Fighting for Fairness


January 10, 2017 | BY

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Jet Deng and Ken Dai of Dentons examine the 2016 antitrust regulations and enforcement trends across the utilities, auto and healthcare industries, and share key merger control and business agreement strategies for market players. 大成律师事务所的邓志松律师和戴健民律师探讨2016年公用企业、汽车和医疗行业的反垄断法规和执行趋势,并与市场参与者分享主要并购控制和商业协议战略。

1. What have been some State Council competition initiatives issued over the past 12 months?

The State Council released the Opinions on the Establishment of a Fair Competition Review System in the Course of the Creation of the Market System (Opinions) on June 14, 2016. The Opinions target practices that prevent the development of a nationally unified and fair competition market, such as local protectionism, regional blockades, industry barriers, enterprise monopolies, preferential treatment in violation of laws or reductions in, or damage to, the interests of market players. They also specify the overall requirements and basic principles of the administrative review system. The Opinions also clarify the scope, method, standards, and exemptions for the scientific fair competition review system. This initiative shows that competition policy, rather than industrial, is a higher priority in China's economic plans and will play a significant role in further fostering a competitive culture. Following the Opinions, many local governments, including Jiangsu, Guangdong, Liaoning, Ningxia, and Chengdu, have circulated and published their own opinions or decisions for implementing the system. They have also established clear deadlines for evaluating and abolishing existing anti-competitive policies or regulations.
The fair competition review system is aimed at eliminating administrative monopoly at the source. Simply put, it prohibits the conduct of monopolistic acts by all government bodies and other organizations legally empowered to administrate public affairs.

2. In which areas has SAIC enforcement been most active? What about the NDRC?

Public utilities relating to citizens' daily lives, including telecommunications and the supply of resources such as water, gas and salt, always draw great attention from the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC). According to the competition enforcement notices released on the SAIC's official website, nearly half of the cases investigated and punished by the SAIC and its local counterparts in 2015 and 2016 involved public utilities. This trend will continue, especially with the SAIC's release of the Announcement on Outstanding Issues Concerning Restrictive Competition and Monopolistic Acts of Public Utilities on April 8, 2016. Insurance and pharmaceutical companies are also advised to remain alert on possible PRC Anti-monopoly Law (AML) violations.

As for the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), it is clear that the pharmaceuticals/medical equipment, automobile and utilities are the hottest industries targeted by antitrust investigations.

The NDRC showed its determination to probe and penalize acts of monopoly in the pharmaceutical industry through its Circular on the Launch of a Dedicated Nationwide Review on the Pricing of Pharmaceuticals (Drug Price Circular), as part of an investigation campaign carried out from June 1 to October 31. The NDRC has already punished three cases involving the pharmaceutical/medical device industry this year, and circulated two rounds of questionnaires to pharmaceutical and medical device companies. The latest NDRC enforcement case in this industry is the penalty imposed on Medtronic's vertical monopoly agreements on December 7. The NDRC determined that Medtronic reached vertical monopoly agreements with its trading partners through sales contracts, email notices and negotiations. The company was charged of fixing the resale price and tender price of certain medical devices as well as restricting the minimum resale price to hospitals. It also implemented the agreements by adopting a table of prices, showing costs at every sales tier. It is worth noting that Medtronic also imposed some non-pricing restrictions (i.e. customer allocation and territorial allocation) to reinforce the effect of price restrictions. Finally, the NDRC imposed a fine of Rmb118.5 million (equivalent to 4% of the company's turnover on relevant devices in 2015). The NDRC said it would keep an eye on the medical devices industry so as to prevent anti-competitive conduct in manufacturing and sales.

The Anti-monopoly Guidelines for the Automotive Industry (Auto Guidelines), the only guidelines drafted for a specific industry, are expected to be issued in late 2016 or 2017. This shows that the NDRC will continue to keep a close eye on the auto sector.

As for utilities, under the guidance of the NDRC, the Pricing Bureau of Hubei Province punished five companies in the gas supply business for abuse of market dominance. In the notice released on its official website, the NDRC expressed that the agency and its local counterparts will continue to monitor public utilities providers suspected of market position abuse. Moreover, administrative monopoly has become a priority of the NDRC's antitrust enforcement, as six such cases have been investigated since the AML took effect, five of which were investigated and closed in 2015.

3. What was the total amount of fines levied in the past year? What was the biggest case?

The total amount of fines levied by the NDRC has exceeded Rmb7 billion in the past year. Charges by the SAIC in 2015 totaled Rmb11.94 million. The Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), which is responsible for merger clearance, released four decisions penalizing six companies for failing to notify their concentration of undertakings in 2015. The total amount of fines imposed by MOFCOM reached Rmb1.05 million that year.

The biggest case in 2015 was the NDRC's Qualcomm case, where the U.S. semiconductor company was imposed a ne of Rmb6.08 billion for its abuse of dominance in the standard essential patent (SEP) licensing market. Following the PRC authorities' investigations, Qualcomm encountered similar antitrust probes in other jurisdictions including the United States and South Korea.

4. How do the regulations on monopoly agreement exemptions and cartel leniency affect companies?

The NDRC's Guidelines on the General Conditions and Procedures for the Exemption of Monopolistic Agreements (Exemption Guidelines) specify the general criteria and procedures for the exemption of monopoly agreements. The Exemption Guidelines apply to companies that can prove an agreement is in compliance with Article 15 of the AML. Article 15 has always been criticized for its ambiguity and impracticality. The Exemption Guidelines provide explicit provisions on the application timing, documents and materials as well as the major factors in determining whether an agreement can be exempted. However, the extent to which stakeholders can benefit from the Exemption Guidelines and successfully obtain exemptions remains to be seen in practice.

Currently, there is no marker system regulated in China's effective laws or regulations. But one could be introduced in the PRC antitrust regime following the adoption of the draft Guidelines on the Application of the Leniency Program for Horizontal Monopolistic Agreement Cases (Leniency Guidelines). A company concerned with potential cartel behavior may submit a preliminary report to mark its ranking with the enforcement agency, if it is unable to provide complete materials for the leniency application. The system would provide companies with more time to prepare the requested materials. In order to encourage parties to report their monopolistic agreements as early as possible, the Leniency Guidelines provide prior communication channels between companies and the enforcement agencies. They also clarify substantive and procedural details, such as the submission documents and forms, registration and acceptance, and the determination of the sequence, exemption or mitigation of fines. However, it is worth noting that the Leniency Guidelines are only applicable to horizontal monopoly agreement cases.

5. How has the healthcare industry reacted to increased enforcement and the NDRC's investigation campaign?

Many companies in the healthcare industry have conducted increasingly intense trainings on antitrust compliance for their senior management and employees, especially for key departments like sales and retail. They have also updated their antitrust checklists and compliance manuals in accordance with the various AML developments, such as the NDRC's Drug Price Circular and the two rounds of questionnaires targeting the healthcare sector. Thorough internal reviews and investigations are being exercised on legal documentation (including contracts and agreements) and business models. Many are engaging outside counsel to assist in self-reviews, particularly the companies that received the second questionnaire, which focuses on those suspected of AML violations from the results of the first round.

6. What are the biggest regulatory developments impacting the automobile industry?

Both drafts of the NDRC's Auto Guidelines and MOFCOM's Measures for the Administration of Automobile Sales ended their public comment solicitation period during the first half of 2016, and are currently pending approval from the Anti-monopoly Committee of the State Council and the MOFCOM ministerial meeting, respectively. Progress so far indicates that the two new rules may be issued this year. Auto industry players, including suppliers, distributors, maintenance service providers and parts suppliers, will all be significantly affected. Auto suppliers, in particular, will have to change many of their past practices.

These developments indicate that the government clearly expects market players in this industry to strictly abide by antitrust laws and regulations. Enforcement targeting the auto industry is expected to continue after the enactment of the Auto Guidelines, and any persistent monopolistic behaviors will be subject to severe sanctions.

7. Can you describe the recent trends in MOFCOM's merger control and remedy practices? What advice would you give to foreign companies engaging in a deal that would trigger a merger review?

Anheuser-Busch InBev's acquisition of SABMiller in 2016 is the second case to adopt the “Fix-It-First” approach having obtained MOFCOM approval. The first case was NXP's purchase of Freescale in November 2015. For concentrations with competition concerns, parties may consider this approach so as to gain flexibility and reduce time pressures. Another remarkable case in 2016 is that Lam Research called off its acquisition of KLA-Tencor due to antitrust concerns raised by MOFCOM.

Merger control considerations should therefore be of utmost importance to multinationals planning global acquisitions.

The Anti-monopoly Bureau of MOFCOM has gained substantial expertise through its active enforcement and ongoing communications with foreign counterparts. The speed of merger clearances has been greatly enhanced in recent years, especially after the streamlined procedure for simple concentration cases was introduced in 2014. For example, MOFCOM spent an average of 24 days to clear a simple case in the first half of 2016. That said, there have been no significant changes to the constrained resources and involvement of other agencies in the merger review process. Parties should take the notification period into account at the very inception of the transaction and try to prepare complete and convincing materials as early as they can.

8. What are the biggest implications of the draft revised Anti-unfair Competition Law?

The PRC Anti-unfair Competition Law (AUCL) draft revision introduces the concept of superior bargaining position, and proposes stricter requirements for strong market players. Those with a higher bargaining power in terms of funds, technologies, market access, sales channel, or procurement of raw materials on which the counterparty depends, and where it is difficult for the counterparty to turn to other business operators, not holding a dominant market position is no longer a safe harbor. Any unfair actions taken by such market players may fall under the scope of the AUCL, meaning they will be regulated by, and punished according to, the law.

9. What were some of the major unfair competition cases in the past year?

On May 18, 2015, the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Yangpu Area, Shanghai, punished a freight agency company for committing commercial bribery, confiscated Rmb424,200 and imposed a ne of Rmb70,000. Commercial bribery is a typical unfair competitive conduct that distorts orderly competition in the market. Compared with acts of bribery committed in the sale of commodities, those committed in the service sector are usually harder to identify. The party concerned obtained Rmb424,200 in illegal gains by providing a businessman with a Rmb4,000 kickback—a violation of Article 8 of the AUCL.

In another case, Pfizer was fined Rmb100,000 for providing display fees to four pharmaceutical companies and had its illegal gains of Rmb2.95 million confiscated by the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Pudong New Area, Shanghai on June 24, 2015. The conduct of Pfizer constituted a violation of Article 59 of the PRC Law on the Administration of Pharmaceuticals. The company had also previously been imposed a huge fine for illegally promoting its drugs in the U.S..

10. What developments do you expect to see in the next 12 months and how will they change the competition landscape?

The six supporting antitrust guidelines—Guidelines for the Prohibition of Acts of Abusing Intellectual Property Rights, Guidelines on Commitments of Business Operators in Anti-monopolistic Cases, Leniency Guidelines, Auto Guidelines, Exemption Guidelines and Guidelines on the Determination of the Illegal Income Derived from the Monopolistic Acts of Business Operators and the Determination of the Fines Thereof—are expected be issued in the next 12 months, which will provide companies with a clearer direction of AML enforcement.
Antitrust cases involving products or industries relating to citizens' daily lives, as well as public utilities, are likely to remain a priority of NDRC and SAIC enforcement. The two regulators will also continue to monitor the intersection of antitrust and intellectual property, and pharmaceutical and auto companies are advised keep a close watch on developments.

As for enterprises, the fair competition review system will offer a new basis for remedies. It may be worth considering counting on this system to protect their interests when being confronted with local protectionism, barriers to entry, unfair government subsidies and other suspected forms of administrative monopoly.





2. 国家工商总局在哪些领域的执法最为积极?国家发改委关注的又是哪些领域?


就国家发展与改革委员会(“国家发改委”)而言,反垄断调查最关注的行业显然是医药、汽车和公用企业。2016年6月1日至10月31日国家发改委开展的调查行动中,其发布的《关于在全国开展药品价格专项检查的通知》(“《药价通知》”)表明了查处医药行业垄断行为的决心。国家发改委今年已查处了三起医药行业相关案件,并对制药和医疗设备公司发出了两轮问卷调查。最近的一起案例为12月7日国家发改委对美敦力纵向垄断协议的处罚。国家发改委认定美敦力通过经销协议、邮件通知、口头协商等方式,与其交易相对人达成垄断协议,限定相关医疗器械产品的转售价格、投标价格和到医院的最低销售价格,并通过制定各经销环节的产品价格表等措施,实施了价格垄断协议。 值得注意的是,美敦力还采取了限制销售对象和销售区域等非价格措施,进一步强化了价格垄断协议的实施效果。最终,国家发改委对美敦力处1.185亿元人民币罚款(2015年度涉案产品销售额4%)。国家发改委也表示将继续加强医疗器械行业反垄断监管,制止生产、销售等环节中的各种限制竞争措施。



3. 去年最高一笔罚款的总金额是多少?最大的案件是哪一起?



4. 垄断协议豁免和卡特尔宽大制度的相关法规对企业有何影响?



5. 医疗行业对加强执法和国家发改委的调查行动有何反应?


6. 对汽车行业的最新监管举措中,影响最大的是什么?



7. 您能描述一下商务部并购控制和补救措施近期的趋势吗? 如果交易会启动并购审查,您对参与交易的外国公司有何建议?

2016年百威英博(Anheuser-Busch InBev)收购南非米勒酿酒公司(SABMiller)是第二起用“先行修正”措施获得商务部批准的案例。第一起案例是恩智浦2015年11月收购飞思卡尔。对可能引起竞争关注的经营者集中行为,相关企业可考虑用这一手段来灵活处理,从而减小时间压力。2016年的另一个重要案例是Lam Research因商务部提出的竞争关注而放弃收购KLA-Tencor。因此,考虑并购控制对计划跨国收购的跨国企业来说至关重要。


8. 《反不正当竞争法》修订草案的最大影响是什么?

《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》 (《反不正当竞争法》)修订草案引入了相对优势地位的概念,并对强势的市场参与者提出更严格的要求。如果交易一方在资金、技术、市场准入、销售渠道、原材料采购等方面处于优势地位,交易相对方就会对该经营者产生依赖性,难以转向其他经营者,因此不具有市场支配地位不再是安全港。该等市场参与者采取的任何不正当行为都在《反不正当竞争法》的管辖范围内,意味着他们将依法受到监管和处罚。

9. 过去一年有哪些重大的不正当竞争案例?



10. 您预计未来12个月将有哪些发展,会怎样改变竞争格局?




1. What have been some State Council competition initiatives issued over the past 12 months?

The State Council released the Opinions on the Establishment of a Fair Competition Review System in the Course of the Creation of the Market System (Opinions) on June 14, 2016. The Opinions target practices that prevent the development of a nationally unified and fair competition market, such as local protectionism, regional blockades, industry barriers, enterprise monopolies, preferential treatment in violation of laws or reductions in, or damage to, the interests of market players. They also specify the overall requirements and basic principles of the administrative review system. The Opinions also clarify the scope, method, standards, and exemptions for the scientific fair competition review system. This initiative shows that competition policy, rather than industrial, is a higher priority in China's economic plans and will play a significant role in further fostering a competitive culture. Following the Opinions, many local governments, including Jiangsu, Guangdong, Liaoning, Ningxia, and Chengdu, have circulated and published their own opinions or decisions for implementing the system. They have also established clear deadlines for evaluating and abolishing existing anti-competitive policies or regulations. The fair competition review system is aimed at eliminating administrative monopoly at the source. Simply put, it prohibits the conduct of monopolistic acts by all government bodies and other organizations legally empowered to administrate public affairs.

2. In which areas has SAIC enforcement been most active? What about the NDRC?

Public utilities relating to citizens' daily lives, including telecommunications and the supply of resources such as water, gas and salt, always draw great attention from the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC). According to the competition enforcement notices released on the SAIC's official website, nearly half of the cases investigated and punished by the SAIC and its local counterparts in 2015 and 2016 involved public utilities. This trend will continue, especially with the SAIC's release of the Announcement on Outstanding Issues Concerning Restrictive Competition and Monopolistic Acts of Public Utilities on April 8, 2016. Insurance and pharmaceutical companies are also advised to remain alert on possible PRC Anti-monopoly Law (AML) violations.

As for the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), it is clear that the pharmaceuticals/medical equipment, automobile and utilities are the hottest industries targeted by antitrust investigations.

The NDRC showed its determination to probe and penalize acts of monopoly in the pharmaceutical industry through its Circular on the Launch of a Dedicated Nationwide Review on the Pricing of Pharmaceuticals (Drug Price Circular), as part of an investigation campaign carried out from June 1 to October 31. The NDRC has already punished three cases involving the pharmaceutical/medical device industry this year, and circulated two rounds of questionnaires to pharmaceutical and medical device companies. The latest NDRC enforcement case in this industry is the penalty imposed on Medtronic's vertical monopoly agreements on December 7. The NDRC determined that Medtronic reached vertical monopoly agreements with its trading partners through sales contracts, email notices and negotiations. The company was charged of fixing the resale price and tender price of certain medical devices as well as restricting the minimum resale price to hospitals. It also implemented the agreements by adopting a table of prices, showing costs at every sales tier. It is worth noting that Medtronic also imposed some non-pricing restrictions (i.e. customer allocation and territorial allocation) to reinforce the effect of price restrictions. Finally, the NDRC imposed a fine of Rmb118.5 million (equivalent to 4% of the company's turnover on relevant devices in 2015). The NDRC said it would keep an eye on the medical devices industry so as to prevent anti-competitive conduct in manufacturing and sales.

The Anti-monopoly Guidelines for the Automotive Industry (Auto Guidelines), the only guidelines drafted for a specific industry, are expected to be issued in late 2016 or 2017. This shows that the NDRC will continue to keep a close eye on the auto sector.

As for utilities, under the guidance of the NDRC, the Pricing Bureau of Hubei Province punished five companies in the gas supply business for abuse of market dominance. In the notice released on its official website, the NDRC expressed that the agency and its local counterparts will continue to monitor public utilities providers suspected of market position abuse. Moreover, administrative monopoly has become a priority of the NDRC's antitrust enforcement, as six such cases have been investigated since the AML took effect, five of which were investigated and closed in 2015.

3. What was the total amount of fines levied in the past year? What was the biggest case?

The total amount of fines levied by the NDRC has exceeded Rmb7 billion in the past year. Charges by the SAIC in 2015 totaled Rmb11.94 million. The Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), which is responsible for merger clearance, released four decisions penalizing six companies for failing to notify their concentration of undertakings in 2015. The total amount of fines imposed by MOFCOM reached Rmb1.05 million that year.

The biggest case in 2015 was the NDRC's Qualcomm case, where the U.S. semiconductor company was imposed a ne of Rmb6.08 billion for its abuse of dominance in the standard essential patent (SEP) licensing market. Following the PRC authorities' investigations, Qualcomm encountered similar antitrust probes in other jurisdictions including the United States and South Korea.

4. How do the regulations on monopoly agreement exemptions and cartel leniency affect companies?

The NDRC's Guidelines on the General Conditions and Procedures for the Exemption of Monopolistic Agreements (Exemption Guidelines) specify the general criteria and procedures for the exemption of monopoly agreements. The Exemption Guidelines apply to companies that can prove an agreement is in compliance with Article 15 of the AML. Article 15 has always been criticized for its ambiguity and impracticality. The Exemption Guidelines provide explicit provisions on the application timing, documents and materials as well as the major factors in determining whether an agreement can be exempted. However, the extent to which stakeholders can benefit from the Exemption Guidelines and successfully obtain exemptions remains to be seen in practice.

Currently, there is no marker system regulated in China's effective laws or regulations. But one could be introduced in the PRC antitrust regime following the adoption of the draft Guidelines on the Application of the Leniency Program for Horizontal Monopolistic Agreement Cases (Leniency Guidelines). A company concerned with potential cartel behavior may submit a preliminary report to mark its ranking with the enforcement agency, if it is unable to provide complete materials for the leniency application. The system would provide companies with more time to prepare the requested materials. In order to encourage parties to report their monopolistic agreements as early as possible, the Leniency Guidelines provide prior communication channels between companies and the enforcement agencies. They also clarify substantive and procedural details, such as the submission documents and forms, registration and acceptance, and the determination of the sequence, exemption or mitigation of fines. However, it is worth noting that the Leniency Guidelines are only applicable to horizontal monopoly agreement cases.

5. How has the healthcare industry reacted to increased enforcement and the NDRC's investigation campaign?

Many companies in the healthcare industry have conducted increasingly intense trainings on antitrust compliance for their senior management and employees, especially for key departments like sales and retail. They have also updated their antitrust checklists and compliance manuals in accordance with the various AML developments, such as the NDRC's Drug Price Circular and the two rounds of questionnaires targeting the healthcare sector. Thorough internal reviews and investigations are being exercised on legal documentation (including contracts and agreements) and business models. Many are engaging outside counsel to assist in self-reviews, particularly the companies that received the second questionnaire, which focuses on those suspected of AML violations from the results of the first round.

6. What are the biggest regulatory developments impacting the automobile industry?

Both drafts of the NDRC's Auto Guidelines and MOFCOM's Measures for the Administration of Automobile Sales ended their public comment solicitation period during the first half of 2016, and are currently pending approval from the Anti-monopoly Committee of the State Council and the MOFCOM ministerial meeting, respectively. Progress so far indicates that the two new rules may be issued this year. Auto industry players, including suppliers, distributors, maintenance service providers and parts suppliers, will all be significantly affected. Auto suppliers, in particular, will have to change many of their past practices.

These developments indicate that the government clearly expects market players in this industry to strictly abide by antitrust laws and regulations. Enforcement targeting the auto industry is expected to continue after the enactment of the Auto Guidelines, and any persistent monopolistic behaviors will be subject to severe sanctions.

7. Can you describe the recent trends in MOFCOM's merger control and remedy practices? What advice would you give to foreign companies engaging in a deal that would trigger a merger review?

Anheuser-Busch InBev's acquisition of SABMiller in 2016 is the second case to adopt the “Fix-It-First” approach having obtained MOFCOM approval. The first case was NXP's purchase of Freescale in November 2015. For concentrations with competition concerns, parties may consider this approach so as to gain flexibility and reduce time pressures. Another remarkable case in 2016 is that Lam Research called off its acquisition of KLA-Tencor due to antitrust concerns raised by MOFCOM.

Merger control considerations should therefore be of utmost importance to multinationals planning global acquisitions.

The Anti-monopoly Bureau of MOFCOM has gained substantial expertise through its active enforcement and ongoing communications with foreign counterparts. The speed of merger clearances has been greatly enhanced in recent years, especially after the streamlined procedure for simple concentration cases was introduced in 2014. For example, MOFCOM spent an average of 24 days to clear a simple case in the first half of 2016. That said, there have been no significant changes to the constrained resources and involvement of other agencies in the merger review process. Parties should take the notification period into account at the very inception of the transaction and try to prepare complete and convincing materials as early as they can.

8. What are the biggest implications of the draft revised Anti-unfair Competition Law?

The PRC Anti-unfair Competition Law (AUCL) draft revision introduces the concept of superior bargaining position, and proposes stricter requirements for strong market players. Those with a higher bargaining power in terms of funds, technologies, market access, sales channel, or procurement of raw materials on which the counterparty depends, and where it is difficult for the counterparty to turn to other business operators, not holding a dominant market position is no longer a safe harbor. Any unfair actions taken by such market players may fall under the scope of the AUCL, meaning they will be regulated by, and punished according to, the law.

9. What were some of the major unfair competition cases in the past year?

On May 18, 2015, the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Yangpu Area, Shanghai, punished a freight agency company for committing commercial bribery, confiscated Rmb424,200 and imposed a ne of Rmb70,000. Commercial bribery is a typical unfair competitive conduct that distorts orderly competition in the market. Compared with acts of bribery committed in the sale of commodities, those committed in the service sector are usually harder to identify. The party concerned obtained Rmb424,200 in illegal gains by providing a businessman with a Rmb4,000 kickback—a violation of Article 8 of the AUCL.

In another case, Pfizer was fined Rmb100,000 for providing display fees to four pharmaceutical companies and had its illegal gains of Rmb2.95 million confiscated by the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Pudong New Area, Shanghai on June 24, 2015. The conduct of Pfizer constituted a violation of Article 59 of the PRC Law on the Administration of Pharmaceuticals. The company had also previously been imposed a huge fine for illegally promoting its drugs in the U.S..

10. What developments do you expect to see in the next 12 months and how will they change the competition landscape?

The six supporting antitrust guidelines—Guidelines for the Prohibition of Acts of Abusing Intellectual Property Rights, Guidelines on Commitments of Business Operators in Anti-monopolistic Cases, Leniency Guidelines, Auto Guidelines, Exemption Guidelines and Guidelines on the Determination of the Illegal Income Derived from the Monopolistic Acts of Business Operators and the Determination of the Fines Thereof—are expected be issued in the next 12 months, which will provide companies with a clearer direction of AML enforcement. Antitrust cases involving products or industries relating to citizens' daily lives, as well as public utilities, are likely to remain a priority of NDRC and SAIC enforcement. The two regulators will also continue to monitor the intersection of antitrust and intellectual property, and pharmaceutical and auto companies are advised keep a close watch on developments.

As for enterprises, the fair competition review system will offer a new basis for remedies. It may be worth considering counting on this system to protect their interests when being confronted with local protectionism, barriers to entry, unfair government subsidies and other suspected forms of administrative monopoly.





2. 国家工商总局在哪些领域的执法最为积极?国家发改委关注的又是哪些领域?


就国家发展与改革委员会(“国家发改委”)而言,反垄断调查最关注的行业显然是医药、汽车和公用企业。2016年6月1日至10月31日国家发改委开展的调查行动中,其发布的《关于在全国开展药品价格专项检查的通知》(“《药价通知》”)表明了查处医药行业垄断行为的决心。国家发改委今年已查处了三起医药行业相关案件,并对制药和医疗设备公司发出了两轮问卷调查。最近的一起案例为12月7日国家发改委对美敦力纵向垄断协议的处罚。国家发改委认定美敦力通过经销协议、邮件通知、口头协商等方式,与其交易相对人达成垄断协议,限定相关医疗器械产品的转售价格、投标价格和到医院的最低销售价格,并通过制定各经销环节的产品价格表等措施,实施了价格垄断协议。 值得注意的是,美敦力还采取了限制销售对象和销售区域等非价格措施,进一步强化了价格垄断协议的实施效果。最终,国家发改委对美敦力处1.185亿元人民币罚款(2015年度涉案产品销售额4%)。国家发改委也表示将继续加强医疗器械行业反垄断监管,制止生产、销售等环节中的各种限制竞争措施。



3. 去年最高一笔罚款的总金额是多少?最大的案件是哪一起?



4. 垄断协议豁免和卡特尔宽大制度的相关法规对企业有何影响?



5. 医疗行业对加强执法和国家发改委的调查行动有何反应?


6. 对汽车行业的最新监管举措中,影响最大的是什么?



7. 您能描述一下商务部并购控制和补救措施近期的趋势吗? 如果交易会启动并购审查,您对参与交易的外国公司有何建议?

2016年百威英博(Anheuser-Busch InBev)收购南非米勒酿酒公司(SABMiller)是第二起用“先行修正”措施获得商务部批准的案例。第一起案例是恩智浦2015年11月收购飞思卡尔。对可能引起竞争关注的经营者集中行为,相关企业可考虑用这一手段来灵活处理,从而减小时间压力。2016年的另一个重要案例是Lam Research因商务部提出的竞争关注而放弃收购KLA-Tencor。因此,考虑并购控制对计划跨国收购的跨国企业来说至关重要。


8. 《反不正当竞争法》修订草案的最大影响是什么?

《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》 (《反不正当竞争法》)修订草案引入了相对优势地位的概念,并对强势的市场参与者提出更严格的要求。如果交易一方在资金、技术、市场准入、销售渠道、原材料采购等方面处于优势地位,交易相对方就会对该经营者产生依赖性,难以转向其他经营者,因此不具有市场支配地位不再是安全港。该等市场参与者采取的任何不正当行为都在《反不正当竞争法》的管辖范围内,意味着他们将依法受到监管和处罚。

9. 过去一年有哪些重大的不正当竞争案例?



10. 您预计未来12个月将有哪些发展,会怎样改变竞争格局?




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