National Development and Reform Commission, Measures for the Administration of the Project Consulting Industry


March 30, 2018 | BY

Susan Mok

Project consultants subject to notification-type record filing.

Clp Reference: 4200/17.11.06 Promulgated: 2017-11-06 Effective: 2017-12-06


Promulgated: November 6 2017

Effective: December 6 2017


Main contents: Project consulting entities shall be subject to administration by means of notification-type record filing, which shall include:


(1) its basic particulars, such as business license;

(2) the project consulting specialty engaged in and the scope of services;

(3) staffing of specialized technical personnel in the specialty being filed for the record; and

(4) a brief description of non-confidential consulting achievements (Article 6).


Credit rating of an industry self-regulatory nature shall serve only as reference when being engaged for a consulting matter. No entity may set a limit on the number of credit rating firms, set a geographical or industry limit on the operations of project consulting entities or set practice limits on project consulting entities that have not participated or obtained a credit rating (Article 26).


Repealed legislation: Measures for the Recognition of the Qualifications of Project Consultants, 2005; Circular on the Application of Relevant Articles of the , 2009 and Measures for the (Investment) Administration of Consultant Engineers, 2013

clp reference:4200/17.11.06

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