Ministry of Finance, Measures for the Practice Permission and Regulation of Accounting Firms


March 30, 2018 | BY

Susan Mok

LLPs have been added to accounting firm regulations.

Clp Reference: 3110/17.08.20 Promulgated: 2017-08-20 Effective: 2017-10-01


Issued: August 20 2017

Effective: October 1 2017


Main contents: An accounting firm organized as a limited liability partnership applying for a practice permit shall satisfy the following conditions:


(1) having at least 15 certified public accountants serving as partners and all partners satisfying the conditions set forth in Articles 11 and 12 of these Measures;

(2) having at least 60 certified public accountants;

(3) having a written partnership agreement; and

(4) having a place of business (Article 9).


Repealed legislation: Examination, Approval and Supervision of Accounting Firms Tentative Procedures, 2005

clp reference:3110/17.08.20

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