Comply or Be Caught
February 24, 2018 | BY
Susan MokWei Wang of Co-Effort Law Firm highlights the progress and impact of China's anti-corruption campaign, the increasing compliance burdens in the finance, internet, and pharmaceutical industries, and the procedures to follow for internal risk controls and investigations 协力律师事务所的王炜律师重点介绍了中国反贪腐的进展和影响,对金融、网络和药品等行业日益增加的合规重担,以及内部风险控制和监管调查时的应对程序
1. What are the most significant cases from the past year that reflect China's continuing crackdown on corruption and bribery?
According to the figures reported in the China Discipline Inspection and Supervision magazine, more than 250 centrally-managed cadres have been investigated and dealt with since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Just in the first half of 2017, 38 provincial/ministerial-level cadres and more than 1,000 cadres at the office/bureau level were disciplined. Among these, those cases that most manifest China's continuing crackdown on corruption and bribery include the Zhou Yongkang, Bo Xilai, Guo Boxiong, Xu Caihou, Ling Jihua and Su Rong cases, with some of the foregoing officials ranking up to the sub-national leader level. The 2016 work report of the Supreme People's Procuratorate states that the procuratorate authorities opened cases and launched investigations against 47,650 individuals for position-related crimes, 2,882 of whom were formerly cadres at the county/division level and 446 at the office/bureau level. Cases have been opened and investigations have been launched against 21 provincial/ministerial-level cadres, including Wang Min, in accordance with the law, and 48 former cadres at the provincial/ministerial level or above, including Ling Jihua, Su Rong and Bai Enpei, have faced public prosecution. Moreover, the central government has resolutely handled major cases that shook the whole nation, such as the systemic “landslide” corruption in Shanxi, the election disruption case in Hengyang, Hunan, the election corruption case in Nanchong, Sichuan, and the vote-buying case in Liaoning.
2. Which pieces of legislation are responsible for corruption and bribery? What are the penalties and various self-reporting requirements?
The laws governing corruption and bribery in China at the moment are the PRC Criminal Law and the PRC Anti-unfair Competition Law. Additionally, the Supreme People's Court promulgated the Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning the Application of the Law in the Handling of Criminal Embezzlement and Bribery Cases on April 18, 2016. With respect to relevant crimes of corruption and bribery, criminal penalty measures include penal servitude, imprisonment, and the death penalty, which may be accompanied with a property penalty, including fines and confiscation of property. With respect to commercial bribery, the PRC Anti-unfair Competition Law sets forth the administrative penalty measures, which include fines of between Rmb10,000 and Rmb200,000 and the confiscation of illegal income.
As for self-reporting requirements, the Provisions for the Reporting of Relevant Personal Matters by Leading Cadres, issued by the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council on July 11, 2010, state that personal property reports are currently limited to officials at the deputy level at the county division level and above, as well as certain senior management members of state-owned enterprises. Other cadres are not yet subject to self-reporting requirements.
3. Which industries have been most subject to scrutiny or investigation by the authorities?
(1) The financial sector: Since 2016, and particularly during the first half of 2017, the People's Bank of China (PBOC), China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC), China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), and China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) have issued a series of policies aimed at guarding against risks and intensifying financial regulation. The recent finance regulations not only raise the threshold for access by institutions—in terms of bank wealth management, establishment of fund subsidiaries, and the establishment of principal guaranteed fund products—but also strengthen regulatory restrictions on the “thoroughfare” and fund-pooling businesses in asset management, and heavily emphasize financial product innovation and banking asset quality.
(2) The internet sector: The government has deemed cybersecurity and information development to be national interests. With the goal to improve top-level design and boost legislation in order to protect fair competition and security online and regulate internet innovation, the authorities have released series of policies and measures to promote data consumption and regulate the internet economy. For example, a number of network platforms recently were hammered for failing to carry out the procedures for a Permit for the Communication of Audio and Visual Programs via Information Networks.
4. What is your advice to companies for maintaining compliance and proper commercial conduct?
Companies must comply with:
(1) the laws and regulations issued by the state;
(2) the rules, regulations, and trade practice of the industry association;
(3) the enterprise's internal management rules and regulations, such as the employees' code of conduct; and
(4) principles of social ethics and morality, and establish a corporate culture to guide employees when laws, regulations, industry rules and internal rules and regulations are unclear.
Companies are also advised to:
(1) establish and maintain a sound internal corporate governance structure and stable internal control mechanisms; and
(2) ensure both managers and employees are aware of the rules, and instill a sense of social responsibility in the enterprise itself.
5. What impact does the new “Two-invoice System” have on compliance for pharmaceutical and distribution companies?
The “Two-invoice System” refers to: the issuance of an invoice by the drug manufacturer to the distributor, and the issuance of an invoice by the distributor to the medical institution. Pharmaceutical production and distribution companies are required to issue a dedicated value-added tax invoice or ordinary invoice, and the names of the buyer and seller on the invoices must be consistent with the outbound delivery order, as must the payment direction and amount.
Issues such as invoice borrowing, invoicing fraud, and artificially inflated drug prices had long plagued the complex and sprawling pharmaceutical distribution network, which was difficult to monitor. The Two-invoice System starts from the distribution sector and removes the middleman. With only two transactions and invoices between the drug manufacturer and the hospital, the tax authority can identify price increases on each invoice, as well as uncover and crack down on non-compliant issuances of invoices in a timely manner.
Pharmaceutical enterprises are advised to strengthen their management of invoices, documents, information, and vouchers, as well as review the relevant qualifications of suppliers and the lawfulness of the purchased products.
6. Can you describe the standard internal compliance program for a typical MNC in China?
First, the company has a sound corporate file management system, such that all issues encountered in day-to-day operations and handed over to the legal department are recorded in writing and placed on file.
Proceeding in this manner facilitates an understanding of the specific circumstances, regular reporting by the legal department to higher-level departments, and a swift handover in the event that external counsel becomes involved.
Second, there is a clear division of responsibilities and authority within departments. For instance, the legal department would delineate contract review, litigation management, intellectual property protection, and investment/financing. Legal should actively participate in and promote the revision and formulation of internal rules and regulations so as to enhance inter-departmental cooperation.
Third, the company dynamically tracks the status of domestic and foreign legislation in relevant sectors and regularly conducts internal legal training.
Fourth, it examines and evaluates the legal risks involved in its day-to-day business operations and internal governance.
Lastly, it assesses and evaluates the work of, and offers incentives for, legal department employees.
7. What are the administrative and reporting duties foreign companies must comply with once they are operational?
The first thing a company must pay attention to is submitting its annual corporate report for the previous year by the end of June each year. If it fails to do so, it will be placed on the irregular operations list, which will have an adverse impact on its day-to-day business.
When there is a change in its basic particulars (name, registered capital, scope of business, etc.), a company must carry out the procedures for record filing (or examination and approval) and business registration amendments in a timely manner. Since October 2016, many items previously subject to examination and approval are now subject to record filing, simplifying the process for the commerce authority.
A company must promptly update or renew its term of qualification upon expiry. The types of qualifications and certificates for which an enterprise is required to fulfil for these procedures are numerous. They could include, for instance, an industrial product production permit, hazardous chemical transport permit, construction qualifications, CCC certification and quality system certification. These are often mandatory for a company to carry on its day-to-day operations.
8. What are the major data and employment aspects to take into account during internal investigations?
Companies must pay particular attention to their:
(1) number of employees and turnover, as well as categorized statistics on the employees: work-related injuries, occupational diseases, sick leave, etc.;
(2) work safety management data, to prevent safety-related accidents;
(3) environmental monitoring data, to prevent environmental contamination incidents;
(4) if import/export trade is involved, the HS code classification and the status of tax filings, to prevent violations of customs regulation;
(5) operational and financial data, to prevent tax administration violations;
(6) procurement department and asset disposal department, to prevent misappropriation of company property; and
(7) technology research and development department and sales department, to prevent disclosure of trade secrets.
9. Can you provide some practical tips for legal teams to take during investigations?
The focus of the investigation must first be clearly stated, and notes should be taken when interviewing key personnel.
If a suspected violation or crime is discovered in the course of an investigation, attention must be paid to gathering evidence.
Companies should also retain the information obtained during each investigation for future reference and, when necessary, seek the assistance of external counsel and judicial authority.
10. In-house compliance teams are beefing up. What challenges do they face in the upcoming year?
Responding promptly to changes in domestic and international laws and policies is a challenge for companies. For example, the recently implemented PRC Cybersecurity Law and the complementing Measures for Security Assessments of the Transfer of Personal Information and Important Data Overseas (Draft for Comments) place more stringent requirements on enterprises' data and information management compliance. This also requires a company's compliance department to strengthen the integration of internal resources and to potentially cooperate closely with the authorities.
Public/listed companies are advised to place greater emphasis on corporate social responsibility. If the performance requirements for enterprises' environmental obligations are made stricter, their information disclosure pressures will rise. The fight to crack down on and prevent commercial corruption is only expected to intensify.
Wei Wang, Senior Partner
Co-effort Law Firm
Wei Wang specializes in legal services for foreign and domestic investments. He has provided comprehensive legal services for more than 100 Japanese listed companies investing in China, and advises foreign-invested enterprises on their establishment, M&A and due diligence.
Mr. Wang is one of the few specialized lawyers in China engaged in legal services for Japanese investment. His services cover foreign investment industrial policies, corporate establishment, foreign-related M&A, foreign exchange control, customs supervision, labor disputes, import and export of technologies and debt recovery. He also works with well-known domestic asset management institutions on onshore financing, investments and acquisitions.
Mr. Wang is the special consultant for the Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, Japan and has been awarded as one of the Top Ten Young Lawyers in the Pudong New Area of Shanghai.
1. 去年有哪些重大的案件,反映中国持续的反贪腐?
2. 有哪些反贪腐的法规?有什么罚则和自我申报要求?
3. 有哪些行业是最受到政府机关的监控和调查?
(1) 金融业
(2) 互联网
4. 对于企业合规和正当商业行为,您有什么建议?
- 遵守国家颁布的法律法规,这是公司合规经营最基本的要求;
- 遵守行业协会规章制度、交易惯例。这是合规的基本特征之一,不仅要守法,也要遵守行业规则;
- 遵守企业内部的管理制度。这也是合规的基本特征之一,员工守则等内部规章制度是对员工进行奖惩的重要依据;
- 遵守社会伦理、道德,建立自己的企业文化。企业文化是企业的灵魂,在法律法规、行业规则及内部规章制度不明确的情况下,企业文化能有效地指导员工的言行举止。
- 企业内部拥有完善的公司治理结构,以及稳定的内控机制;
- 企业的管理者、员工均有规则意识;企业自身有社会责任感。
5. 新的“两票制”对于药品生产和流通企业有什么影响?
在此以前,医药流通过程中长期存在走票、过票,药价虚高等问题,流通环节多且复杂,监管困难。 “两票制”从流通领域入手,把环节压缩,中间的水分大大减少。药品从生产厂家到医院,医院进的是什么价,卖的是什么价,中间过程开两票,税务部门能够看到每一票到底加了多少价。有利于及时发现违规的开票,并予打击处理。通过推行“两票制”,未来会有一些不规范的企业面临淘汰。
6. 您认为对于一家在华的典型跨国企业,标准内部合规制度应该是怎样的?
7. 外资企业运营后,有哪些行政报告责任?
在公司基本信息(名称、注册资本、经营范围等)发生变化时,应及时办理备案(或审批)、工商变更登记手续。 2016年10月起,原先很多需要审批的项目变更为备案制,简化了商务部门的审批流程。
8. 内部调查时,有哪些主要的数据和人事因素是需要注意的?
- 公司的从业人员人数、离职率等,并对从业人员分类统计:工伤、职业病、病假等;
- 安全生产管理数据,防止安全生产事故的发生;
- 各项环境监测数据,预防环境污染事故的发生;
- 涉及进出口贸易的,需关注海关HS编码的归类及纳税申报情况,防止违反海关监管行为的发 生;
- 了解公司经营财务数据,防止违反税收征管行为的发生;
- 重点关注公司采购部门及资产处置部门,防止非法侵占公司财产行为的发生;
- 加强对技术研发部门、销售部门的监管,防止泄露公司商业秘密行为的发生。
9. 对于现场监督调查,企业及内部法律团队应采取的最佳处理方法是怎样的呢?
10. 内部合规团队正在扩张。来年他们将会面对什么挑战?
王炜 高级合伙人
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