Ministry of Public Security, Provisions for Monitoring Inspections of Internet Security by Public Security Authorities


October 23, 2018 | BY

Susan Mok

Business premises may be inspected for cybersecurity purposes

Clp Reference: 5600/18.09.15 Promulgated: 2018-09-15 Effective: 2018-11-01


Promulgated: September 15, 2018

Effective: November 1, 2018


Applicability: These Provisions shall govern the security monitoring inspections conducted in accordance with the law by public security authorities in respect of the performance by internet service providers and internet using entities of their cybersecurity obligations specified in laws and administrative regulations (Article 2).


Main contents: In conducting an onsite monitoring inspection of internet security, a public security authority may, as required, take the following measures:


(1)       enter business premises, server rooms and work places;


(2)       require the person in charge or the cybersecurity management personnel of the entity being inspected to give an explanation of the matters that are the subject of the monitoring inspection;


(3)       review and take copies of information relating to the matters that are the subject of the monitoring inspection of internet security; and


(4)       check the operation of technical measures for the security protection of the network and information (Article 15).


Related legislation: PRC Cybersecurity Law

clp reference:5600/18.09.15

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