Sections of the Civil Code (Draft)

民法典各分编 (草案)

January 09, 2019 | BY

Susan Mok

Issued: September 5, 2018 Main contents: Where the purpose of a co-owned part is to be changed or such a part is to be used to engage in business…

Promulgated: 2018-09-05

Issued: September 5, 2018


Main contents: Where the purpose of a co-owned part is to be changed or such a part is to be used to engage in business activities, the same shall be jointly decided by the owners, and the benefits generated by the co-owned part shall belong jointly to the owners (Articles 73 & 77).


Upon the expiration of the term of the use rights to residential construction land, such term shall renew automatically (Article 152).


Once the rights and obligations under a contract terminate, the parties shall abide by the principle of good faith and perform notification, assistance, confidentiality, used item recovery and other such obligations in accordance with trade practice (Article 348).


Where a lessor is to sell leased premises, it shall give the lessee reasonable notice prior to the sale and the lessee shall, under the same conditions, have a right of first refusal over such premises, save where a co-owner of the premises exercises his/her right of first refusal or the lessor is selling the premises to a close relative (Article 517).


Where, in violation of another's will, such other is sexually harassed in word, deed or by taking advantage of a superior/subordinate relationship, the aggrieved party may request in accordance with the law that the author of the act bear civil liability.


An employer shall take reasonable preventive, complaint, handling and other such measures in the workplace to prevent and halt acts of sexual harassment (Article 790).


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