China Film Administration, Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of Movie Theaters to Promote the Prosperity and Development of the Film Market


January 29, 2019 | BY

Susan Mok

China sets establishment requirements for movie theater chains

Clp Reference: 5600/18.12.11 Promulgated: 2018-12-11 Effective: 2018-12-11

Issued: December 11, 2018

Effective: as of date of issuance


Main contents: To establish a movie theater chain company, the following conditions must be satisfied:


(1)       controlling not less than 50 theaters or not less than 300 screens; and


(2)       having total ticket sales from controlled theaters of not less than Rmb500 million in the previous year (Section Three).

clp reference:5600/18.12.11

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