Tightening the tax net for MNCs


September 30, 2016 | BY

Katherine Jo &clp articles &

Multinational companies are the target of focus as China beefs up regulations and reporting requirements to crack down on avoidance and close transfer pricing loopholes. 中国加强法规和申报规定来打击避税,填补转让定价漏洞,跨国公司成为重点目标。

By Katherine Jo

China is closing its tax loopholes, increasing filing requirements and making it more difficult for multinational corporations (MNCs) to hide behind often complex cross-border dealings.

The new rules, dubbed Announcement 42, set more exacting procedures, expand the scope of related party transactions and increase the burden on taxpayers for compliance and risk management. They were issued as China's addendum to recommendations under Number 13 of the Organisation for Economic Co-ooperation and Development (OECD)'s Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) project.

“The more detailed documentation requirements will enable the authorities to gather greater information on an enterprise's global value chain and profit and tax allocation,” said Tao (Daisy) Duan, a Beijing-based partner at King & Wood Mallesons. “This makes it easier to identify transfer pricing risks and provides more room to apply other methods for transfer pricing adjustment purposes, such as profit split or residual profit split.”

The Announcement on Matters Relevant to Improving the Affiliated Group Filing and Administration of Information of the Same Financial Period (国家税务总局关于完善关联申报和同期资料管理有关事项的公告), released by the State Administration of Taxation (SAT) on June 29, may force a significant number of enterprises to reexamine their business arrangements, contracts and transaction structures, said Duan. They will also have to zero in on the actual difference between Announcement 42 and the BEPS Action Plan, and may need to adjust their value chain analyses.

Reporting requirements

Announcement 42 mandates a three-pronged transfer pricing documentation requirement: A master file, local file and country-by-country (CBC) report.

The first, which will contain information on an MNC's global business operations, has to be prepared if total related-party transactions exceed Rmb1 billion. Apart from the organization and management structure and consolidated financial statement—already required under 2009's Circular 2—the new supplement calls for enhanced disclosure of industry structure, transfer of functions, risks and assets, as well as details of divisions such as R&D and all the entities in other jurisdictions, according to Duan.

The local file, which will contain information about related-party transactions of a group's Chinese enterprise, has to include “information on value chain analysis, location-specific advantages, the enterprise's contribution to the MNC's overall or residual profits, related-party equity transfers, intragroup services, advance pricing agreements and tax rulings related to the transactions conducted by the [Chinese] enterprise,” Glenn DeSouza, leader of Baker & McKenzie's China transfer pricing practice, wrote in an email to China Law & Practice.

The CBC report, a completely new requirement, makes it mandatory for groups to list all the regions that they have any kind of a presence in—an attempt to give Chinese authorities a snapshot of the global allocation of a company's income and taxes. The CBC reporting standard will be implemented by all G-20 nations.

A Chinese resident enterprise has to submit a CBC report with its annual tax return “if it is the ultimate holding company in an MNC group with a consolidated revenue for the last fiscal year of more than Rmb5.5 billion, or if it is designated a reporting entity for the CBC report,” Shanwu Yuan, international tax director at Baker & McKenzie in New York, wrote in an email. Yuan is a former SAT official and UN transfer pricing subcommittee member. Regulators may also request companies that do not meet this threshold to submit a CBC report during special tax adjustment investigations.

The country-by-country reporting will give authorities the opportunity to target transfer pricing risks and understand the allocation of an MNC's pre-tax profits, revenue, total intangible asset amounts, number of employees and registered capital in each country, said Duan. It's a straightforward spreadsheet listing the entities' names, registered locations and business activities, such as R&D, sales, insurance, or even non-operating units, she added.

The requirements are aimed at enhancing scrutiny of companies' domestic and cross-border operations and accounting methods, and meeting the standards can result in higher expenses and increased workloads. Duan gave an example: While the master file is normally readied by the MNC's head office and the local file by the Chinese enterprise, there are certain elements now in the local file that can't be prepared by the subsidiary, such as the entire group's value chain and the financial statements of entities in other countries.

Related party

Announcement 42 clarifies certain definitions of related party relationships, such as “debt to paid-in capital ratio” in financial arrangements, the term “control” for determining substantial control, and those involving individuals.

For transactions, it adopts the original framework set out in Circular 2 but increases documentation requirements, with the number of forms rising to 22 from nine, according to one lawyer.

Announcement 42 also adds one to the four major types of related party transactions (transfer/lease of tangible assets, transfer/license of intangible assets, finance transactions and service transactions) listed in Circular 2: the transfer of financial assets, which include account receivables, bills receivables, equity and debt investments and assets resulting from financial derivatives.

“This expansion is consistent with the economic trend of the increasing number of transactions involving transfer of financial assets, and it indicates that China's tax authorities are paying increasing attention to these issues,” said Baker & McKenzie's Yuan.

This could bring its own challenges for emerging businesses in the financial sector, such as those involved in asset securitization, while equity transfers may come in for particular attention from the SAT.

Mutual understanding

With the enhanced reporting and disclosure, “we expect more transfer pricing audits and tax disputes,” said Yuan, adding that the SAT may introduce new transfer pricing legislation to help bring profits onshore. That said, China still applies the arm's length principle and taxpayers should remain confident in being able to defend related party transactions, he added.

Number 14 of the BEPS Action Plan requires jurisdictions to settle disputes within 24 months, and in response the SAT has invested in its mutual agreement procedure program, which means that a taxpayer unable to settle can have the authority of its own jurisdiction to negotiate with the SAT on its behalf or adjust the levy accordingly to alleviate double taxation.

Overall, lawyers say the tax administration environment is improving in China.

While foreign-invested companies have traditionally refrained from pursuing administrative review and litigation, the past two years have seen more formal controversy, with some MNCs even resorting to litigation against the tax regulators, said Yuan.

“The authorities are more motivated to make a compromise if taxpayers are willing to go the distance by pursuing formal dispute resolution forums up to and including litigating the matter in court,” he said. “MNCs with a solid legal basis for their structure must be ready and able to vigorously defend their positions.”

King & Wood Mallesons' Duan suggested that the tax authorities may accept a more flexible approach to applying the methods it uses. For instance, historically, the SAT has in practice used straightforward net asset values to determine the transfer price of an equity interest in an enterprise, especially for related party transactions, but when an enterprise's assets involve intangibles, real estate or exploitation rights, the authorities may request an evaluation report to analyze their fair market value.

“The agency may explore other methods such as the discounted cash flow method, where the price depends on the future economic benefit of the transferred entity and the discounted ratio,” Duan said. 2010 saw the first instance of the SAT taking this approach, and while it tried to promote the method, local authorities weren't familiar with it. They may start using this more frequently if prices aren't regarded as complying with the arm's length principle, she explained.

Compliance tips for MNCs

Baker & McKenzie's DeSouza advised multinationals to consider the following actions to safeguard their tax interests amid increasing scrutiny in a post-BEPS world:

  • Invest in human resources and accounting systems to comply with the new transfer pricing documentation requirements
  • Review and assess existing legal structures and the economic substance of income-receiving entities to determine whether these arrangements are defensible
  • Manage tax risks from BEPS by obtaining certainty through advance pricing agreements where appropriate
  • Prepare to challenge tax authority decisions through administrative review processes, litigation, mutual agreement or other procedures when a sound legal basis exists and it is commercially necessary and feasible to do so.



新规又名第42条公告,其中规定了更严格的程序,扩大了关联方的范围,增加了纳税人的合规和风险管理义务。新规是对经济合作和发展组织 “税基侵蚀和利润转移(BEPS)行动计划”第13号所提出的建议的中国附件。






本地文档包括集团中国企业的关联交易信息。贝克麦坚时律师事务所的中国转让定价业务领导Glenn DeSouza在写给《China Law & Practice》的电子邮件中提到:这必须包括“有关价值链分析、地区特定优势、企业对跨国公司总体或剩余利润的贡献、关联方股权转让、集团内部服务、预约定价协议、与[中国]企业开展的交易有关的税收裁定的信息。”


贝克麦坚时律师事务所纽约办事处的国际税务总监苑善武在邮件中指出 ,一家中国居民企业“如果是某一跨国企业集团的最终控股公司,上一财年的合并收入超过55亿元人民币,或如果被指定为国别报告的报告实体”,就必须提交国别报告及年度报税单。苑善武曾为国税局官员和联合国转让定价分委会成员。监管部门也可能要求未达到这一起始点的公司在特别税务调整调查期间提交国别报告。



















  • 对人力资源和会计系统进行投资,遵守新的转移定价文件要求
  • 审查和评估收入接收实体的现有法律结构和经济实质,确定这些安排是否正当有理
  • 在可能情况下通过预约定价协议来获得确定性,管理BEPS产生的税收风险
  • 如果存在充足的法律依据,并且在商业上必要可行,准备通过行政审查程序,诉讼,双边协议或其他程序,对税务机关的决定提出异议

Email the writer at [email protected].

By Katherine Jo

China is closing its tax loopholes, increasing filing requirements and making it more difficult for multinational corporations (MNCs) to hide behind often complex cross-border dealings.

The new rules, dubbed Announcement 42, set more exacting procedures, expand the scope of related party transactions and increase the burden on taxpayers for compliance and risk management. They were issued as China's addendum to recommendations under Number 13 of the Organisation for Economic Co-ooperation and Development (OECD)'s Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) project.

“The more detailed documentation requirements will enable the authorities to gather greater information on an enterprise's global value chain and profit and tax allocation,” said Tao (Daisy) Duan, a Beijing-based partner at King & Wood Mallesons. “This makes it easier to identify transfer pricing risks and provides more room to apply other methods for transfer pricing adjustment purposes, such as profit split or residual profit split.”

The Announcement on Matters Relevant to Improving the Affiliated Group Filing and Administration of Information of the Same Financial Period (国家税务总局关于完善关联申报和同期资料管理有关事项的公告), released by the State Administration of Taxation (SAT) on June 29, may force a significant number of enterprises to reexamine their business arrangements, contracts and transaction structures, said Duan. They will also have to zero in on the actual difference between Announcement 42 and the BEPS Action Plan, and may need to adjust their value chain analyses.

Reporting requirements

Announcement 42 mandates a three-pronged transfer pricing documentation requirement: A master file, local file and country-by-country (CBC) report.

The first, which will contain information on an MNC's global business operations, has to be prepared if total related-party transactions exceed Rmb1 billion. Apart from the organization and management structure and consolidated financial statement—already required under 2009's Circular 2—the new supplement calls for enhanced disclosure of industry structure, transfer of functions, risks and assets, as well as details of divisions such as R&D and all the entities in other jurisdictions, according to Duan.

The local file, which will contain information about related-party transactions of a group's Chinese enterprise, has to include “information on value chain analysis, location-specific advantages, the enterprise's contribution to the MNC's overall or residual profits, related-party equity transfers, intragroup services, advance pricing agreements and tax rulings related to the transactions conducted by the [Chinese] enterprise,” Glenn DeSouza, leader of Baker & McKenzie's China transfer pricing practice, wrote in an email to China Law & Practice.

The CBC report, a completely new requirement, makes it mandatory for groups to list all the regions that they have any kind of a presence in—an attempt to give Chinese authorities a snapshot of the global allocation of a company's income and taxes. The CBC reporting standard will be implemented by all G-20 nations.

A Chinese resident enterprise has to submit a CBC report with its annual tax return “if it is the ultimate holding company in an MNC group with a consolidated revenue for the last fiscal year of more than Rmb5.5 billion, or if it is designated a reporting entity for the CBC report,” Shanwu Yuan, international tax director at Baker & McKenzie in New York, wrote in an email. Yuan is a former SAT official and UN transfer pricing subcommittee member. Regulators may also request companies that do not meet this threshold to submit a CBC report during special tax adjustment investigations.

The country-by-country reporting will give authorities the opportunity to target transfer pricing risks and understand the allocation of an MNC's pre-tax profits, revenue, total intangible asset amounts, number of employees and registered capital in each country, said Duan. It's a straightforward spreadsheet listing the entities' names, registered locations and business activities, such as R&D, sales, insurance, or even non-operating units, she added.

The requirements are aimed at enhancing scrutiny of companies' domestic and cross-border operations and accounting methods, and meeting the standards can result in higher expenses and increased workloads. Duan gave an example: While the master file is normally readied by the MNC's head office and the local file by the Chinese enterprise, there are certain elements now in the local file that can't be prepared by the subsidiary, such as the entire group's value chain and the financial statements of entities in other countries.

Related party

Announcement 42 clarifies certain definitions of related party relationships, such as “debt to paid-in capital ratio” in financial arrangements, the term “control” for determining substantial control, and those involving individuals.

For transactions, it adopts the original framework set out in Circular 2 but increases documentation requirements, with the number of forms rising to 22 from nine, according to one lawyer.

Announcement 42 also adds one to the four major types of related party transactions (transfer/lease of tangible assets, transfer/license of intangible assets, finance transactions and service transactions) listed in Circular 2: the transfer of financial assets, which include account receivables, bills receivables, equity and debt investments and assets resulting from financial derivatives.

“This expansion is consistent with the economic trend of the increasing number of transactions involving transfer of financial assets, and it indicates that China's tax authorities are paying increasing attention to these issues,” said Baker & McKenzie's Yuan.

This could bring its own challenges for emerging businesses in the financial sector, such as those involved in asset securitization, while equity transfers may come in for particular attention from the SAT.

Mutual understanding

With the enhanced reporting and disclosure, “we expect more transfer pricing audits and tax disputes,” said Yuan, adding that the SAT may introduce new transfer pricing legislation to help bring profits onshore. That said, China still applies the arm's length principle and taxpayers should remain confident in being able to defend related party transactions, he added.

Number 14 of the BEPS Action Plan requires jurisdictions to settle disputes within 24 months, and in response the SAT has invested in its mutual agreement procedure program, which means that a taxpayer unable to settle can have the authority of its own jurisdiction to negotiate with the SAT on its behalf or adjust the levy accordingly to alleviate double taxation.

Overall, lawyers say the tax administration environment is improving in China.

While foreign-invested companies have traditionally refrained from pursuing administrative review and litigation, the past two years have seen more formal controversy, with some MNCs even resorting to litigation against the tax regulators, said Yuan.

“The authorities are more motivated to make a compromise if taxpayers are willing to go the distance by pursuing formal dispute resolution forums up to and including litigating the matter in court,” he said. “MNCs with a solid legal basis for their structure must be ready and able to vigorously defend their positions.”

King & Wood Mallesons' Duan suggested that the tax authorities may accept a more flexible approach to applying the methods it uses. For instance, historically, the SAT has in practice used straightforward net asset values to determine the transfer price of an equity interest in an enterprise, especially for related party transactions, but when an enterprise's assets involve intangibles, real estate or exploitation rights, the authorities may request an evaluation report to analyze their fair market value.

“The agency may explore other methods such as the discounted cash flow method, where the price depends on the future economic benefit of the transferred entity and the discounted ratio,” Duan said. 2010 saw the first instance of the SAT taking this approach, and while it tried to promote the method, local authorities weren't familiar with it. They may start using this more frequently if prices aren't regarded as complying with the arm's length principle, she explained.

Compliance tips for MNCs

Baker & McKenzie's DeSouza advised multinationals to consider the following actions to safeguard their tax interests amid increasing scrutiny in a post-BEPS world:

  • Invest in human resources and accounting systems to comply with the new transfer pricing documentation requirements
  • Review and assess existing legal structures and the economic substance of income-receiving entities to determine whether these arrangements are defensible
  • Manage tax risks from BEPS by obtaining certainty through advance pricing agreements where appropriate
  • Prepare to challenge tax authority decisions through administrative review processes, litigation, mutual agreement or other procedures when a sound legal basis exists and it is commercially necessary and feasible to do so.



新规又名第42条公告,其中规定了更严格的程序,扩大了关联方的范围,增加了纳税人的合规和风险管理义务。新规是对经济合作和发展组织 “税基侵蚀和利润转移(BEPS)行动计划”第13号所提出的建议的中国附件。






本地文档包括集团中国企业的关联交易信息。贝克麦坚时律师事务所的中国转让定价业务领导Glenn DeSouza在写给《China Law & Practice》的电子邮件中提到:这必须包括“有关价值链分析、地区特定优势、企业对跨国公司总体或剩余利润的贡献、关联方股权转让、集团内部服务、预约定价协议、与[中国]企业开展的交易有关的税收裁定的信息。”


贝克麦坚时律师事务所纽约办事处的国际税务总监苑善武在邮件中指出 ,一家中国居民企业“如果是某一跨国企业集团的最终控股公司,上一财年的合并收入超过55亿元人民币,或如果被指定为国别报告的报告实体”,就必须提交国别报告及年度报税单。苑善武曾为国税局官员和联合国转让定价分委会成员。监管部门也可能要求未达到这一起始点的公司在特别税务调整调查期间提交国别报告。



















  • 对人力资源和会计系统进行投资,遵守新的转移定价文件要求
  • 审查和评估收入接收实体的现有法律结构和经济实质,确定这些安排是否正当有理
  • 在可能情况下通过预约定价协议来获得确定性,管理BEPS产生的税收风险
  • 如果存在充足的法律依据,并且在商业上必要可行,准备通过行政审查程序,诉讼,双边协议或其他程序,对税务机关的决定提出异议

Email the writer at [email protected].

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