清缴的情形包括:

(1) one where integrated income is derived from at least two sources and the balance of the amount of the integrated income for the year remaining after the deduction of special deductions exceeds Rmb60,000;

(一) 从两处以上取得综合所得,且综合所得年收入额减除专项扣除的余额超过6万元;

(2) one where one or more categories of income from remuneration for services, income from author's remuneration or income from royalties is(are) earned and the balance of the amount of the integrated income for the year remaining after the deduction of special deductions exceeds Rmb60,000;

(二) 取得劳务报酬所得、稿酬所得、特许权使用费所得中一项或者多项所得,且综合所得年收入额减除专项扣除的余额超过6万元;

(3) one where the amount of tax paid in advance for the tax year is less than the tax payable; or

(三) 纳税年度内预缴税额低于应纳税额;

(4) one where the taxpayer applies for a tax refund.

(四) 纳税人申请退税。

When a taxpayer applies for a tax refund, he/she shall provide details of a bank account opened in China, and in the place where he/she carries out final settlement he/she shall carry out the procedures for refund of the tax from the treasury.


The specific measures for final settlement shall be formulated by the State Council's tax department.


Article 26: For the purposes of the second paragraph of Article 10 of the Individual Income Tax Law, the term “withholding filings on the full amount for all personnel” means the relevant information on all individuals to whom the withholding agent has paid income, the amount of income paid, deductible items and amounts, the specific amounts and total amount of tax withheld and other tax-related information and materials that the withholding agent submits to the competent tax authority within the first 15 days of the month following the withholding of such tax.

第二十六条 个人所得税法第十条第二款所称全员全额扣缴申报,是指扣缴义务人在代扣税款的次月十五日内,向主管税务机关报送其支付所得的所有个人的有关信息、支付所得数额、扣除事项和数额、扣缴税款的具体数额和总额以及其他相关涉税信息资料。

Article 27: The specific measures concerning the locations in which a taxpayer is to file a tax return and other relevant matters shall be formulated by the State Council's tax department.

第二十七条 纳税人办理纳税申报的地点以及其他有关事项的具体办法,由国务院税务主管部门制定。

Article 28: A tax-resident individual who earns income from a wage or salary may provide to his/her withholding agent information on his/her special expense deductions so that when the withholding agent withholds tax, it deducts his/her special expense deductions. If a taxpayer earns income from a wage or salary simultaneously from at least two sources and has the withholding agent deduct his/her special expense deductions, he/she may elect to deduct any one special expense deduction item from the income from only one of the sources.

第二十八条 居民个人取得工资、薪金所得时,可以向扣缴义务人提供专项附加扣除有关信息,由扣缴义务人扣缴税款时减除专项附加扣除。纳税人同时从两处以上取得工资、薪金所得,并由扣缴义务人减除专项附加扣除的,对同一专项附加扣除项目,在一个纳税年度内只能选择从一处取得的所得中减除。

A tax-resident individual who earns income from remuneration for services, income from author's remuneration or income from royalties shall provide relevant information to the tax authority at final settlement to deduct his/her special expense deductions.


Article 29: A taxpayer may entrust his/her withholding agent or another entity or individual to carry out final settlement for him/her.

第二十九条 纳税人可以委托扣缴义务人或者其他单位和个人办理汇算清缴。

Article 30: A withholding agent shall calculate and carry out a withholding filing based on the information provided by the taxpayer, and may not revise the information provided by the taxpayer without his/her authorization.

第三十条 扣缴义务人应当按照纳税人提供的信息计算办理扣缴申报,不得擅自更改纳税人提供的信息。

If a taxpayer discovers that the personal information, income, withheld tax amount, etc. provided or given at the time of the withholding filing by his/her withholding agent is inconsistent with reality, he/she has the right to demand that the withholding agent revise the same. If the withholding agent refuses to do so, the taxpayer shall report the same to the tax authority and the tax authority shall deal with the same in a timely manner.


A taxpayer and his/her withholding agent shall preserve documentation relating to special expense deductions in accordance with provisions. The tax authority may carry out random checks of special expense deduction information provided by taxpayers, the specific measures for which shall be formulated separately by the State Council's tax department. If the tax authority discovers that a taxpayer has provided false information, it shall order him/her to rectify the matter and notify his/her withholding agent. If the circumstances are serious, the relevant authority shall deal with the matter in accordance with the law, input the same in the integrity information system and impose joint sanctions.


Article 31: If there are errors in the final settlement information provided by a taxpayer when applying for a tax refund, the tax authority shall notify him/her to correct the same. If the taxpayer corrects the same, the tax authority shall carry out the tax refund in a timely manner.

第三十一条 纳税人申请退税时提供的汇算清缴信息有错误的,税务机关应当告知其更正;纳税人更正的,税务机关应当及时办理退税。

If a withholding agent fails to pay withheld tax into the treasury, the same shall not affect a taxpayer's application for a tax refund in accordance with provisions, and the tax authority shall carry out the tax refund on the strength of the relevant documentation provided by the taxpayer.


Article 32: If income is in a currency other than renminbi, the taxable income shall be calculated by translating the same into renminbi at the central parity rate of renminbi on the last day of the month preceding the carrying out of the tax filing or withholding filing. Where final settlement is carried out after the end of a tax year, income in a currency other than renminbi on which tax has been paid in advance on a monthly, quarterly or per occurrence basis, the same shall not be translated again; for the portion of income on which back taxes are owed, the taxable income shall be calculated by translating the same into renminbi at the median renminbi exchange rate on the last day of the preceding tax year.

第三十二条 所得为人民币以外货币的,按照办理纳税申报或者扣缴申报的上一月最后一日人民币汇率中间价,折合成人民币计算应纳税所得额。年度终了后办理汇算清缴的,对已经按月、按季或者按次预缴税款的人民币以外货币所得,不再重新折算;对应当补缴税款的所得部分,按照上一纳税年度最后一日人民币汇率中间价,折合成人民币计算应纳税所得额。

Article 33: When a tax authority pays the handling fee to a withholding agent in accordance with Article 17 of the Individual Income Tax Law, it shall issue a refund notice; the withholding agent shall carry out the treasury refund procedure in accordance with provisions on the administration of the national treasury on the strength of the refund notice.

第三十三条 税务机关按照个人所得税法第十七条的规定付给扣缴义务人手续费,应当填开退还书;扣缴义务人凭退还书,按照国库管理有关规定办理退库手续。

Article 34: The models for individual income tax returns, individual income tax withheld returns and individual income tax payment receipts shall be formulated by the State Council's tax department in a unified manner.

第三十四条 个人所得税纳税申报表、扣缴个人所得税报告表和个人所得税完税凭证式样,由国务院税务主管部门统一制定。

Article 35: Matters concerning the levy and collection of individual income tax from personnel in the army shall be carried out in accordance with relevant provisions.

第三十五条 军队人员个人所得税征收事宜,按照有关规定执行。

Article 36: These Regulations shall be effective as of January 1, 2019.

clp reference:3230/18.12.18 promulgated:2018-12-18 effective:2019-01-01

第三十六条 本条例自2019年1月1日起施行。

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