China's HR ministry tackles work-related injury definition


June 02, 2016 | BY

Katherine Jo &clp articles &

The ministry of human resources has released guidelines for the labor bureaus to follow when granting work injury certifications, addressing issues such as reasonable commute, claim filing deadlines and insurance payment compliance. 人力资源部已发布面向劳动局的指导准则,以便其授予工伤证明,并解决合理通勤、索赔提交时限和保险缴费合规实践等问题。

The Chinese ministry of human resources recently attempted to address a key issue of employment disputes in the country, providing labor departments guidelines on how they should determine if an injury is work related or not.

The Opinions on Several Issues Concerning the Implementation of the <Regulations for Work-related Injury Insurance> (2) (Opinions), released by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MOHRSS) on March 28, drew contrasting reactions from lawyers. Some said that the Opinions seek to narrow definitions to avoid litigation, while others said they allow more discretionary interpretation. They drew comparisons with the Supreme People's Court (SPC)'s 2014 Provisions on Several Issues Concerning the Trial of Administrative Work-related Injury Insurance Cases (Provisions).

While the SPC's Provisions focus more on how the courts should handle work-related injury cases and contested certifications, the MOHRSS' Opinions are aimed at guiding the labor departments on determining whether an injury is actually related to work.

“The labor department has the first voice in this issue,” said Linda Liang, a Beijing-based employment partner at King & Wood Mallesons. “When an employee is injured within the regulatory scope of work, the employer or employee files a claim to the bureau, which will decide whether to grant a work-related injury certification. This can be challenged and taken to court by either party.”

PRC laws are quite clear on compensation, but the issue lies in whether an incident is deemed to be within the limits of 'work'. Around 90% of cases are straightforward, but a handful involving certain activities that do not occur during typical working hours, like team-building trips and annual company dinners, can be controversial, said Gordon Feng, a partner at JunHe in Shanghai.

For instance, there was a recent case where an employee fell while having a shower in his hotel room during a business trip. The Beijing intermediate court actually ruled that this was a work-related injury, Feng explained.


Reasonable route to/from work

The SPC and MOHRSS both state what are considered reasonable places/routes, hours and reasons—the three factors for determining the extent to which an injury is related to work. But while the SPC provided a number of concrete examples for commuting, the MOHRSS' new Opinions have left 'reasonable route' simply at that.

“The SPC provides a broader scope for defining travel from home to work or vice versa,” Liang said. “The Provisions include going to, or coming from, a place an employee normally lives or a domicile arranged by the company, or the residence of a spouse, parents or children. They even include any reasonable activities necessary for normal life, such as stopping by the supermarket for groceries on the way home. Getting injured under any of these circumstances is regarded as work related by the SPC,” she said.

However, in the new Opinions, the clause seems quite simple and straightforward, Liang said. It states that if an employee is injured on a reasonable route on the way to or back from work, this should be regarded as work-related travel.

“It seems the ministry is trying to narrow the scope of reasonable route and avoid treating it too broadly so that fewer cases get challenged in court,” said Liang, adding that this would make it more likely for the labor department to dismiss a work injury claim.

Feng sees the wording as very general and said that the provision could, in fact, be interpreted more broadly by the bureaus.

The labor department isn't so flexible, he said, adding that “being the watchdog, it has a duty to issue work-related injury certifications on a reasonable basis.”

Meanwhile, the courts are more inclined to take the employees' view. “The reality is that if a worker suffers a severe injury and receives no financial support, he may have difficulty in finding a new job and may even face hardship in living a normal life,” Feng said.


Application timing

The MOHRSS also addresses the time limit issue.

Under PRC law, an employer must apply for a work injury certification within one month of the incident. If it doesn't submit, the employee can file a claim within a year. The ministry confirms that any time lost by the employee due to 'loss of freedom' (e.g. arrested or held by the authorities) will not be counted towards the deadline.

“The SPC has taken a broader view on this, as the simplified yet more controversial clause provided in these new Opinions sets a limitation for the employee as they suggest that the employee has to satisfy the condition of having lost his freedom in order to qualify for the time period exemption,” said Liang.


Labor dispatch

The Opinions state that insurance for any injuries to dispatch workers must be paid by the dispatching agency. “Companies need to be aware of this clause so they know who is responsible for paying work-related injury insurance for temporary workers,” Liang said.

There is usually an agreement between the accepting company that uses the dispatch workers and the agency that provides them, where if any work injuries occur, the latter files the application and handles the issue as the employer, while the company later provides compensation.


Where to pay

The Opinions also clarify that if a company is registered in one city and operates in another, it must pay work-related injury insurance for employees in the place of registration; an enterprise registered in Beijing that operates factories and has workers in Shanghai is required to file the application at the Beijing bureau.


Compliance and social insurance

“Companies need to take every measure to increase safety standards in the workplace in order to prevent any injury,” said JunHe's Feng. Any injury that occurs must be reported to the labor bureau, he added.

Also, given that the concept of reasonable route is still open to debate, companies should have every employee notify them of where they live to make it easier to judge whether a commute is reasonable.

A company that has paid social insurance (which includes that for work-related injury) for the employee is usually more likely to file an application as the compensation can be paid through that pool, said Liang.

But companies that haven't properly contributed must pay up according to legal work-related injury standards anyway, so they may prefer to seek a settlement with the employee, she explained.

Many companies do not pay social insurance, but when incidents like this occur, all the liabilities fall on them, said Feng.

By Katherine Jo


人力资源和社会保障部于 2016 年 3 月 28 日发布《关于执行〈工伤保险条例〉若干问题的意见(二)》(以下称为“意见”),引发了法律界的热烈讨论和不同反应。部分律师表示此意见旨在缩小定义范围以减少诉讼,而还有些执业者则认为这提供了更大的自由裁量解释权。此意见与最高人民法院2014 年发布的《关于审理工伤保险行政案件若干问题的规定》(以下称为“规定”)具有差异。



中国法律对于赔偿方面规定明确,但问题在于事件是否视为属于“工作”范畴。君合律师事务所上海合伙人冯明浩表示,约 90% 的此类案例较为简单明了,但部分案例所涉活动并未发生在典型工作时间,例如团队建设旅行和年度公司聚餐,这可能会产生争议。










与此同时,法院也更偏向于员工。“事实上,如果员工遭受严重伤害且未获得任何资金支持,可能很难找到新工作,甚至可能难以恢复正常生活, ”冯明浩说道。





















The Chinese ministry of human resources recently attempted to address a key issue of employment disputes in the country, providing labor departments guidelines on how they should determine if an injury is work related or not.

The Opinions on Several Issues Concerning the Implementation of the <Regulations for Work-related Injury Insurance> (2) (Opinions), released by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MOHRSS) on March 28, drew contrasting reactions from lawyers. Some said that the Opinions seek to narrow definitions to avoid litigation, while others said they allow more discretionary interpretation. They drew comparisons with the Supreme People's Court (SPC)'s 2014 Provisions on Several Issues Concerning the Trial of Administrative Work-related Injury Insurance Cases (Provisions).

While the SPC's Provisions focus more on how the courts should handle work-related injury cases and contested certifications, the MOHRSS' Opinions are aimed at guiding the labor departments on determining whether an injury is actually related to work.

“The labor department has the first voice in this issue,” said Linda Liang, a Beijing-based employment partner at King & Wood Mallesons. “When an employee is injured within the regulatory scope of work, the employer or employee files a claim to the bureau, which will decide whether to grant a work-related injury certification. This can be challenged and taken to court by either party.”

PRC laws are quite clear on compensation, but the issue lies in whether an incident is deemed to be within the limits of 'work'. Around 90% of cases are straightforward, but a handful involving certain activities that do not occur during typical working hours, like team-building trips and annual company dinners, can be controversial, said Gordon Feng, a partner at JunHe in Shanghai.

For instance, there was a recent case where an employee fell while having a shower in his hotel room during a business trip. The Beijing intermediate court actually ruled that this was a work-related injury, Feng explained.


Reasonable route to/from work

The SPC and MOHRSS both state what are considered reasonable places/routes, hours and reasons—the three factors for determining the extent to which an injury is related to work. But while the SPC provided a number of concrete examples for commuting, the MOHRSS' new Opinions have left 'reasonable route' simply at that.

“The SPC provides a broader scope for defining travel from home to work or vice versa,” Liang said. “The Provisions include going to, or coming from, a place an employee normally lives or a domicile arranged by the company, or the residence of a spouse, parents or children. They even include any reasonable activities necessary for normal life, such as stopping by the supermarket for groceries on the way home. Getting injured under any of these circumstances is regarded as work related by the SPC,” she said.

However, in the new Opinions, the clause seems quite simple and straightforward, Liang said. It states that if an employee is injured on a reasonable route on the way to or back from work, this should be regarded as work-related travel.

“It seems the ministry is trying to narrow the scope of reasonable route and avoid treating it too broadly so that fewer cases get challenged in court,” said Liang, adding that this would make it more likely for the labor department to dismiss a work injury claim.

Feng sees the wording as very general and said that the provision could, in fact, be interpreted more broadly by the bureaus.

The labor department isn't so flexible, he said, adding that “being the watchdog, it has a duty to issue work-related injury certifications on a reasonable basis.”

Meanwhile, the courts are more inclined to take the employees' view. “The reality is that if a worker suffers a severe injury and receives no financial support, he may have difficulty in finding a new job and may even face hardship in living a normal life,” Feng said.


Application timing

The MOHRSS also addresses the time limit issue.

Under PRC law, an employer must apply for a work injury certification within one month of the incident. If it doesn't submit, the employee can file a claim within a year. The ministry confirms that any time lost by the employee due to 'loss of freedom' (e.g. arrested or held by the authorities) will not be counted towards the deadline.

“The SPC has taken a broader view on this, as the simplified yet more controversial clause provided in these new Opinions sets a limitation for the employee as they suggest that the employee has to satisfy the condition of having lost his freedom in order to qualify for the time period exemption,” said Liang.


Labor dispatch

The Opinions state that insurance for any injuries to dispatch workers must be paid by the dispatching agency. “Companies need to be aware of this clause so they know who is responsible for paying work-related injury insurance for temporary workers,” Liang said.

There is usually an agreement between the accepting company that uses the dispatch workers and the agency that provides them, where if any work injuries occur, the latter files the application and handles the issue as the employer, while the company later provides compensation.


Where to pay

The Opinions also clarify that if a company is registered in one city and operates in another, it must pay work-related injury insurance for employees in the place of registration; an enterprise registered in Beijing that operates factories and has workers in Shanghai is required to file the application at the Beijing bureau.


Compliance and social insurance

“Companies need to take every measure to increase safety standards in the workplace in order to prevent any injury,” said JunHe's Feng. Any injury that occurs must be reported to the labor bureau, he added.

Also, given that the concept of reasonable route is still open to debate, companies should have every employee notify them of where they live to make it easier to judge whether a commute is reasonable.

A company that has paid social insurance (which includes that for work-related injury) for the employee is usually more likely to file an application as the compensation can be paid through that pool, said Liang.

But companies that haven't properly contributed must pay up according to legal work-related injury standards anyway, so they may prefer to seek a settlement with the employee, she explained.

Many companies do not pay social insurance, but when incidents like this occur, all the liabilities fall on them, said Feng.

By Katherine Jo


人力资源和社会保障部于 2016 年 3 月 28 日发布《关于执行〈工伤保险条例〉若干问题的意见(二)》(以下称为“意见”),引发了法律界的热烈讨论和不同反应。部分律师表示此意见旨在缩小定义范围以减少诉讼,而还有些执业者则认为这提供了更大的自由裁量解释权。此意见与最高人民法院2014 年发布的《关于审理工伤保险行政案件若干问题的规定》(以下称为“规定”)具有差异。



中国法律对于赔偿方面规定明确,但问题在于事件是否视为属于“工作”范畴。君合律师事务所上海合伙人冯明浩表示,约 90% 的此类案例较为简单明了,但部分案例所涉活动并未发生在典型工作时间,例如团队建设旅行和年度公司聚餐,这可能会产生争议。










与此同时,法院也更偏向于员工。“事实上,如果员工遭受严重伤害且未获得任何资金支持,可能很难找到新工作,甚至可能难以恢复正常生活, ”冯明浩说道。





















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