Insurance M&A rules raise the bar for investors


April 01, 2017 | BY

Katherine Jo &clp articles &

The CIRC's new draft regulations are set to change the landscape of investments in Chinese insurance companies中国保监会新发布的《保险公司股权管理办法(征求意见稿)》将改变中国保险公司的投资环境

The China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) has been increasing its focus on financial risks in the insurance industry since 2016. Aggressive sales of high return products, asset-liability mismatch, ill-conceived acquisitions and risky asset investments, including overseas acquisitions, have all been highlighted in recent circulars to insurers and statements by officials.

Among other measures to mitigate these risks, the CIRC is acting to strengthen the shareholding structure of insurance companies. On December 29, 2016, it released the Measures for the Administration of Equity Interests in Insurance Companies (Draft Measures) for public consultation.

If adopted, the Draft Measures have the potential to affect M&A transactions in the Chinese insurance industry by broadening the types of permitted investors while simultaneously increasing the restrictions and conditions applicable to investors. Most importantly, the Draft Measures:

  • expand the categories of investors that may become shareholders of insurance companies, but set maximum shareholding percentages for some;
  • create new conditions and restrictions for PRC insurance companies investing in other domestic insurance companies;
  • set financial qualification requirements for holders of 10% or more of the share capital of an insurance company, lowering the 15% threshold under existing regulations;
  • increase the maximum permitted ownership of a single investor from 20% to 33.3% while significantly narrowing the exceptions to this rule;
  • impose a three-year or two-year lock-up on promoters of insurance companies who hold a 20% or 10% equity interest, respectively;
  • remove the requirement that investors must use their own funds to acquire an interest in an insurance company, thereby enabling debt financing and possibly other structured transactions;
  • do not substantially change the regime for foreign investors in PRC insurance companies, other than applying the enhanced qualification requirements to them.

Insurance M&A regulation

The CIRC has adopted two sets of key regulations governing investment in domestic insurance companies (i.e. companies with no or less than 25% foreign investment). The Draft Measures are intended to supersede the CIRC's existing Measures for the Administration of Shareholding in Insurance Companies (Equity Measures), as supplemented by a CIRC notice issued in 2013 (2013 Circular) and amended in 2014.

However, the Draft Measures do not affect the rules on mergers and acquisitions of insurance companies adopted by CIRC in 2014 (Insurance M&A Measures). The Insurance M&A Measures apply specifically and only to mergers of insurance companies or acquisitions through which the acquirer (together with its affiliates and concert parties) becomes the largest shareholder (Control Acquisitions) and either (i) holds at least one-third of the share capital of an insurance company, or (ii) has effective control over an insurance company.

Maximum percentage shareholding

Under the Equity Measures, a single shareholder (together with its affiliates) is limited to a 20% shareholding, but the CIRC may grant exemptions based on certain considerations. Using this flexibility, the 2013 Circular allowed investors who have been shareholders of an insurance company for at least three years to increase their shareholding to up to 51%. Further, the Insurance M&A Measures provide that the CIRC may grant exemptions from the requirement of having a shareholding for at least three years in connection with a Control Acquisition.

The new Draft Measures take a different approach. A single shareholder, together with its affiliates, may in the future hold up to one-third of the share capital of the subject insurance company. Only shareholders who are themselves insurance companies are not subject to this limit if they invest in other insurance companies for purposes of innovation, specialization or integrated operation. As the Draft Measures will not supersede the Insurance M&A Measures, CIRC-approved Control Acquisitions will also remain permitted.

Shareholder categories and criteria

The Draft Measures introduce and define the following three categories of shareholders:

Financial Shareholder less than 10% equity interest and no major influence on the operation and management of the insurance company
Strategic Shareholder (a) at least 10% but less than 20% equity interest; or(b) less than 10% equity interest and major influence on the operation and management of the insurance company
Controlling Shareholder (a) at least 20% equity interest; or(b) less than 20% equity interest and controlling influence on the operation and management of the insurance company

There is no definition of “major” or “controlling” influence in the Draft Measures. In applying this test, the CIRC is likely to consider whether a shareholder has minority protection rights beyond what is customary for a holder of up to 10% or up to 20% of an insurance company's share capital.

The Draft Measures stipulate qualification requirements for each of the three shareholder categories. Generally, the new financial qualification requirements are similar to those applicable under the Equity Measures, but apply from a lower shareholding threshold: under the Draft Measures, Strategic Shareholders (holders of at least 10% equity interest) must satisfy financial tests that now apply to holders of at least 15%.

Investor qualification requirements

In addition to the three shareholder categories, the Draft Measures also introduce or modify requirements and restrictions that are based on the type of investor.

Foreign investors

The Draft Measures repeat the existing requirements for foreign investors in domestic insurance companies: most importantly, foreign investors must be financial institutions that have been continuously profitable with an A-grade long-term credit rating in the last three financial years and have total assets of at least $2 billion.

Under the Draft Measures, foreign investors will additionally be subject to the requirements for Financial, Strategic or Controlling Shareholders, depending on the size of their shareholding. Those requirements will also apply to domestic shareholders in foreign-invested insurance companies (i.e. companies with at least 25% foreign shareholding).

Insurance companies

The Draft Measures create a special regime for insurance companies that invest in other PRC insurance companies: they will not be limited to holding only up to one-third of the share capital. The Draft Measures also provide that insurance companies “can only invest in insurance subsidiaries that they have themselves established or acquired”.

The insurance company that is making the investment would also be subject to other qualification requirements: it must have been in existence for three years and have net assets of at least Rmb3 billion (Rmb10 billion in case the investor is an insurance group company), a core solvency adequacy ratio of at least 75%, a comprehensive solvency adequacy ratio of at least 150%, and an integrated risk rating of B or higher.

Insurance companies will not be subject to these restrictions and requirements when purchasing shares of listed insurance companies on an exchange.

Other types of investors

The Draft Measures also specify the other types of investors that may become shareholders of insurance companies. Among them, domestic limited partnerships are subject to qualification requirements and may only be Financial Shareholders, consistent with existing regulations. Quasi-governmental institutions (shiye danwei) and social organizations may only be Financial Shareholders. Natural persons as well as asset management plans, trusts and other investment vehicles may only become Financial Shareholders of listed insurance companies.


The changes in restrictions and requirements for investors proposed in the Draft Measures raise the question of how the CIRC will deal with current investors who would not be allowed to invest, or would only be allowed to hold a smaller equity interest, under the Draft Measures. The Draft Measures are silent on this subject. It would be consistent with past practice to grandfather those existing investments, and it is hoped that the final version of the Draft Measures will include a provision to this effect.

Approvals and filings

Similar to the Equity Measures, the Draft Measures have retained 5% as the shareholding percentage which differentiates between the need for an approval or a filing. Under the Draft Measures, changes in a shareholder holding at least 5% of the share capital of an insurance company are required to be approved by CIRC, whereas changes in a shareholder holding less than 5% of the share capital of an insurance company will only be required to be filed with CIRC.

The Draft Measures set out a separate regime for changes in the share capital of a listed insurance company. This contrasts with the separate regime under the Equity Measures for transactions “made through a securities exchange”, which has created ambiguity in whether differences in treatment are intended for on-exchange and off-exchange transactions. Under the Draft Measures, in the case of an acquisition of shares in a listed insurance company, an investor is required to notify the insurer within 15 working days after the date of trade upon its shareholding percentage reaching 5%, 10% and 20%, respectively, and the insurer is required to report to CIRC for approval within 10 working days thereafter. Changes in a shareholder holding less than 5% of the share capital of a listed insurance company are not required to be filed with CIRC.

Lock-up periods

The Draft Measures provide for lock-up periods applicable to the transfer of shares beginning from the establishment of an insurance company. The lock-up periods are three years for Controlling Shareholders, two years for Strategic Shareholders and one year for Financial Shareholders. Unlike the Draft Measures, the Equity Measures do not impose a longer lock-up on promoters who exceed a 10% or 20% shareholding threshold.

On the other hand, the 2013 Circular and the Insurance M&A Measures prescribe a three-year lock-up from the date a shareholder acquires more than 20% equity interest (under the 2013 Circular) or completes a Control Acquisition (under the Insurance M&A Measures). As the Draft Measures are intended to supersede the 2013 Circular, it appears only the lock-up under the Insurance M&A Measures would remain in effect after the Draft Measures become law.

The Draft Measures also contain an anti-circumvention rule: unless otherwise stipulated by the CIRC, a transaction resulting in a change of the actual controller of a Controlling Shareholder is not permitted if the main purpose of the transaction is to acquire the underlying shares in the insurance company.


The Draft Measures will abolish the requirement in the Equity Measures that equity investments in insurance companies must be made with the investor's own funds.

This relaxation is significant not only for debt financing, but also for total return swaps and similar derivative transactions, which foreign investors (such as private equity funds) who do not qualify as shareholders in insurance companies have used to obtain returns linked to equity investments in insurance companies. Those transactions have to be structured carefully to comply with the requirement that the shareholder invest with its own funds; removing this requirement would simplify derivative transactions.

The Draft Measures bar parties who were previously involved in nominee shareholding in insurance companies from investing in insurance companies again. Both fronting shareholders and counterparties to derivative transactions therefore should remain cautious in structuring such deals.

Industry outlook

As a growing sector with substantial capital needs, China insurance has been an active M&A market in recent years. The Draft Measures show that the CIRC wishes to correct some investment trends and attract more diverse investors.

A number of large recent deals involved Chinese listed companies with core activities outside the financial services industry acquiring majority interests in insurance companies. Such deals would not be compatible with the Draft Measures. Instead, the regulator seems to encourage insurance companies to have several large shareholders (who each hold no more than one-third of the share capital) and whose financial strength is more stringently tested than before.

The Draft Measures also restrict insurance companies from becoming investors in other insurance companies. There will have to be a strategic rationale and size for such purchases, unless it is a financial investment on the stock market, and the investor will have to satisfy specific financial tests.

At the same time, the Draft Measures also make financing and other structured transactions easier by removing the requirement that an investor must use its own funds, thus giving more investors access to the insurance industry.

Betty Yap, Partner, Hans-Günther Herrmann, Counsel, and Lucia Chen, China Associate
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison
Hong Kong and Beijing




  • 增加可成为保险公司股东的投资人类型,但对某些投资人类型设定持股比例上限;
  • 就中国保险公司投资其他国内保险公司,设定新的条件和限制;
  • 对持有保险公司10%或以上股权的持股人设定财务资质要求,而现行管理办法中仅就15%或以上的持股人设有财务资质要求;
  • 将单一投资人可持有的持股比例上限从20%上调至33.3%,同时大幅减少了此规则适用的例外情况;
  • 分别对持有20%或10%股权的保险公司发起人设定三年或两年的禁售期;
  • 删除投资人必须以其自有资金向保险公司投资的要求,从而使债务融资及可能的其他结构性交易得以实行;
  • 除了对中国保险公司的外国投资人适用更为严格的资质要求外,对该等外国投资人的管理制度,没有实质性的改变。









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